Submitted by Tyzortyler

A police detective arrives on the scene for a suicide. Something the other officers have missed makes the detective realise this may actually be a murder.

Continue the story from here.

The Duo

-the yellow tape is lifted up as two detectives enter the house-

“I want a coffee Fritz! Go fetch it!” Detective Connor Jones orders like a smart ass.

“No you dumb ass I'm the lead detective,” Aaron sighs entering the room if the deceased girl.

“Ugh…” Conner rolls his eyes and enters.

-Aaron walks over and observes the girl as Connor asks the police questions-

“Its a suicide,” one says referring to the noose.

-a few minutes pass-

“Well it looks like a suicide to me. The chair, noose, everything in place,” Connor says stretching.

“Yeah…. But it's not,” Aaron says narrowing his eyes.


“No letter, no shoe marks, and,” Aaron says revealing a shot mark on the girls neck, “an entry wound.”

“Wow, no wonder your the lead detective,” Connor says.

“Yes, and now, this is a case.”

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