Write a speech from the perspective of an abdicating monarch.
You could make up a fantasy world, set it in the past, or stick to modern day. Why is this ruler renouncing their throne?
Cut. That.
'It's never been easy, being me-'
'That's terrible, Nells, cut that.'
'Really? B-but it's true!'
'Cut. It.'
'Ugh, fine. But only because you asked so nicely.'
'What's next?'
'Right. Ahem. I know all of you have come to know and love me-'
'Have we?'
'Shut up, you love me. Where was I?'
'I love you.’
'Right. All of you have come to know and love... you love me?'
'I love you, Nells. Now how about we finish that speech?'
‘R-Right. Yeah. The speech.’
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