Writing Prompt
Using personification, write a descriptive paragraph that expresses how a ballerina doll feels about living in her music box.
Personification is defined as attributing human characteristics to something nonhuman.
Music Box
This isn’t going to work
one word after another word changes nothing
besides I’m fine
I’m always fine
even when I’m not
maybe it’s because my life is one long
piece of performance art
falling somewhere between
high church ministrel and gallows humor circus
the music plays
and look at me dance
always twirling
command performance
with a smile
or not
who cares I’m fine
sometimes yeah it’s too mu...
The Stuck Ballerinas
As I walk into my room, a burning sensation grows between my thighs. Skin chafes against skin, feeding the fire of pain and irritation. Until now, I couldn’t acknowledge the rashes growing redder with every step. I peel off my leotard, the sweat on my skin clinging to the thick fabric. When I struggle to pull my legs out, I see the rips in my new tights, I see my mother’s money thrown out the wind...
Problems Of A Small Dancer
Prim and proper when they open up the box.
I dance and try to hide my cracks.
“Make them happy. Make them happy”
The light fades as the box closes.
Did they see the blood on my dress? Did they see the scars on my face? If they did they might throw me away!
Live in constant fear of rejection.
Life is surly worse than death....
Ballerina Box
My feet glued into fifth position. The springs age like a grandparent. The mirror smushes me down. The box felt so empty, small, smushed, sad. Paint chipped off the box as if it was old memory’s.
————/ me no feel like finishing this but i dont wanna leave it rotting in my drafts sooo/————...
Prima Belladonna
The shadows grip and squeeze
until I collapse with a snap!
Stifled by the hushed quiet of
a long forgotten dream.
My carved smile has faded
in time with the colors and music,
but still I wait for the mercy of your eyes
when you open my cage
and twist me back to life.
I unfurl to a melody that
you’ve imbued with hope
if only to fouetté ur troubles away.
But for a few twin
Life In The Box
In the abandon antique shop on the corner Swell Street, there’s me. A sad ballerina doll, with the record, Daisy Bell, playing when the wind seems to press my buttons.
“Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer, do!” I want to know why I’m still here! Why me of all dolls, alone spinning to Daisy Bell. World, give me your answer! DO!
I live on Swell Street yet nothing is swell!
I can’t keep living li...
My Lena
Womb with a view, womb for rent, yeah I’ve heard the all. But the worse nickname is bunnies. As if we wanted lots of sex, wanted lots of babies. Nothing could be further from the truth. I never wanted that life. Out Fenton model bodies were designed to gestate babies. I wanted to be a pilot. I wanted to go places.
But the choices were made all a round me. At the maternity homes, we would wait to...
I’m so tired of the promises
So many are made
So many are broken
They tell me they’re here for me
They tell me they never leave
They tell me it’s okay to not be okay
They tell me they love me
All just to leave
Or hide
Or give up on me
It hurts
And it doesn’t end
They don’t stop coming
And they don’t stop going...
The walls were her.
She new naught of life outside them, caressing and suffocating in tandem.
These mockeries were made the same as her flesh, but without soul. Meat without animation. Hard and unforgiving. When she beat on them, she couldn't carry on without imagining hitting another.
There was no comfort in a house of inhumanity.
She was built in another's image, in shape of something she ...