Write a series of Cinquain poems exploring different emotions related to the same event.
A cinquain is a poem of 5 lines with a set structure. Use the basic American syllable structure across your five lines: 2-4-6-8-2
I try to pretend it doesn’t get under my skin
That I don’t itch for it to go away
That I don’t let anything bother me
That I can hold my temperament
Saying that I don’t get angry or upset
But I lie
Everything goes under my skin
Like there’s a big gaping wound that everything goes into
Like there’s an entrance for issues
And words
And looks people give
That get to me
That carry spears to go for my heart
While my brain tries to not freak out in front of everyone
When inside it’s a hurricane
I try to pretend I don’t care
When I do
I care a lot
A lot more than I show
I try to not let your comments get under my skin
I try to reply with a quick comment back
But I can’t think
I can’t think of why you would say that
In any given circumstance
I’ve been called many other things
I save them in my hidden album
Things I don’t want to uncover
But I’ll always remember
And yet I don’t think I’ll ever understand
Why you said it looks like I have an eating disorder
Because that got under my skin
Because it hurts me deep inside
It hurts how you think that
Why do you think that
And it hurts how
it will always get under my skin