Your character is experiencing a moment of realisation surrounding their identity and their place in the world. Write a poem about how they feel in this moment.
Ripple Affect
Author’s Note : Life is good right now! I’ve had a rough year, but I’m moving on and am feeling better than I’ve felt in a long time. I hope I didn’t worry you guys, because I got the help that I needed and am thriving! Take care, you guys are the best ☺️
I don’t belong to anyone accept myself,
So how I find happiness,
Is up to no one but me.
I don’t have to prove myself to the people around me.
I don’t have to take all my expectations to the extreme.
I spent time away,
And I needed that time away.
It’s nothing to feel guilty for.
And if there’s something I want,
I can do it.
I don’t have to regret not having made the choice yet,
When I was doing other things that made me happy.
Isn’t satisfaction the goal?
I can’t just live my life one way or the other.
I can live in between.
I can have it all,
All that is within reason.
And within the confines of mortality,
I can create something that will supersede me.
And happiness.
And love.
And kindness.
And my words shall ripple into infinity.