The family took a trip to the local Walmart. The little girl was so excited to see the fish. Her mom told her “ we will go see the fish after we get our groceries, okay?” So the little girl waited patiently until she could not be patient anymore. While her parents were shopping an aisle or two away from the fish tanks, the little girl asked her daddy to walk over to them with her. He said “since they are that close, sure. Let’s go!” So the little girl and her dad went over to see the fish.
Then, a few minutes later, after looking at all the pretty fish, the girl turned around and her mom and dad were nowhere to be found. She thought they were still in the aisle next to the fish so she continued to look at all the pretty fish.
The little girl started to get worried that her mommy and daddy weren’t there. She started looking in the aisle where she thought they were, but no luck. She then preceded to go find a grownup. She knew to find someone that was wearing a blue vest because that meant that they work there. Her parents told her that if she ever got lost, to stay in one place or go find the nearest grownup. She looked all over the store but still, no luck. After tirelessly looking all over the store, she was so upset, she sat down on a bench and just waited.
She began to cry and cry. She was so upset that she got lost. But then, a grown-up with a blue vest came up to her and asked if she was okay. The little girl said, “I lost mommy and daddy.” the nice lady held her hand and walked to the customer service desk. She asked the girl what her mommy and daddy’s name are. The little girl looked up at the nice lady with her big tear-filled blue eyes and said “Their name is mommy and daddy.” She then asked the little girl what her name is and the little girl told the lady her name.
The lady began to speak over the intercom and said “Will the parents of Morgan, please come to the customer service area? Will the parents of Morgan, please come to the customer service area?”
After what felt like forever, her parents made their way back to their little girl. She was so excited to be back with her mommy and daddy!