Some people in my life.

Avery- a not good influence friend from the past.

Brenda- a friend and roomate for NYC (nazarene youth conference).

Chelsea- a friend from an old acting class.

Daisy- my beloved incredible cute dog.

Elizabeth- **a best friend for all of my childhood.**

**Faithlyn- an old church friend.**

**GG- my great grandma.**

**Holly- one of the best acting teachers I've had.**

**Isaac- some kid in my social studies class.**

**Jesus- kind, holy, almighty, The Son, who was sent to the cross to die for me and everyone.**



**Kaitlyn- a good youth leader who has siblings that are triplets.**


**Lucy- a base clarinetist who is one of my friends in concert band and marching band and science.**


**Mom- my mom.**


**Naomi- ****one year older than me who went to church with me.******


**Oliver- my 2nd grader cousin.**


**Papa- my mom's step dad who has been my grandpa my whole life.**


**Quinn- a friend in 5th grade who helped be a good friend through all my 5th grade drama.**


**Rita- a trumpet who is my friend.**


**Sophia- a clarinetist who is my in-person bestie.**


**Taylor- my literal bestie who is also on this app.**


**Uriel- my old youth leaders husband.**


**Viviann- a teenager who went to Elivate with me and was not a good example but someone I haven't seen since and pray for.**

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