Storm Ruler 2

So, um, I had a bunch of stuff written for this already, and accidentally didn't paste it before I copied anything else so...

Ig here's a smallish thing

The Storm Ruler tossed Savvy to the side. I am rushed over to her and she sent him back to help Scar and Lobo, telling him shed be there in a sec.

He did and the trio ran at her. She dodged, managed to control Tin and gave him a sword.

Iam and the others fought him while trying not to hurt him. After a few minutes, the Storm Ruler got control of Iam. Now Tin and Iam attacked their friends. Savvy got up and helped Lobo and Scar.

A few more minutes pass. Tin gets Savvy backed into a corner. With red flashing eyes, he raises his shadow sword above his head and prepares to strike.

At the last moment, Scar rushes forward and pushes Savvy put of the way.

Scar doesn't make it.

Tin's face remains creased with anger for a few seconds after his strike.

"Wh-" he gulped and the red in his eyes disappeared.

Savvy began crying and fell to her knees. Tin just stood there, staring down at Scar's bloody body. His sword vanished.

Lobo paused his fight with the Storm Ruler and Iam, looking confused.

The Storm Ruler sneered at the blood pooling on her floors. "Seems like there was a casualty." She laughed.

Lobo turned a furious face to her and threw his sword. She flicked her wrist and it flew to the side. Lobo used the distraction to run toward Tin and Savvy, dragging Iam with him. Lobo forced Iam to stare at Scar's body and his red eyes returned to normal.

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