
I suppose it doesn’t matter

It doesn’t matter that he killed what was apart of me

I mean, _Ha_

It’s not like it was important

**But it was important**

**That sweetness,**

**That last shred of innocence **

**The last peice of the joy I had **

**I feel empty without it**

**Without that feeling to cradle**

**To stroke when I feel afraid**

**To cuddle when I feel sad **

I’m an adult now

Well, teenager

So I need to grow up

Just because he threw it away doesn’t mean I should cry about it

It would’ve happened one day or another

**My teddy**

**My sweet little teddy**

**My grandfather gave me that plush**

**The small, worned teddy with the ribbon around its neck**

**My step father had no idea**

**He hadn’t been in my mom’s life**

**To know that peice of information **

**It wouldn’t have mattered anyway; he was just tired of seeing the thing**

But I’m glad

I’m _GL—_**SAD**

So glad that he took the old thing away

Now I can grow up—**I DON’T WANNA GROW UP**—Now I finally won’t get picked on—**IT DIDN’T MATTER TO ME BEFORE**—I can look for new interests; cooler—**DULL**—interests.


**I** don’t care
my teddy

**My** sweet, **sweet** **_teddy_**

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