Write an entry in a diary of a nurse that includes these three words in this order.
Flowers Don’t Bloom In The Arctic
Flowers don’t bloom in the arctic
But we both knew that
I knew it since you iced me out
I knew it since you tried to bloom in the winter
I knew it since you tried preserving the old
But you wanted the new so you let go
It feels like it’s been forever since the fall
Since I saw the beauty of your petals in the sun
But now they’ve frosted over
Your soft glances turned into aversion
You can’t look at me, can you?
I wonder if I’m ever a topic of conversation
When you bring up your past friends do you bring up me?
Flowers can’t grow in the arctic
But I tried to take a chance
Everything’s changed so much I never knew it would get this cold
I never knew the unresolved tension could cut a stone with a single slice
You’ve frosted over my memories
Happy times turn cold when I think about what it all meant
Did the videos, photos, and memories mean nothing?
How do you turn away one day and have no regret?
Is your heart as cold as the dropping temperatures?
Or have you kept to the silent vow you made to never speak to me again.
“The lily of the valley is dangerous, it can cause blurry vision and seeing halos around objects”
Yet it’s so alluring
The beauty of the perfect petals
So dangerous yet so pretty
It’s hard to stay away when my vision is blurred around you
I used to see bright colors around you, but it’s dimmed as I realized it’s the effects of the poison
My body stays away, but my mind always wants to wander back to the warm petals in the arctic, where only the heartless can survive