
You make me stupid

You make me feel stupid

I’m smart

I’m smarter than you think

Yet you always make me the stupid character

In every group I’m ever in


I keep more in my head than I say

I feel more than I say

I care more than I say

And you make me your fool

For entertainment and jokes

With me always being the bud

It hurts my feelings

I never say that

I need to

I need to tell you it hurts my feelings

I’m smart

I am

I’m not a joke you make to people

Saying I’m stupid

I’m too dumb to date

Or to understand what you’re talking about

I comprehend more than you think

I can understand a story

You dumb it down to me


I’m not a kindergartener

I’m not someone who doesn’t understand

I understand a lot

More than I should

I understand the looks you give to eachother

I understand the angle you take the photo

So I’m not in it

I understand everything

Yet you treat me as if I don’t

I’m smarter than you give me credit for

Stop telling me what I can’t do

I know what I can do

You don’t

You say I’m stupid

And a fool

And an idiot

You take me for someone stupid

You make me feel worthless

And it hurts my feelings

I don’t want to be your joke

I want to be your friend

But I can’t be your friend

If all you ever do is make me Karen Smith

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