by Kamil Kalbarczyk @ Unsplash

The scene opens with your protagnoist paddling hard down the river, desperately trying to outrun their pursuers.

Shallows Of The Water 

The crew is once again back together. After everyone moved, Patrick's life hasn’t been so exciting. He was saddened but he understood his friend had their own life to live. Ray went to New York because he wanted to further his career in architecture.

Asher has always been a Gone with the Wind kind of guy, so he moved to Nashville with his girlfriend of 2 years.

Rousey, well I guess you could say, she just got tired of Texas. She wanted a fresh start, so she moved to California.

Patrick stepped out of the car and smelled the breeze of nature. He spots his friends and says, “I’m HERE LOSERS!” Said Patrick, taking his paddle board from the back of his truck. They walked over to Patrick, and they all greeted him. It felt like they never left. “You need help with your bags?” Ray asked.

“Yeah, get the one inside the truck, thanks.” Patrick gives Ray a gentle pat on his back. “So where we camping at, y’all picked a good spot?” Said Patrick as they were down the trail.

“I know we have been gone, but it’s the same spot.” Rousey smiles at Patrick, responding in a soft tone.

Ray and Asher notice and Asher tease them. “I’m guessing you two going to share a sleeping bag?” Ray laughed right along with him, while Rousey blushed, cheeks turning red.

They set everything up and chat about new things in their life. “Well we can all fall in love with each other later, let's hit the water.” Said Asher already switching into his gear.

“He’s right guys, let's get to it. Said Rousey, following along with Asher.

“Today's winds are heavier than usual, I hope it doesn't pull us too strongly.” Said Rousey examining closely with worries.

“Don't worry about that, I'm sure it will be fine. Plus, I think I got you guys this year.” Patrick responded to Rousey. Patrick helped her pull through, and she agreed to continue.

They get into position while the water has a good flow to it. “1, 2, 3, GO!” Ray does the countdown, feeling confident as always. The clear enraged water of the river playfully sets them on a race of its own game.

Surprisingly Patrick is in second place padding down the river. A splash of cool water and small rocks hit the bottom of their board. Navigating past each other. “Patrick and Asher are head to head, trash-talking each other till one past the other. Patrick crossed Asher's causing him to slow down, from falling. “Sorry dude, I” ll see you later!” Patrick shouts. Leaving Asher to push himself for revenge.

Waves shifting from paddle to paddle. This might be an unpredictable win. A rocky ride for all, Ray yells out, “LOSERS I’M ABOUT TO ZOOM THROUGH!” Having an evil laugh right behind it.

Ray makes his way by Patrick, “Hey Patrick, you doing pretty well, but too bad you're not better than me.” Ray says, splashing water as he goes by him.

Patrick's face filled with annoyance from Ray, getting under his skin, and he can't let Ray win again. Looking back in the distance he sees Asher and Rousey. The flow of the water is helping him keep up with Ray.

“This not over Ray.” Tapping Ray's paddle, like he trying to shove him off.

“That's CHEATING! Said Ray.

“I get it though, you're tired of losing against me. You're not good enough.” He chuckles.

Noticing how the water lifted Ray up and down forcefully. Ray trying to stay balanced. He looks behind him one more time, and he tries to use a trick move on Ray. He taps on Ray's board again trying to slow him down.

“Patrick, what are you doing? Chill before we both fall,” said Ray nervously.

“You still think you're better huh?” Patrick no longer playing.

Ray still attempting to balance, he said, “I can't help I'm better than you, but remember this is just a friendly competition.”

Patrick sees an opportunity and takes it.

“Get over Patrick, they're a big rock up ahead, I'm going to fall.” Said Ray.

Going back and forth with each other, Patrick waited till they got closer, and Ray flipped over, and hit his head. Banging it on the rock.

“RAY, OH MY GOD!” Patrick gets Ray, board, to help him stay steel. The Good news, Asher and Rousey are still behind.

“I’m sorry Ray, I didn't mean to.” Patrick's face turned white, and he panicked. Shocked, Ray starts gasping for air, trying to yell for help.

“Shhh, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to.” Said Patrick trying to calm Ray down, but he was still bleeding out. Weak but Ray tries to get away from Patrick.

“I can’t let you do this, I’m sorry.” Said Patrick. He then holds Ray under the water, drowning him. His hands Trembling, he must find a way to hide the body. He can't leave him there, so he places a rock in Ray's pockets. Having the river pull him down the aggressive water fall.

“Shit, here they come.” Said, Patrick. Ray's blood on his hands. He asked himself, what has he done? Words echoed in Patrick's mind. secretly even though there were friends, Ray and Patrick has always tried to one-up each other. What he didn't know Patrick has always been envious of him. Even though Ray was a good friend, Patrick knew in the back of his mind, that he wasn't so sure, will he regret this? A part of him does, but his eyes say otherwise. So now he must think of a plan.

he can’t have the last two friends he has, view him as a monster. They will never forgive him. They call out for him as they see his body on the ground. Patrick is desperate, so he breaks his two fingers. causing him to scream from the pain. they both get there as fast as they can to Patrick, as Rousey cries out of panic.

“OMG, Patrick you ok!?” Said Rousey, while Asher bent down to help him.

“Where is Ray? He was up here with you!” Asher asked. Talking out of pain Patrick tells them, the wind was getting strong as they tried to slow down. Ray flipped off his board, and he landed on a big rock that caused his injury and broke his fingers.

“We tried to hold on to each other but I blacked out. Ray was screaming for help. We thought you two would hear us.” Oh, Patrick was really putting on a show, Sobbing with lies.

Asher calls in for help after finding out Ray might have gotten swallowed by the deep fall.

This story ends with only the tumultuous waters of the river that know the true story.

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