Writing Prompt
Ignite. Ashamed. Eratic.
In a story or poem of no more than 10 sentences, use these three words in any order. Try not to randomly throw them in, but think about a storyline that allows you to link them all naturally.
Ignite the ashes, let them burn unto flames. Watch the fire creep into the world, Like a blush unto ashamed cheeks. A flame fast spreading An inextinguishable fire. Eraticly covering The land consuming all in its path. A flame unto the trees, Exploding into meniacial destruction An end fast approaching A flame
Is time my friend or foe? Your power over me ignites my soul in such a profound way! You control our emotional state and witness our most vulnerable moments in our lifetime. You force us to relentlessly and constantly move forward. There is no retracting from you or putting you on a standstill. When we turn our heads to look back, I close my eyes and rely on my mind to reflect through memories in order to relive the moment that has past. Yet, Our erratic behaviour takes over when tragedy hits us, wanting you to speed up time to heal our wounds and forget our unwanted thoughts and feelings. To bury it in the past forever. Ashamed to ever speak of it again and crave for more time to pass so we can move to a better place or future without the pain and agony haunting us ever again. You have the greatest power over us! You hold our happiness bottled up and stored from our infancy to our last breath on this earth. However, Without you, our lives are meaningless, diaspora through space and time that eventually becomes unknown to our soul purpose and what we call life. Such a predicament but it will be your friendship I hold dearly .
A burning sensation erupts within me. Itching desire within me igniting like the soft spark of a flame. Tethered to the depths of my departing soul. Standing high and mighty electricity deviled deeply in me, just clinging onto the sweet resolve of the edge. For what I’m about to do curls my stomach into a pit. Should I be ashamed? Am I nothing but selfish for yielding to such depravity? Sweat drips down my left temple, I am at war with the voice serenading me. It whispers to just let go, my aching body choking for it’s mercy, to be at peace and for a sliver of silence in this moment. For I am so beyond the thought of ending my life. The only way to cure this aching desire to feel nothing. Is but to feel everything all at once.
To pass those, Who stand in the way, You may choose to ignore, Or choose to push them back.
You may choose to ignite a flame at their feet — To reduce them to ashes, Or you might make them feel ashamed, Or perhaps politely ask for them to move.
Or you could become erratic, They will always be guessing, Until you find a way, To make a path through.
No matter which road you take, You should try your hardest, To get past those, Who get in the way.
Shove them out of your path, Ask them politely, Burn them to the ground, Whichever you prefer, really.
At night in the dark, my brain likes to spark
It ignites like a fire my most selfish desires
I feel ashamed for feeling this way
Is it so wrong to want what others have
And not just be left with no pass?
My brain hops from one thing to the next
In an erratic dance with no rythem or end
Why can’t my thoughts just let me sleep
Oh to be able to sleep peacefully,
And endlessly, in my own bed
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