
Dancing in the rain 

Splashing in puddles

Drooling in anticipation

Your pretty and I’m shy

But I'll watch from afar

If i could have you i’d wear your skin

Hold your hands 

Taste your tongue 

I have a knack for you not being intact

Ill cut you up and watch your guts go splat

Swinging in the rain

Stomping puddles

I’d follow you into hell 

If I can, I'll follow you home as well

Just don't look my way

I promise I won't tell

Rain drizzles down my face

I catch it with my tongue

I hug the pool like its you

I'd like to hold you as well

Ill tip toe from street to street

Be super discret

No one will see me

I'm only small and petite

Poor me

Dancing in the rain

Screaming with joy

Jumping in puddles 

Praying for your screams

It's cloudy outside and within

Let me run a finger up and down your hips 

Followed by an x-acto tip

Let you spill

While you take pills

That make you fall asleep

Sweet dreams

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