Writing Prompt
Describe a world that has no nights.
Consider how this may affect human physiology and behaviour.
Every day is the same. We have to block out the windows every night and put on blindfolds. Earplugs and white noise machines are used a lot. Without the night, people aren’t synchronized to begin and end activities in a predictable way, so lawns get mown and dogs get walked at all hours.
It’s safer than when we had darkness. No dark alleys for muggers to hide, no menace lurking to prey under cover of night. It’s harder to surprise anyone without the dark. People see threatening looking people from a mile away and steer clear of them.
Initially, seasonal affective disorder was a thing of the past, and it felt like an endless summer festival. But the glamor wore off in the unchanging procession of days. The glitz grew tawdry. The laughter grew tinny, then faded away.
Humans are built to face adversity and challenge. With global unlimited sun, solar power became cheap, then free. Food could grow twenty four hours a day, and there was more to eat than there were mouths to eat it. Mental breakdowns are so common. Suicides in every house. People who survived wars and famines were now undone by surplus and plenty.
Nights are for thinkers, for lovers, for philosophers. These activities quickly grew scarce. Shallowness dominated culture. Everyone wanted something new and daring, but there weren’t any artists left who could make something new. Everything became a reboot, or a sequel, or a rehash. There was nothing new under the sun.
To simulate nightlife, underground clubs in basements and caverns have popped up everywhere. It’s the enchanting to dance in light and shadows, pretending things were like they used to be. People don’t tan to look attractive anymore; they hide their faces from the sun to cultivate the pale, porcelain complexion of the night owl.
Intentional communities try and recreate the old circadian rhythms. Huge domes serve as sun shields over neighborhoods, painted on the inside with stars and a moon. There is peace there, but it’s artificial and unsettling. Most people leave after a few weeks, needing the real more than the fake to feel whole.
When people began dying, it was a relief. At least something could end, and the monotony could be interrupted. Doctors speculate that some people never could sleep without the dark, and they were progressively more and more sleep deprived until they collapsed, and even chemically assisted sleep didn’t save them.
Crazy people rage at the sky. They call on scientists to fire rockets into the sun, to bring us a new ice age for relief. They worship the moon, which we only see the shadow of some days. Scientists won’t do anything. The endless day has put an end to scientific breakthroughs.
The icecaps are melting and the sea levels are rising faster and faster. There will be no ark this time. No one has any interest in survival. When the floodwaters come to make this land into the ocean floor, we will welcome it. At least then we’ll know darkness.
Today is a day of a whole new revolution, a discovery, a discovery of a new planet earth 2.0. Let me tell you more about this new planet, its habitable, it has no nights, new species of animals and dark days. This new “earth” is one of a kind planet. Not every day you see a habitable planet you can get in a rocket ship and fly to. Well that’s pretty much it just five thousand six hundred and ninety nine dollars. (get your flight to earth 2.0 today!)
When I think about a world without no nights, it really makes me ponder.
It causes me to think of the scripture which says “Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.” Would we still weep or cry in a world without nighttime?
As we know, bad things, sad things, difficult decisions, intense decisions, fevers, and dreadful situations can happen anytime, but for some strange reason these occurrences seem to be more pronounced during the night.
It seems that in the stillness of the night, a multitude of things transpire. Would a world without nightlife be a much safer world?
Although I know we need our nighttime hours as a time to rest, to settle in, to relax and to rejuvenate our minds. Would we be able to rest and recharge our internal batteries in a world without the night? I’m sure we could, because people in states like Alaska make it happen, and manage very well.
If we didn’t have a night hours we could be pressured to constantly move, act, maneuver, and be in constant motion.
Would we be more productive in the world without the night?
Just a few questions that I have recently contemplated…
But Lord, I thank you for your awesome creation. I thank you Lord for knowing exactly what we need, when we need it, and how we need it.
Thank you Lord for being in control, of the day as well as the night!
Lord I praise you for the day and for the night! I thank you Lord, for being all knowing, and all wise. Lord I thank you for being our provider. And Lord, I thank you for your divine protection, during the day and all through the night.
I look at the clock. “1:45am” Not even close to the time that I need to be up. I look outside my window. The beating sun plays the illusion that the world is still alive, yet most people here are sound asleep. The blackout blinds help. But bits of light still creep through. I can’t imagine how animals here deal with this much sun. Blackout blinds are obvious not an option to these creatures. Perhaps the thick, dense forest creations a sufficient shield from the blistering sun. But who knows. I’m sure there’s a documentary out there somewhere that could explain everything and prevent me from this continued speculation. Maybe a quick Goggle search will place my mind at ease and then I can lay my head back to rest. “How do animals sleep in the Yukon during the summer” I quickly scan the text on my phone screen, and discover that animals actually don;t get much sleep in the summer months. Turns out, all of this sunshine and warmth creates the ultimate hunting scenario, so the animals make haste of this opportunity. They basically hunt as much as they can, store what food they can, and prepare for their very long winter. Interesting. So i guess I was wrong with my initial thought. The world outside is NOT mostly asleep. It’s mostly alive. Yet, there is a large group of miners who are trying to convince themselves that it is bedtime. What strange creatures we humans are. But then again, we did decide to place ourselves here in this situation. This situation where we fly out to a remote part of the world, and put ourselves to work ,so that we can increase our financial situation, and enjoy the finer offerings of this life on our “off” time. Now that I think about it, maybe we are like these animals of the Yukon. Similar to the animals, we seize the opportunity to gain. They hung food, and we collect money from a steady pay cheque. Only difference is, we are conscious of this decision, and can opt out anytime we feel like it. Unlike the animals, who have instinctively adapted over generations. I wonder what would happen to an animal that was accustom to the normal cycle of a day, and placed here suddenly? I bet they’d get pretty confused. Would they still go to sleep at their regular time? Or expect a midnight walk to relieve themselves? Wake you up at the crack of dawn to be fed? This is getting out of hand. I need to stop thinking so much and just get myself to fall back to sleep. But what’s the point. I look at the clock. “2:35am” In another 2 hours it will be close to the time I would normally wake up. Should I just turn on a movie and try and stay up the rest of the night? Should I go to the gym and get an early start to my daily routine? How much will this decision affect the rest of my week. Fuck. Now I’m hungry. I’m pretty sure there’s fresh pizza out in the cafeteria’s lunch fridge. Great. Now I’m definitely up. Oh well. I’ve still got another 2 weeks to readjust my sleep cycle before I have to leave and head back South, where the days/nights are normal and I can reintegrate back into society. Decision made. Gym. Snack. Movie. And then before I know it, the rest of camp will be up, and I can start my actual day. Hopefully tomorrow (or later tonight) I’ll be so tired, that’ll be forced to pass out by 7pm. This is gonna work out just great.
They say sunshine like a happy thing. Like it’s not a ball of fire in the sky. Like it doesn’t dry up beautiful things. Like it’s better than anything in this universe. I used to adore it, admire it, the brightest star out there. But when the moon disappeared, when the sun stopped setting, I grew a hatred for it. It made everyone crazy. Not crazy like “oh my gosh where did nighttime go?” but crazy as in happy. All the time. Smiles glued to people’s faces twenty-four seven. The days never end, I can’t seem to get a sense of time, I’m going crazy too. Just in a different way. People around the world smiling all the time, I can’t smile anymore. I don’t know why, because believe me I’ve tried, for the past eight months I’ve tried everything, watching my favorite shows, reading my favorite books, I just can’t. The first few months I could at least fake a smile, now no matter how hard I try I can’t. Something’s wrong. Not just with me, not just with my neighbors, something is wrong with…well earth. And I’m going to figure it out.
The world lost its nights Many years ago. Or rather, the world stopped spinning. What had been in darkness was left in darkness, Ice grew into age and a half.
The other side of the globe was gifted with the sun’s undivided attention, A curse in itself some might say, Just be sure when you go out to look away From its blazing gaze. Trust me when I say it’s always there, That same spot in the sky That gives the most glare Blinds every driver, every pedestrian So the people go slow as each day begins.
And maybe there are 24 hours of ongoing light, But we’ve stuck to the clock From when we still had the moon. Blackout curtains have been purchased, The rooster’s not to be trusted Solar energy has skyrocketed While everyday energy plummeted.
There’s no sneaking out in the dark, No “lights out” Or midnight strolls in the park. Since there is no night to be a dangerous time, Every time is dangerous, kidnappings in broad daylight.
The nocturnal creatures have migrated, Growing thicker cloaks and sharper claws, Hiding in eternal shadows of the other side, They are fans of attacking without probable cause.
And this place, Such a lighter brighter world Might be a bit different, But it’s still our earth.
With sleepless intuition, I have traveled along all year Among the train of the atmosphere, Neither a patch of dark Or a blotch of black, These radiant bulbs glow, The flowing ground passing quickly
I am here, And I have been here Again and again, the ship revolves, Around the everlasting globe I’ve seen every continent and mass of land Around again, The grand view always pleases me
But today, I step off this passage, To another station From the comfort of my roomette, I look out the glass door Fearless, they breach past change, The other passengers; So can I
Clearing the platform, Eyes blazed a dull copper hue And red from exposure The sun, finally, begins to retreat: A day I could only imagine— Or night, I presume
Waiting at the port, A window that escapes the edges of vision, Shadows dance in corners, Growing ever larger
I’ve never seen a color so smooth, Aside from when I shut my eyes, Saturated and enthralling I can’t keep my mind on it Until they roll back to where they came:
A cavern of leisure and A new comforting darkness
It's been one hundred twenty-one days since I last shut my eyes.
A third of the year since the king cast a spell that eliminated all darkness and eradicated nighttime. I wander through the streets of Nazari, concealing my face with a shawl. Sweat beads on my forehead as I push past the swarms of citizens lamenting in the streets. The constant sunlight scorched the planet and killed our crops. Those who did not cover up suffered untreatable burns. Without night, we could not sleep, so we resorted to herbs for forced rest. The Melanthis blossom, the most potent flower of all, quickly vanished due to uncontrollable demand. I'm on the hunt to find one.
this is unfinished
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