Write a poem about your worst personality traits, and how they could become positive.

What poetic devices could you use to emphasise the negatives and positives of this trait?

They Say They Know Us

Do you know the feeling of being pitied? Do you know the feeling of being left behind? Do you know the feeling of hearing whispers? Do you know the feeling of searching eyes? They say they know us They say they hate us They say that we’re weird They say that they wish we died Sure, I have mental problems And that makes me different But who are you to judge Just because I’m not on the mean? You don’t know me You don’t know what I go through You don’t know the panic attacks I have You don’t know the things I crave So go ahead and leave me alone Go ahead and abandon me I’ll watch, no smile on my face Leave if I’m too _much_ for you Mental Illnesses Physical Illnesses Emotional Illnesses On and on and on These normal people don’t get it Or maybe they don’t care But the ones who know The ones who actually have them We know ourselves We know our worth We know who we are We know what we can do And they can’t stop us Because they’re scared They’re scared because they can’t predict us They don’t know us They say they know us But _we_ know _us_ And that’s that Bitch
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