I would be anything for you.
Write a non-romantic poem which contains this line.
Anything For You
I would be anything for you.
I would be whatever you wanted,
Whatever you asked.
I would make you love me,
Make you look me over and say,
“That’s my girl.”
I’d do anything to be in your spotlight.
I’d do anything to make you proud.
I just want your love,
Your affection.
I would be anything for you.
But I’ll never be enough for you.
Your anger for me creates
My anger for you.
Why am I not good enough?
I do _everything_,
Yet you cast me aside,
Put me down at every chance you get.
You never believe in me,
Never think I’ll do well.
If someone were to look at our relationship,
They’d think you hate me.
But I know your twisted love,
Your warped affection.
We share a mind, after all.
You know me and I know you.
Maybe that’s why we’re rivals.
I know all your darkest secrets,
I know you better than anyone else could.
I know every mistake you’ve made,
Every. Single. Flaw.
Yet I crave your love.
All I want is to be enough for you.
So I get higher grades,
I earn more achievements.
I climb higher and higher,
To put you at the top.
All so you can enjoy the view.
All so you can be_ proud of me_.
To the girl in the mirror…
I would be anything for you.