All The Ways I Love You

**T**he first way I love you is every way

**H**ow you always make me laugh

**E**ven if I’m having a rubbish day

**R**eaching out to you will always make

**E**very day seem so much happier

**I **know you love me too

**S**ometimes being around you is enough

**N**o one can help me like you do

**O**r hurt me like you have

**T**hings like that make us stronger though

**O**nly bad things really improve us

**N**egatives bring out the positives

**E**ven if we never want to see bad things

**T**he truth is, I lie

**H**elping me was never an option

**I **saw in our relationship what I wanted

**N**othing I saw was true, you liked to

**G**aslight me into believing you were good

**I **still love you though

**L**ove you like you love lying

**O**f all the things I loved, you loved my

**V**alue, the way you used me

**E**ventually burnt away my identity

**A**ll of this was really about you

**B**ut I was oblivious to the truth you made

**O**ur relationship was one sided

**U**sing me for your own benefits

**T**aking all my love

**Y**et I could never leave you

**O**f course not

**U**nfortunately you are all I have left

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