
It wasn’t your eyes, it was your butt

That sent my future up in flames

On that bachelorette party dance floor

I saw a future, not a friend

Well really just a near future…

But the point is

I wanted more


Oh no

That thought was very gay

Straight me up in smoke

My future curved away


I always had a map

But now I was off-roading

Firefighting with no hose

An unwilling daredevil

Drawn to a self-forbidden flame

This truth can be extinguished, right?

I can put this away

It’s me that would be in ashes

Shouldn’t I have a say?

But this fire didn’t just burn

It also brightened

Bringing out my inner sun

Some I love were scorched by my warmth

But there’s nothing else I could have done

So today I’m ok

That I had no say

The fire diverted me for the better

Closer to my true self than ever

I’m not resentful, but grateful

That sexuality doesn’t work that way

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