
I love you.

I love you I love you I love you.


_Everything_ to me.

I’ll never be able to explain it,

Never be able to describe it.

But I’ll certainly try.

You’re warmth and hope and freedom and safety and peace and fun and excitement and home and rest and dreams and comfort and love.

So much love.

I love you so much I feel like I might drown in it sometimes.

But that drowning would be like when you sink into warm blankets in the middle of winter,

Definitely not a problem at all.

And when I’m around you,

I feel _loved_.

I feel safe and comforted.

Like whatever I did,

You’d still love me.

And I’m not worried about what you think of me,

I’m not desperate to win your approval.

I am who I am,

And you still love me for it.

You said four words to me today.


Each time paired with a hug.

You said,

“I’m proud of you.”

And hypothetically,

I already knew that.

But hearing you say that…

It means a lot to me.

I put way too much pressure on myself,

And I’m definitely an overachiever.

I’m never satisfied,

And expect way more than I could possibly do.

But after hearing you say that,

Those four little words,

I was given my own.

“I am enough.”

And I think that’s what love really is.

Love is the words that person gives you,

But love is also the words you create yourself.

Because now both of those words live in my heart,

Echoing in my mind.

“I’m proud of you.”

_“I am enough.”_

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