Arguments At The Wrong Time

“If we get caught, we tell them the truth,” Aaron whispers, crouching beside his brother.

”But we agreed to lie!” Zane seethes angrily through his teeth.

”I know, but it won't help you now,” Aaron reasons, signaling to move.

”Me! Your reputation will fail considering that you’re helping me with murder,” Zane spits, shuffling quickly behind Aaron.

”I’m helping you get AWAY with murder. I didn't stab him in the throat,” Aaron whispers, rolling his eyes.

”Still, same difference,” Zane mumbles, as he looks around for an escape.

“Hey I think I heard something!”

”You mumbled to loud dam’it!”

“It won't matter now!” Zane says, grabbing his brother’s hand while sprinting toward a window.

“Open fire!”

”No no no no no, ZAANNNEEE!!!”


-Both disappear within the broken glass-


“Ah shit.”

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