Plot Builder
Love makes time pass... time makes love pass.
This is a Chiasmus - when words or phrases are repeated in reverse order to have different meanings. Write a poem that includes a chiasmus.
Trinity Writes
1 min read
I think of you often, in times of great happiness or deep regret.
I long to share these moments with you, wrapped in the security I know only you will give me.
I wish I could say I knew you, but instead I’ll write this letter to you.
Adressed as this; my love and my life.
To the movies I see, wondering if any are your favourite
The life I’ve lived seems to be standing so tall,
Or the books ive ...
HM Violet
Impatience breeds worry
Worry breeds impatience
Around and around they go
Churring in the belly
Of many Type A's
And the occasional Type C
Money consumes the world
The world consumes money
A never-ending gnawing
That picks its pearly whites
with fright...
Shay Andersen
being weird is different,
but being different isn’t weird....
Tedi Zimmermann
The old saying being
A bird in the hand is
worth two in the bush.
As I am a bird I would argue
And seek to educate you.
The one bird in the hand is
Headed for the pot.
We birds are not really birdbrains.
We know our fate.
I would argue that bird gives
Short pleasure and is gone,
A quick bite, and hardy fulfilling.
But those two in the bush?
They give you songs
In evening and at dawn.
They lift ...
Don’t you ever wonder
The reason why we’re here?
Don’t you ever ponder
Why there’s so many things to fear?
Snakes, spiders, the monster under the bed
But some fear other things instead
The reaching arms of the shadows cling to the weaknesses we own
They pull it, drain it, take advantage of it
And when it’s sucked out of you, you’re nothing but a clone
Our feet pitter patter against the rough and r...
Kylęss Hampton
For I shall not be named, my name is not know. We pass each other every day. I am a mystery to you and to you I stand know. You leave me speechless but speechless not you make me sing the words to your story. Seems like I am in love and your in disappointment. We can’t be on the same page and the same page where not because you reading a different book. For earth is my planet and your planet earth...
Crime, mystery & thriller
Bri loves apples
With care comes friendship.
With friendship comes care....
Those who mind don’t matter,
And eventually you’ll tend to find,
That amongst all the nonsense and chatter,
Those who matter don’t mind....
Friends come with time... in time come your friends !...
Your my only love the one I feel like I can’t do without. The only one I feel connected to just want to be near you out the blue the one I would try to save,The one I would try to protect The one I fell deep in love without when you first met. The one I am happy to see the one I want to be with every night even after a fight you’re my now then and forever the one I can hold on to when I’m feeling...
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