Writing Prompt
After the storm, when the winds settle down It's all I can do to stifle the sound Of my scream and tears borne from frustration and regret That I let my emotions control me, that I got so upset
It starts unassuming, like most storms often do Everything is fine until I feel something new Until that feeling builds and the pressure explodes Although actually, it's truer to say that I implode And unleash a barrage of thunder and lightning No wait that's just me, isn't that frightening? My voice a loud boom, my emotions frayed as a wire It takes more than you think to put out this fire But when the whole scene is all said and done That's when my turmoil has truly begun Because that's when my body comes down from its high That the storm brought with it, even though its a lie Because it's not a high when I'm left at my lowest of lows Forced to face the aftermath of all of my woes With my will to go on and my energy drained and a new story for my therapist the only thing gained Yet on I trek to pick up the pieces and put it all back together As I hope and pray desperately for sunnier weather
howls jarred out from the feilds wind splutter turbines lights across the sky we draw lines to connect the worlds direct connection between your world and mine seperated by years of time
in your deciet, did you sink into the marsh in the pathway of fate, did you continue your march or did you question your reflection feel pity for your life and turn off your lights in the sky
You dont look up at the night You dont find no meaning in those lights
Is it to late to help those who followed your trail Can i pick up my footprints in the marsh If we all are going to leave a mark How is this the only one i leave
in that moment it was only you and me
The dark clouds gathered surrounding his head Casting shadows around his face Then the red color arose from below As the blood in his body did race.
Yet some did ignore the signs that they saw And into the tempest they flew Yet only once would they enter that storm Once they decided they knew.
For no mere mortal can weather the storm When the fierce winds batter and bruise So you must be wary of the signs that you see Lest into the storm you do cruise.
But though the storm is ever so brutal Though the winds seem ever a blasting The storm will abate you just have to wait You see, it is never long lasting.
Yes the dark clouds that gathered surrounding his head Casting shadows upon his face Finally dissipate to bring sunshine and calm As he returns to a state of grace.
Emotions whirl around inside here Anger, happiness, worry, fear. The storm within threatening to break free. Never letting you just be.
Thundering constantly in your brain. Sadness as thick as rain. Anger as cold as ice. Making you freeze every step of the way.
Happiness the only calm. Letting you break free and not cause alarm. The worry, oh the worry. It takes over day by day never faultering.
And yet, you survive. With the storm constantly running free inside. Never a true moment of freedom. And yet, you survive.
Caught up in this mess Trying to fight the storm Wanting to hurt But try to fight it down I know it will come to pass But it want to take over All the anger building up Like a storm waiting to strike As I punch it’s like a lighting burst And when im finally calm The storm has come to pass
The anger raged and festered A storm brewing in the soul It threatened to bubble over And lash at everyone Just like in middle school But I’m better than that now I can control myself And if I ever need to explode He will always be there Ready to stand and take the blows Sometimes he annoys me That’s all I let show But deep down I really care More then he’ll ever know
Relief or an ending? Is it over? Or just beginning?
Can we even say the storm is over?
When the effects haunt us every second of every minute of every day
I’m not saying That it’s not gone
The worst of it is in the past
But the future doesn’t look brighter
Will any of this last?
We put ourselves together
Just for another storm to hit
And wreck all of our progress
I don’t know if it’s worth it Maybe we should just hunker down Stay safe in the aftermath
Don’t think about the future
It’s not here yet
Just live In the relief of the end
of the past
Don’t make me mad. Cross my path and your marked missing. I take your friend and you scream;
no. You should have left her for dead.
Oh? You don’t want to see this? Chain you down, rip your i lids out, now you’ve got no choice but to watch me!
Oh the blood! Oh this is fun!
“You serve my anger” i hiss
I’m sorry it’s not me, it’s a slip of the mind, maybe some crazy and twisted OCD?
Chop off your limbs, now how you gonna crawl away?
Stars are shining outside, but you can’t see. Your in my basement on your knees begging for mercy.
They whisper about me, THEY THINK I CANT HEAR!
Not much can get under my skin. But still.Don’t say the wrong thing, my target list always has room for a few more! Please, I’m not violent , I’m just misunderstood! My hobbies are a little different! That’s all it is!
I love angry raps and music, but you accomplished me very favorite perfectly, my anguished victims screams!
Rip your tongue out. You were talking about me bad. What do you expect with me?
If I’m hungry, don’t have money? Guess that means your on my menu! Chop you up and put you in my fridge! Oh the sweet taste of revenge.
They cost sooo much! But not more than the price I’ll make you pay for the girl you betray!
Double time, triple time! Got you cornered like a fox and I’m the hunter. Slit your throat and you croak
No chance. My anger brings all my enemies to there knees.
Ps, this was inspired by shadow queen, and some my own emotions on a twisted,murder way. But that’s why they might sound kinda the same. She inspires a lot of my writing and even though I’m not as good of a writer as her you might see some similarities. I Hope she comes back ❤️
days and weeks and months flew by grazing past my ear like a dodgeball in PE the storm came quick but left just as quickly the howling winds turned into silence I didn’t know it would come but i didn’t expect it to leave it left a patch of destruction one that we were left to mend we paved the roads and fixed the houses as the storm proceeded to the next town it’s no longer with me, so whoever meets it next:
good luck.
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