Boxes lie abandoned on the roads, lights from a Christmas past still hang from the buildings a few lights flickering here and there with no sign of any other living soul.
Polaris turned to his companion Andromeda and spoke. “It looks as of no one has been here in years, didn’t we just go to sleep and wake up?”
Andromeda looked to her boyfriend of 5 years, and she could only nod. “It’s as of the entire town was abandoned years ago.
The dirt sparkled at their feet as if laced with diamonds, all the couple could do for the next few moments was stare into the abandonment that was once their home town.
“So, he won $3,000,000 last year and didn’t tell me? That’s what your telling me now! Why, tell me?” Ariel spoke in disbelief as she tugged on her long raven pony tail, her purple eyes rimmed in tears.
“He married me last year in Vegas after he won, I swear I didn’t know about you til, yesterday!” Betty said as she brushed a strand of her blond hair out from her blue eyes.
“I’ve been his wife, for 3 years now, he married me in Maui when you were in the hospital after losing your child, I just found out about both of you day before yesterday” spoke Callie, a red head with emerald green eyes.
“So he’s cheating on both of us and he kept from me the fact that he won 3 million dollars?” Ariel reiterated.
“Yes, I think it’s time for a dose of his own medicine!” Said Callie with a wicked grin.
“Yes, Yes that’s what we will do!” Betty said as she rose from her chair to grab a new drink.
[3 Million Dollar Lottery Winner and polygamist dies in fatal skydiving accident. Lottery Winnings and estate worth 3.3 Million awarded to his 3 Wife’s who previously knew nothing of one another]
I was always the odd child, always wanting to make sure others followed the pure and natural path. I never wanted the chaos that existed when some was murdered.
No one understood, my feelings on the matter so I decided one day, I would slay the monsters and today was that day. Today that filthy creature died at my hands, but not before he had sullied the lives of over a dozen. A Dozen children, that is. A dozen little boys and girls who he had forced himself on.
Today, I found him well before the police and today I slayed the evil, I slayed the monster that had been hunting children for 12 years. Today I got my revenge! The monster who took my innocence died at my hands.
With her long hair in a single braid hanging down her back underneath her fathers old military pack, Addie ran. She did not chance a look behind her as she sprinted away from the only town she had ever lived in, the pack loaded with supplies.
Around Addies waist was and down the side of her left leg was an old motorcycle leg pack. Addie continues to run. She left behind everything but what was in the two packs.
One would suppose that shopping would include a tripe to the bank, but one would never imagine that shopping was a trip to the bank.
A bunch of new rings, earrings, necklaces and bracelets. A bank box full of gold bullion, 2 bags of silver dollars, a bank box full of brand new old 2$ Bills as well as 5 bags of 20$ bills, 3 bags of 5o$ bills and a bag full of 100$ bills.
Connie was different from other people though then again with Bonnie and Clyde as parents you can imagine the chaos she thrived on.
For centuries, the world has thought that the Drakon shifters no longer exist, that the last Drakon shifter died protecting the secrets of the Drakon. Drakon once existed side by side with humanity and dragon kind acting as a bridge between the two.
The brilliant gold and silver lights echoed through the Dragon globe, occassionally a purple, green, red or blue light would twitter for just a second before the brighter gold and silver lights of the dragon globe soared to life.
The globe raised in the air, spinning and twirling as if trying to decide what to do. It hummed as it released a high pitched sound. The lights brightened to blinding quality before dimming away to reveal the form of six small figures on the ground surrounding the dragon globe….
Six, small Drakon children, with scales of gold, silver, blue, green, red and purple. The gold and silver Drakon children seems larger than the other four.