Writing Prompt
Inhabit. Exhibit. Lament.
In a story of no more than 10 lines, use these three words in any order. Try not to randomly throw them in, but think about a storyline that allows you to link them all naturally.
Bound by blood,
by suffering,
we stitch ourselves together.
They’ve tired of us,
I’ve tired of you,
and you of me too—
only so much weight
one heart can hold.
But still,
and you,
we’ll walk the fraying line,
threadbare but together,
as long as we remain.
No one sees
the quiet fire,
the untold courage
it takes to stay.
No one knows
we’re brave....
The hundred of voices of the strangers around me morphed into one distinct sound and hummed through my ears. I squeezed my dad’s hand a little tighter and looked up at him. He returned my glance, smiled and pointed straight in front of us. I grinned ear to ear as the monkey exhibit came into view and began to shuffle my feet faster.
Dad and I made our way to the enclosure and I slapped my hands ...
Başını yukarıya kaldırıp gökyüzünde kanatlarını çırparak uçan kuşları seyre daldı. yakın zamana kadar kendisi de o kuşlar gibi özgürce çeşitli manevralar yapıp süzülerek uçuyordu. küçücük kalbinde bir sızı hissetti. boynunu büküp şimdiki halini düşündü. kanadını çırpmak istedi ama hissiz bir organ gibi kanadı oynamıyordu. kendini yere çakılmış bir Çakıltaşı gibi hissediyordu hiç alışkın bir duru...
Despite her best effort, Amy hadn’t been able to bring herself to attend the gathering after Danny’s service. in all honesty, she had barely been able to make it through the funeral itself. All too aware of the stairs as she had been, that followed her throughout the day, watching her like some side exhibit at a science fair, just waiting for her to implode.
She felt like it.
She couldn’t handle...
Lamenting the death of my partner, now 5 years alone.
Over this time I’ve come to pick up their old habits and routines.
Sitting crisscrossed in their dining chair as they always have.
Saying farewell to the sun as it sets in the evening as they always have.
I exhibit their facial expressions.
I project their tone.
Wearing their clothes, reading their favorite stories. I’ve inhabited their...
My dearest friend, did I inhabit your heart? Did you exhibit it with every lingering gaze you sent my way? I remember your eyes catching every word that I uttered as if it were a precious jewel. But look at how I’ve treated you. I let our love never start at all because I was afraid to face my own heart. One day, I thought I’ll say it aloud. I thought of you in the long term but this world disagre...
He was an exhibit. With honey-colored skin and hair dipped in gold. They would gather around him, morning and evening, inhabiting the cold, linoleum space of his new home. Breathing in the residue of the artist’s fingers. The air she left behind when she couldn’t color any longer. And when they read his name, etched below his body, they lamented. For his beauty was as tragic as the Devil....
Look at me.
I’ve inhabited this planet for trillions and trillions and years, and now look at me.
These humans, these monsters... they have invaded my planet. They have invaded my home and burned everything I’ve ever loved. They have betrayed me.
Look at me.
Sitting here in a cage, in a costume, being tortured. I am beaten, and I am bruised. Chained to the wall of my prison, a prison that the ...
I decided to use more then 10 lines... because I could
Her heels clicked on the marble staircase
Red like blood, and making her look far taller than she really was
Her skirt was tight; fitting against her slim body
She had little range of motion in that skirt
It annoyed her
But no matter, she had a mission
Being an aspiring artist, one must find inspiration
In whatever, whomever, or wherever
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