Writing Prompt
A teenager from a reclusive society is allowed on the internet for the first time, and struggles between enjoying it, and wanting to continue with his natural lifestyle.
_“Thirty minutes, starting now for Owen Chen, Sector 25–“_
The automatic voice drones on through the speakers of the Entertainment Room, the device at my desk thrumming to life as I take a seat.
After fifteen years of waiting, I am finally allowed access to the Epitome of Entertainemnt, a platform said to withhold infinite information.
I smile at the sight of a wide screen glowing with artifici...
The Worlds in Shambles
OH what a shame
No one to turn to
And screens to blame
With the tap of a finger
The swipe of a thumb
Instantly lost, in a world
Made of pixels and fun
But that's not real
It is so surreal
Lost in this world
Scroll after scroll
It’s created a society of goldfish
Easily controlled
One doesn't need to think!
Soulful discussions
Are a thing of the past
Just Consume ingest Devo...
We weren’t supposed to interact with anyone but from our community. We lived in our own world in the middle of nowhere woods.
And I followed that rule. Until one day when my sister, who had a phone for emergencies, showed me something.
It was called social media.
I loved it, and I hated it. It felt cool to see people from all over the world. But when again, it was also creepy. I didn’t want random...
“So pretty cool right? I can’t believe you’ve never played Vams. It is kind of like Sims but like a thousand times cooler. You were made for this game, Zar?” Austin said. “It’s all vampires."
Rocking in his gamer chair, Austin adjusted his headset. A few weeks back, he’d met the coolest kid at the Midnight Madness Murder Moviefest. Confident and deadpan funny, Balthazaar “Zar” for short was a tot...
He put his laptop away. It was the only means he was allowed to search the web. His hands itched for more…
He knew the potential this technology had, but he also knew his own weakness. The entirety of human history, culture, art etc were at his fingertips and yet he always found himself scrolling past mindless videos of scantily clad women lip syncing or dancing…
He would lose track of time whi...
I sit before a blinding white colour box. I was told to ask this this box any questions. This is the internet. The words ask me to search within God or type Earl. I type ‘Answers’ using the flat typewriter. The librarian with amusement tells me to press enter on the flat typewriter. The colour box changes and words appear. I use the rodent mover to start clicking.
There are many faces to this col...
They said
“Here! Give it a try!”
Jokes on them
I now want to die
They sent me the screen
And sent me away
Now this is the only way
I can pass my days
Scroll scroll scroll
Tap tap tap
Humm, I might just take a nap
Sleeping is easier
Then retuning to my life
Of emotion and confusion
I’ll always have to fight
But with this thing
This tiny, glowing screen
I don’t have to worry
I don’t have to be...
i’m finally allowed on social media at the age of 17. My parent were very strict growing up. i couldn’t do a thing. It made me a very contained child, I don’t talk much or have many friends in school. i downloaded instagram. Five mixtures later i got a notification “amanda.444 followed you”. amanda was a popular girl, I was surprised to see her follow me. I opended the app and followed her back an...
“You have used one of these before, haven’t you?”, The bearded lumberjack-looking man asked. In his firm hand, he held a compact, rectangular, glowing screen that allured my innocent eyes. I stood there frozen, my pupils dilating from the blue lights’ temptation, absorbing all my focus like a moth to a flame. All of a sudden, I felt the warmth of his gloved hand plant the metal device securely in ...
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