Writing Prompt
Your character’s best friend has just introduced their new partner to them – unfortunately, your character already knows and hates them.
Continue this story...
“So, we are officially dating,” Dan said. That. Fucking. Bitch. I mean, it’s not like Nora _did _anything to piss me off, but… y’know what, they did. I lied.
It all started the first day of sophomore year, when Dan and I got paired as roommates. “You must be…” I said as he walked in. He did not look like the name I was told. “Dan,” he finished, “I’m trans.” “Oh, alright. I’m Dió.” We shook hands. “I didn’t think they let trans people room with other guys.” “They just introduced it this year, which is so nice, but they won’t let me change my name unless I get it legally changed, which is shitty,” he explained. “Yeah, must be.”
Over time, we became friends and eventually started making some music together. My girlfriend, Akari, eventually gave us some much needed drums. With me on rhythm guitar, Dan on lead, and Akari on drums, we were doing good, getting a few small gigs as Dante’s Demons. Nora and Akari knew each other from Environmental Club and a couple classes, and she formally introduced me to them on her birthday. We got along pretty well, and when Dan came over, they really hit it off. Turns out they were childhood friends, and hadn’t spoken since they were about 7. At some point, Nora came to a couple band rehearsals to play bass, and it went great. They had a good amount of musical knowledge and a good ear, so we were able to get going fast. But they weren’t able to come every rehearsal, and neither was Akari. Turned out Environmental Club got pretty busy come spring. So it was a lot of me and Dan, polishing our songs for (hopefully) an eventual album recording.
But one day, that one fucking day, I went over to Akari’s dorm to hang out. I walk in and who do I see? Fucking Nora. Making out with Akari. I stood there in total shock, and she eventually noticed. “SHIT!” She yelled. Nora turned around to see me, and their expression turned to horror. “I- I’m-“ “What the fuck? What, the fuck, are you doing?” I asked. “It’s not what it looks like!” Nora exclaimed. “Bullshit. We’re over, and you’re out of the band.” I pointed at Nora. “Goodbye,” I said on my way out. “Wait! I can ex-“ Akari rushed after me. “Okay then, explain it! What the hell were you doing, making out with Nora? Don’t they know we’re dating? Did you just, forget about me?” “It’s not like there were sparks,” she said, ashamed. “Sparks my ass. You know damn well that doesn’t matter, you just wanted to kiss someone who gave more of a shit about the environment. You know I make sure the shit I smoke is healthy.” “It’s not that, it’s just…” She trailed off. “What? Just what? You know you can’t explain it, so come talk to me when you can. Goodbye, Akari.” And with that, I left. I told Dan what happened, and he was sympathetic. Nora stopped coming to rehearsals altogether, and me and Akari made up.
Then summer came, and we all kept in touch, kept making music and performing gigs at local places. I knew that both Dan & Akari still talked to Nora, but neither of them brought them around me. That was, until Dan invited all of us to a local coffe house we had performed at, Toe Beans. I walk in with Akari and see Nora. I’m immediately pissed, but manage to keep my cool, but only because we’re in public and Akari’s there. “I- We, have something to announce.” Dan said. “So, we are officially dating,” he announced. I start taking deep breaths, and manage to say, “Good for you.” Akari is, of course, happier about it. “Congrats! How long have you been together?” she asks. “A couple weeks,” Nora answers. “And I’m really sorry for what happened with Akari. I can guarantee it won’t happen again.” “It better not,” Both me and Dan say. He means it lightheartedly, but I mean it more seriously. The jinx get a laugh out of me, though, so I’m starting to feel better. “And I know you might not feel good about this, but I was hoping they could rejoin the band? We kind of still need a designated bass player,” Dan stated. “What?” I can’t believe this. “I know we aren’t on the best terms, but I was hoping we could leave the past behind us.” Nora held their hand out. “Truce?” “… truce.” I said, begrudgingly. Dan is right, it would be nice to have a bass player, but… they’re right. The past can stay in the past, so I take their hand and shake it. “Now can we get some coffee? You did bring us to a coffeehouse, after all,” I say.
Theo. Fucking. Marrin.
Of course Gracie met and adored him and listened to his gold-spun stories and began to fall for him.
Everyone always did, and I figured that ten years would have put enough distance between us; I also thought moving several states away would have settled the sting.
I was wrong.
HE was wrong.
Theo is a bully, but not the kind that berates or pushes you around. He’s always one step ahead.
Valedictorian, prom king, president of the national honor society, editor of the yearbook, and the only band kid part of any popular friend group.
I was always in his shadow and he took every opportunity to remind me of it
“This is my girlfriend Carmen,”
Apparently the kindhearted Carmen I’ve been hearing about for the past 2 weeks, is the same Carmen that bullied me for /years/.
‘Two faced is the person who stepped on my heart to watch it bleed. Two faced is the person who wooed my love in deed. Oh, what she has achieved,’ I’ve written about Carmen before, but it apart of the collection about Josie.
“This is my best fri-“
“We’ve met,” I interrupted.
“Charlotte, good to see you again,”I had transferred schools in the middle of last year because of how bad the bullying had gotten.
“Ooook?” Josie looked mildly uncomfortable. “So, how’d you two meet?”
I surprised by quickly how she recovered.
“We had /similar/ classes before she transferred,” Carmen supplied.
“Josephina,” the restaurant worker called.
When Josie went to go get our food, I said, “what are you doing? What your plan?”
“No plan,” She replied, “I like Josephina,”
“She prefers Josie,” I countered.
“She hasn’t had a problem with me calling her that,”
“Yea,” I agreed for the first time ever, “She’s also a people pleaser and won’t correct you,”
“Well, I think she likes it,”
Just after Carmen said that, Josie came back with our food, “So, how’re y’all getting along?”
“Splendid!” I answered with a forced smile.
Josie immediately went pale and I realized what I did.
‘Splendid’, I use that word only when I’m being sarcastic and that forced smile must’ve looked like I was thinking of murder. I didn’t think there was a way to save this.
And there wasn’t. Only a few minutes later, Josie said, “Oh crap, I just remembered, I told my neighbor I would babysit, and at this rate, Imma be late,”
God, what a lame excuse, the only kid in her neighborhood that doesn’t have an older sibling isn’t potty trained and Josie hates changing diapers. Carmen just accepted the excuse and I wasn’t about to drag this on. We said our goodbyes and left.
“Look, Noultra, I know you’re still pissed off about failing your math exam, but I’m glad you came with me today to meet my boyfriend.” Kisanjul said.
“I didn’t fail!” Noultra shrieked. “I got cheated out of from that jerk!”
Kisanjul chuckled. “So how’d he do it?”
“Did what?” Noultra knitted an eyebrow.
“How he made it look like you cheated.” Kisanjul clarified.
“Oh. Well, since I’m like the smartest in my algebra class, I was cruising through the exam with no problem. Then this illiterate, piece of degenerate sitting next to me asked to borrow my answers. I told him no, he kept harassing me for the answers, we both get in trouble, and this asshole says I keep looking at his papers!”
“And the teacher believed him?” Kisanjul asked.
“Yes!” Noultra replied, like it was obvious. “He’s just lucky we had Mr. Jahnix as our math teacher.”
“Yeah, why is that?” Kisanjul asked, before Noultra gave her a tacitly gaze. “Ohh. Well, you should’ve never outsmarted him in his own subject. You know teachers hate that.”
“Correction: men hate that.” Noultra said, pushing the double-frosted doors open.
“Everybody hates that, Noultra.” Kisanjul said, searching for her boyfriend inside.
“Hello, welcome to Frosties!” An employee across from them said.
The two waved at the employee gracefully, as Kisanjul asked, “What was the guy’s name again?”
“They call him MG.” Noultra answered.
“Oh, there he is!” Kisanjul shouted, like she seen a celebrity.
Noultra spun around and followed where Kisanjul pointed her finger towards. Noultra instinctively grimaced. She felt like a boiling pot surpassing its max that she did not want to turn off, making the steam billow from her dark hair.
“Ew.” She said nonchalantly.
“What?” Kisanjul made a semicircle, her long hair swinging to one side of her face. “What’s wrong with him?”
“That’s MG!” Noultra pointed out.
“You mean Metrius Greilahn?” Kisanjul inquired.
“That’s his full name?!” Noultra widened her eyes as Metrius decided to get up and approach them. “I’m gonna barf.”
“What’s up, babe? You came just on time.” Metrius said, hugging Kisanjul.
Silence ensued when Metrius and Noultra made eye contact. Kisanjul could excruciatingly feel the tension between the two, as Noultra’s expression was filled indignation while Metrius’s was filled with a cocky smile. To break the ice, Kisanjul felt the need to say something, anything.
“Metrius, did you really faked Noultra cheating on your exam?” She questioned.
“Hell no!” Metrius denied. “She’s just a smart-ass and thinks she knows the whole world by hand, yet she peek at my paper for answers.”
“ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!” Noultra screamed throughout the restaurant, causing all eyes to turn on them.
“Hey, smarty pants, take a chill-pill.” Metrius wryly said.
“Argh, you’re such a liar!” Noultra raged.
“Hey, hey, hey!” The employee shouted. “We can’t have that in here. Either order an ice-cream or please leave this restaurant.”
“Can you please just order my friend an ice cream.” Kisanjul said. “We’ll talk about this later.
Metrius glanced at Noultra, whom still looked like she wanted to punch him. He sighed and said, “Alright.”
“And I want chocolate ice cream!” Noultra shouted.
Metrius rolled his eyes.
“Order me a Sunday. I have to use the ladies room.” Kisanjul departed, leaving the rivalry alone.
“I can’t believe you’d just lie to her like that.” Noultra said.
“Lying about what?” Metrius said.
“You know what I’m talking about!” Noultra said, getting in his face.
“Well, look,” Metrius walked away to sit at the table. “I’m going out with Kisanjul Nervail. She’s the most popular girl in school. I’m not gonna mess that up.”
Noultra jaw would drop if she was surprised, but she wasn’t. She always knew he was a slob.
“Oh, really?” Noultra said. “I’m telling!” She strutted off.
“Fine, go ahead! She won’t believe you.” Metrius replied.
“We’ll see about that!” Noultra proceeded to strut.
She entered the ladies room calling Kisanjul.
“Hey, Kisanjul?”
“What, Noultra?” She responded from the stalls.
Noultra pulled out her phone. “I got a recording I want you to hear.”
My footsteps echoed through the metalic hallway as I flipped though 200 pages of material so boring it made me want to jump ship.
Ugh. This is going to take me eons to get through. Even the tri-dimention reality emulations were dull. At least I got to leave class early, I guess.
I barely looked down to swipe my room key, "Fif, help me out with this would yo–"
The book left my hand mid-script, thudding on the floor of our bunker doorway. Much more muffled now, it droned on about welding safety, but I was no longer listening.
I couldn't listen. I couldn't talk. I couldn't even breathe. All I could do was stand, as still as moonrock, and stare straight ahead.
Fifty's mouth was moving, but all I heard was a ringing, like when you drill too close to your ear, or when an unplanned sonic boom startles you awake.
They both looked shocked, worried, ashamed and pleading all at once.
Fifty suddenly lunged toward me, eyes widened. An attack I didn't see coming. He was my only friend. I trusted him through everything. Is this how it all ends? Is a struggle, a murder perhaps, really worth keeping the secret I had just witnessed? Perhaps. The Thou would make both of their lives a living Hell if they found out. Does he not trust me to keep a secret?
Instead, he kicked the book aside and hit the 'door close' button by my waist.
"I said shut the door dammit!" Fif spit, his face just milimetres from my forehead. He was annoyed? Confusion overwhelmed me. The sliding door pushed my heels forward and I danced onto all fours. It's taking 100% of my brain to decipher what has happened in the last six seconds.
I flip the book closed, shutting up the lecturing voice omitting from it's pages, and use it to prop myself upright.
"Section C." I manage to blurt out, "They'll send you to Section C."
"Ree, I'm going to be okay, but you have to promise you're not going to tell anyone."
I shake my head and look up at him. So he doesn't trust me, then. "What? Why would I tell anyone? I'm not an idiot."
I push the book into his chest, offended, officially making this the most emotionally-diverse minute of my life.
As I push past him, I lock eyes with Zeta. As a Thou, his skin is a much more beautiful, darker tone than anyone within 300 floors of us. I could see more of it now than ever. As I step over two shirts on the floor, my eyes move to the rest of his face. Sharp, postured, poised–everything a leader should be.
"Zeta." I state from my side of the room.
"Yes, Three?" He talked to me the way Thous talk to eachother. Formal, and weird.
"Fuck you."
Three. As in thirty-three. As in the seven-hundred-and-thirty-third baby to be born on lower-ship during this particular mission. From birth, we're assigned floors, education, jobs, and, well, bunkmates. And The Thou, living from the 1000th floor upward, get to dictate it all.
"I did not implement the system."
"Well you didn't break it, either."
"I am only doing what is told of me. That does not imply that I morally agree with it."
"Yeah, and so am I. Does that make our lives the same? Let's switch! I'll sit on a big chair all day and play with the lives of others, while you can go into the engine room and breathe in dirt from who-knows-what-planet while oil drips all over you."
"Ree. Stop." Fifty's tone was harsh.
"What are you doing? Why HIM?!"
"I love him, Ree. He's different than the others."
I wheezed my way through a laugh, "Then how is this the first time I'm hearing about this?!"
"I couldn't tell you... I'm sorry."
"This is suicide."
"There are rules, Fif, and not mixing with the upper floors is like, number one." He leaned against the door and crossed his arms. "Listen, I'm all up for a revolution, and I've broken some pretty big rules myself, but this..."
"We know," chimed in Zeta.
"What's your plan, then? Steal an escape pod and live out your lives on the nearest planet?!"
They looked lovingly at eachother and smiled, so genuinely. Their hands interlaced and Zeta put his head on Fif's shoulder.
Well, shit.
I saw them coming up the walkway towards the parking lot, hand in hand. Once they got closer and I could make out their faces, my heart dropped into my gut and my smile faded away.
Little did my friend know, I used to be part of a mob. I have left that life behind now. But it wasn’t easy and I wasn’t necessarily safe. By not ‘necessarily safe’ I mean I almost got killed on my way out. And the man holding my friend's hand was the leader of the mob. It’s taken me months to drop his tail and stay hidden, and now he’s found me. I don’t know if he was here for me, or if he truly cared for Jena, and I didn’t want to find out. But there was no time for me to run, so I stood there and put on my best fake smile. I knew he would recognize me, I was a trusted adviser, his first in command, right-hand woman, whatever you want to call it.
They walked up to me, Caleb's arm now across Jena’s shoulders. When Caleb saw me a streak of surprise crossed his face, but he quickly hid it. He was much better at hiding his surprise than I was, Jena asked me
“You ok Des?”
“Yeah” I responded quickly
“Ahh, so this is Desiree”
“Yeah,” Jena said “You sure, you're ok?” She asked
“Yeah, fine. Should we go in?” I said motioning to the French breakfast place that we were going to. They both nodded.
We were sitting at a small square table that was pushed up against the wall so there were only three sides that you were able to sit at. throughout the meal, Jena was telling lots of stories. Caleb kept giving me skeptical and somewhat threatening looks, but Jena didn’t realize she was always oblivious, which was often unhelpful.
After a while Caleb looked at me and asked “have you known each other long?” in what I know to be his voice with a twinge of threat. I’ve heard him use it many times.
“No,” I said trying to sound casual “not long, just a few months.”
“Yeah,” Jena said “but we’ve gotten really close”
“I see,” said Caleb “Desiree, how old are you?” He asked, I started to answer when Jena said
“She the same age as me isn’t that crazy! And I throwing her a twenty-fifth birthday party, you should come!”
“I will,” he said “you know you look too young to be turning twenty-five if anything to look twenty one”
“I get that a lot,” I said, he was trying to frighten me, but showing how much he knows about me. I wasn’t going to cower, I just need a plan.
I finished up my food as fast as I could. The said
“Oh, I just remembered, I have a…job interview”
“But I thought you already have a job” Jena said confused.
“Yes, umm I do. But ummm yeah I hate it there, and the manager is really mean. So I’m looking for a new job” I said
“Ok, we’ll see you later?” She asked
“Definitely,” I said standing up “I was really nice to meet you,” I said shaking hands with Caleb as he stood. Then I hugged Jena goodbye and left.
As I was trying to get a Uber when Caleb came outside. I tried to walk away but he grabbed my wrist with a tight grip.
“What do you want, Caleb?” I asked sounding brave
“If you tell her who I am, I will hunt you down and torture you until you beg me to kill you, and only then will I end your sad, miserable life. If you don’t tell, I’ll leave you alone.”
“What?” I asked shocked
“Do I make myself clear?”
“Ye-yes,” I said with surprise
Then my car pold up, the driver rolled down the window and seeing Caleb’s hand on my wrist asked
“miss do you need help”
“No, I’m fine,” I said as he let go of me
I walked to the car, got in, and then drove away.
‘Meet Ren…Lisa.’ Frazie excitedly said.
‘REN!!!’ I bellowed in recognition.
I can’t believe it was him…my secret admirer. I didn’t have romantic feelings for him, I just wanted to be like him. I wanted his success, his intelligence and his looks. I want to be just like him…a perfectly-sculpted human . So, I followed him and…I became kind of a stalker.
Lisa’s felt embarrassment sprinkling across her face and she quickly covered her face.
‘Is it too hot…?’ Fraize innocently asked, as she placed her hand on Lisa’s forehead.
‘Fraize, darling. Maybe we should drop her off, she looks a little sick.’ Ren calmly said.
Lisa raised her head in surprise because she was glad REM didn’t recognise her.
Ren pulled Fraize into a tight hug and her face was pushed into his chest. Ren glared daggers at Lisa and he mumbled.
‘Don’t come back.’
But she was wrong. He recognised her, how could he ever forget Lisa The Stalker
Oswin narrowed his eyes, burrowing deeper inside his woolly jumper. Across the workshop, Selander stood with the dancer, what was his name? Oh yes. Oswin's lip curled. Masahiko.
With his perfect posture and wavy locks, he looked like some kind of fallen angel. And it didn't help that his cheekbones were as sharp as a blade and his eyes an alluring shade of hazel - Selander's type as much as alchemy.
But Oswin knew that appearances couldn't be deceiving. In fact, he'd heard rumours about this boy and none of them painted him in a particularly selfless light. And from what Oswin had been told, Masahiko was downright self-serving. And now, worryingly enough, he was spending time with Selander.
But Oswin wasn't jealous of the time Masahiko had spent with Selander, no matter what anyone said. He was just being cautious. They didn't really know who Masahiko was, or what his motives were for joining their little band of criminals. And nor did they know how he was planning to help them.
But Oswin knew that if Masahiko kept brushing Selander's shoulder like that he was going to scream.
'Oswin!' Selander waved him over. 'Hiko's just had this amazing idea.'
Oswin fought to keep his face expressionless.
So Sel's calling him Hiko now? When did that happen?
Selander was grinning from ear to ear, pointy teeth on full display, as he waited for Oswin to join them. But his eyes kept flitting back to Masahiko.
Oswin bit his tongue. Hard.
'Listen to this,' Selander continued, completely oblivious to Oswin's internal turmoil, 'I think Hiko's just solved our problem.'
And he tried to listen, Oswin truly did. But he'd had a long day of running and hiding and he was just about sick of Masahiko's stupid smug face that he snapped.
'We don't need him!'
Selander's face dropped, his expression a terrible combination of shock and hurt that made Oswin's heart ache to know he'd caused it.
'Well I've got him,' Selander countered, looping his arm through Masahiko's, 'and last time I checked, I don't answer to you.'
Oswin was speechless. In the six years he'd known Selander he'd never raised his voice like that. Then Masahiko darkens their doorway and suddenly Selander shouts at Oswin?
He jutted his chin out, trying to look braver than he felt.
'Then maybe it's time you listened to me,' Oswin returned, crossing his arms over his chest, 'we don't need him.'
'Well, good luck getting past the guards without him,' Selander sneered.
'What's that supposed to mean?' Oswin scoffed.
Selander actually had the audacity to roll his eyes. 'Just that you're not exactly subtle.'
Masahiko chuckled softly.
Oswin's mouth opened, but no words came out.
How dare Selander say that! And in front of Masahiko!
Oswin felt his cheeks growing hot, but he would be damned before he let anyone see how close that barb had struck him.
He just had to look at the lovesick way Selander gazed at Masahiko and he knew, oh he knew his friend was lost.
'You two deserve each other,' he signed, not trusting himself to speak through the sob clawing its way out of his throat. Then he ran from the tunnel to find somewhere quiet to cry his heart out.
I hate that I’m going to have to pretend. I abhor pretending. I took a deep breath as I saw the two of them round the brick building corner from the parking lot, staring into each other's eyes and hand-in-hand like a stupid Disney sitcom.
“Charlotte!” Sam skipped up and swung her arms around me in a strong squeeze. I haven’t known her too long, but we’ve already become so close.
She beamed all wide-eyed and pretty next to her skyscraper boyfriend. At 5’10” and 6’6”, they were quite a sight to behold. Literally Abercrombie models. I’m pencil-thin too, but not in a pretty way.
“This is-“
“Benjamin?” I mustered up the most bewildered look I could.
“Charlotte!” He grinned. “Charlotte is one of my best employees.”
She beamed so hard now she was practically a lighthouse. Being mildly amused he nodded to her.
“I didn’t know this Benjamin was your boss!”
“Sure is. What Benjamin could run Armitage Insurance better than Benjamin Armitage?”
They both laughed, though his was a smidge weaker. Still hand-in-hand, she swung his a bit. “We’ve been dating for a couple of weeks now. I wanted to put some time into it before I told you. You understand, right?” Her country accent twanged as she gave me her famous puppy-dog eyes.
Chuckling I nodded, “Of course friend. I understand.”
“I hope this won’t be too awkward for you Charlotte.”
Oh, you have no idea you insolent fool. Or maybe you do, whatever.
I put on my best Hollywood actress face, “Nah boss, it’s all good! Just treat my friend right and everything’s cool!”
He coughed and pushed up his tortoiseshell frames then motioned towards the front doors, “Shall we go in then?”
Dinner was great I mean- I ate all my garlic bread for one thing, but even still, most of my fettuccine remained in the bowl. My stomach was just not having it tonight for some reason; like it knew something bad was going to happen.
Thoughts flooded my head all night. How on Earth was I going to tell Sam that something just isn’t right with her ‘Mr. Right?’ I found out they got together after they’d been only dating for about a few days. Freddie in accounting has a mouth big enough to make a mahjong group blush, bless him. I had been working for two years under Benjamin’s father-a strict, scary gentleman in his own right, but who left me alone for the most part because I was one of his most valued and high-performing employees-then he acquired the business after his father retired. Harold was scary, but Benjamin was unsettling. Every girl in the office fell to his feet and worshipped him, but I just rolled my eyes and tried to keep a low profile.
Something was off with him though, even if I was the only one who saw it. The girls would go on and on about his ‘dreamy eyes’, while all I saw were two holes in his head and a clown mask plastered over his face. He was… “too” kind, “too” sweet, “too” dumb and innocent. He laughed too much. He smiled too much. Everything about him silently spoke to me just above a whisper, “Avoid him. He is dangerous.” Despite the several employee of the month awards, commendation, occasional treats- just no. I wouldn’t trust him with my stamp collection, let alone my wallet. He also had questionable friendships with the outwardly unsavory characters around the office. “Oh, he’s just friends with everyone. Give him a break will you?” George from maintenance groaned. “He can’t help that he’s well-liked by everyone and you’re not. Put yourself out there like he does and warm up a little will ya sunshine?” Geez, George.
Sam rose from her chair, “Good heavens, I need the bathroom. I’ll be back.” She sashayed away swinging her ponytail back and forth.
I was moving my fettuccine from side to side with my fork when suddenly I felt very cold. My stomach’s prophecy was about to come true. I lifted my head and saw a completely different man glaring at me. His voice was icy, low, and flat; a way of speaking that everyone could never believe belonged to ‘Good Ol’ Benjamin.’ “I love Sam. I love her very much, and I know she loves me too,” he paused and took a sip of his wine, he looked at the glass, “Sam and her lovely family, as I hear it, also has quite the small fortune.” He set his glass down and abruptly leaned in from across the table; staring at me with those dead holes for eyes and lingering for a bit. Breath reeking of garlic he sputters as he puts a death grip on my wrist while scratching it in the process, “If you even think- about changing her mind about me for just a moment,” our noses were almost touching now, “I will- end your life. Maybe just your career. We’ll see.”
I’m shaking violently. My wrist is throbbing. Tears are falling. I feel violated, weak, empty, and sick. I’m whimpering loudly now. He lets go of me and smacks the table loud enough to draw attention from nearby patrons. “Stop it,” he hissed. He leans back to a normal sitting position and rests his elbows on the table yawning as if he does this every Tuesday night. A slightly warmer voice returns, “You’re going to be a good girl and cover the tab for us. Got it?” He smiled wryly. I nodded, and with what composure I could muster, I dug into my purse and put my credit card at the far end of the table with the check. “Good.”
I need to get out of here, I need to run. What am I going to do? Can I even help Sam now?
Stiletto heels began to click-clack furiously on the tile floors as Sam rushed over to our table. “Oh my god! What happened?! Are you okay?!” Her eyes shined with concern and shock as she gently rubbed my back and took her cloth napkin to my tears. She turned to Benjamin, “Baby, what in the world happened?! I was only gone for like five minutes!”
Plastic Benjamin was now back, better than ever, full throttle. High-toned melodramatic fakery almost squeaked out of him, “Just as Charlotte paid for our meal, she got some very upsetting news over the phone!” At that moment the waitress came and took the check from the table. Sam got on her knees and put her hands on my shoulders, then gently turned me to face her and spoke softly like a song, “Char? Is this all true? What happened? How can I help? Is there anything I can do to make whatever is going on better?” She wiped away more tears.
All I can do is shake like a leaf, whimper, and leak fluid from my eyes. Run. Run. Run. It’s all I have on my mind. I have to go. I’m in danger.
I instantly rose from my chair, “I have to go now Sam-“ my voice cracks, “I’m so sorry.” Cries bellowed from my body as I dashed out the door, completely abandoning my credit card because at this point that’s the least of my problems.
I ran and I ran and I ran until I reached the end of the parking lot seeking shelter in my rusty old Honda.
What do I do now? How do I save Sam? Or can I only save myself?
Similar writing prompts
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This event could be anything, but it is important that the character who is placed there is incongruent to the setting.
“How did you get in here? How did you get past security?”
“I couldn’t possibly tell you...”
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