Write a scene where a character quits, or is fired from, their job.
This could be based off real experience, or entirely made up. Think about why they have to leave, and the ramifications of doing so.
Villain Prt. 3
_Finn: 28yo man - the villain - grumpy_
_Eric: 32yo man- the villains assistant_
_May: 25yo woman - the hero - sunshine_
_Hanna: 25yo woman - hero’s sister/bestfriend_
**_Finn _**
“Finn! Behind you!” A shrill scream broke through the silence like a light slices through the darkness.
Finn didn’t have time to question the warning, he just acted. He stood up quickly using his arms as his choice of weapon. He blindly turned and hit something with his elbow with a sickening crunch.
The voice that warned him of the attacker seemed to be running towards them. Now that he started to adjust to the darkness, he made out two people, the attacker, and the person who warned him.
He grabbed the attacker by the head, and pressed his forehead into his upper chest or colarbone area, then brought his knee up into the attackers gut, getting a satisfying grunt.
The voice of warning grabbed the attacker sumo style and rammed him into a wall with a loud crack. He fell to the ground and a quiet groan escaped his lips. He was out cold.
“Son of a-“
“Language.” The Warner interrupted, slightly out of breath. He squinted his eyes seeing now, it was May. The black haired girl that didn’t seem to have a filter on her mouth.
Finn glared at May, “Bitch.” He finished.
She just rolled her eyes, “Wow, very mature.” She mainly caught her breath by now, but she was still breathing heavily.
Finn looked back down at the man lying still on the ground.
“You hit him hard.”
“Yeah, that was the objective.” She bit back, but not coldly. It came out almost as a laugh.
“Thank you. For warning me.” He had planned to stay fully aware of his surroundings, just sit away from his responsibilities and struggles and think, but he went down dark paths in his mind that seemed to numb his senses.
“I can’t sleep unless I know I’m safe. Completely safe.” She starts, “You fell asleep in a place with people you don’t know if you can trust. I mean, I’m glad you can just fall asleep when you feel like it, but that’s what gets you killed.” She puts her hands on her hips. “At least have someone you trust near by. That’s the only way I can ever sleep. Is if I know I have someone I trust watching over me.” She said.
“I wasn’t asleep. I was just lost in thought.”
She took a shaky deep breath before nodding. She was about to leave, he could tell, but when she brushed her hair out of her face, Finn saw blood on her hand. Normally he wouldn’t care, but he owed her, she could have just saved his life moments ago.
“Let me help you. I owe it to you.” He insisted. She seemed to be out of energy, so she didn’t put up much of a fight and she followed him back to the only room.
He got the guards to grab the attacker and lock him in a holding cell until further notice. He gestured for her to sit on his office chair while he walked across his room to a cabinet with a little red box inside. He brought the box over.
“Whats that?” She asked tiredly.
“It’s a box Eric filled with medical supplies.“
“Who’s Eric?”
“My Jack ass-“he looked for a quick save, “-istant, he’s my assistant. A bossy assistant. He knows I don’t go to the medics so he made me keep this with me in case I get hurt. It’s not the safest job- being one of the most hated people in the world.”
She yawned as he started wiping the blood off of her arm. When she slammed the attacker into the wall, she must have hit her own arms pretty good too. He was genuinely surprised she didn’t flinch as he cleaned and bandaged the wounds. Then he noticed other scars. All over. None too serious or noticeable, but they were there. She must have been in a rough area before she came to him.
He boxed up the supplies and stowed it back in its compartment, surprised May wasn’t talking at all. That wasn’t like her from what he knew. What he knew was she liked to tease, she was always smiling, she was absolutely always saying the first thing that came to mind, she had black hair and amber eyes, and she didn’t like curse words.
When he turned, he saw her asleep. She looked relaxed. Peaceful. He could leave her there. He could wake her up and make her go back to her quarters, but he didn’t. Finn walked over to her, and slowly, carefully, slipped his arms under her, and lifted her, bridal style.
Finn didn’t have an office, only a desk in his room. He walked her past the desk, and lowered her onto the bed. His bed. He didn’t make his bed that day so it was easy to slip the covers over her.
He however, walked away from the bed. He dropped down on the floor. He may be evil, he may be going to hell, he may be hated, but he was also respectful. And he would never force proximity between a person who wouldn’t want such a thing. Not that he wanted to lay next to her. He was perfectly happy sleeping on the floor. He has slept in much worse conditions.
He replayed the events of the night about 100 times over, before drifting off into a deep sleep.
So warm. She rolled over, feeling the silk against her shoulders and legs. May didn’t remember the bed in her room being this soft…
Most likely because this wasn’t her bed. Her eyes flew open, but she didn’t sit up. She was afraid to move. If this really was Finn’s bed, where was Finn? She was afraid to move at all, in fear of bumping into him, but she didn’t feel any body heat other than her own.
She slowly sat up and looked over the side of the bed. There. He was sleeping on the floor. Why didn’t he just make her leave after he fixed her up? Why didn’t he get into the bed with her, as a villain would?
She flinched as his breath caught for a second before turning back to his regular sleeping pattern. He was on his back, one of his hands was behind his head. Finns hair while messy, wasn’t bad looking. His face was different when he was asleep. His face muscles were relaxed and didn’t look as stern and angry. He looked almost… no, May, he isn’t beautiful. He is evil and cruel and mean.
But would a bad person sleep on the floor for her? Would a bad person let her have his bed?
“How did you sleep.” His voice startled her. Low and raspy as always, but it had a low grumble to it, after going a whole night without talking. His eyes were still closed but he was smiling a little now.
She paused unsure what to say, “Good… this bed is much nicer than the bed in my room. I might just have to steal your mattress when you go out do big scary villain things.” She teased.
He opened his eyes now, looking at her with his eyebrows raised and a small smirk on his face, “I’m glad you liked it.”
“I’m sorry.” She said, wish got her a confused look from Finn, “for stealing your bed.”
“No, no one could steal from me even if they tried,” he paused to stretch his arms, one landing on his stomach, “I gave it to you for the night.” His eyes closed again.
“Well you’re in a good mood.” She dangled her legs off the side of the bed.
“It won’t last, don’t worry. I’m just always at my best right after I wake up.” She wasn’t sure how true that was but she laughed a little.
May was nervous. She blew her cover, broke her rule, she was probably going to be sent away from the Hero’s, and she just slept in her enemies bed. Not with him, obviously, but still. Damage was already dealt.
“Well I should probably get going.” She stood up to leave and right as she touched the door frame, he responded, “Is your bed really that uncomfortable? Does it keep you from sleeping well?”
She smiled, “nothing too bad. Just a little hard and gives me a little bit of back pain, but nothing I can’t handle.”
She walked back to her room, changed into work clothes then left to the tech room. She spent the day slouched over a desk, mainly doodling on a piece of paperwork she was suppose to be filling out.
But when she came back, her room looked different. Her grey bed from before was no where to be seen. In its place was a white bed with silk blankets and pillows. She sat down on the mattress and sure enough, just like the villains.
She rolled her eyes, a laughed to herself before climbing into the bed.
She almost forgot to check her communication device before drifting off, but she pulled it out and opened the strange device from The Hero’s.
Her heart stopped, and her breath caught.
Instead of a list of contacts, a blue screen popped up, the red words read: