Writing Prompt


Write a short story about a character who is running from something.

This could be literal or metaphorical – see what sparks your interest!



The trees danced along with the soft winds as the birds chirped a beautiful melody. I couldn’t help but feel a calm sense of joy. This was my only get away from the harsh reality I lived.

I stood up from my seat by the flower bed and walked over to the fence, I was never allowed to cross it alone; It was too dangerous he said, I’m too small and weak he said. If I ever went beyond this garden again he said he’d kill me before the outside world does. That’s what kept me in because I knew well that he wouldn’t hesitate to end my life.

A sigh escaped my lips as I peered over the fence, the kids played skip rope and tag, I watched the dogs play fetch with their owners and an elderly couple walked hand in hand... They all looked so happy and I earnestly craved it.

His voice brought me back to my senses as he called out my name. “Clare, what are you doing?”

My body tenses as I avert my attention to him. “Just looking..”

“Don’t try nothin’ funny, alright?”

“I won’t..” I mumble.

He takes a step towards me, caressing my hair with his calloused fingers. “You know how much it’ll hurt me if you just ran off and left. And I’m sure you wouldn’t want what happened last time to happen again, hm?”

A lump formed in my throat as the memory replayed in my mind. “…no.”

“Good.” I watch as he lets out a small sigh. “Clare I know I don’t always show it but I love you, and I wouldn’t know what to do without you. You love me too right?”

I nod but I was still unsure. Actions spoke louder than words and even his words were cruel and harsh majority of the time. I searched his deep eyes for any sign of honesty but he was just so hard to read. Instead I peered back at the flowers then to the gate- I just wanted to be free. From him, from this ‘home’..from this hell.

Yet my love for him blinded me to all the harsh realities of my life. I knew he only loved me to stroke his own ego, he loved me only because he could control me. But he was kind, gentle and caring with me at times…i still felt loved…

…Did I want to leave this all behind..?

My mind fought with itself..i hated these conflicting feelings…i hated that i felt unhappy yet content with the way he treated me, though maybe it’s because it’s all I’ve ever known.

My train of thought was cut off when he went back inside the house. Now was my only chance. But what should I do..?

Finally making up my mind, I bite my nails anxiously as I peer down at the latch on the fence. Mustering up as much courage as I could, I open the gate with my shaky hand. My heart raced in my chest as my bare feet touched the cold concrete. I took one step, then another until I eventually ran. A few kids gave me weird stares for not wearing shoes, but I didn’t care since I was free!

Atleast that’s what I thought.

Let’s Go For A Walk And Get Out Of Here

I’m jack,this is about me and my friend Rachel going for a walk and getting lost and finding a deserted cabin,I had just got back home from school,my mum says why are you late jack,I say I had rugby practice mum,my mum says ok,your food is on the stove,i grunt thankyou mum,I head to the stove,grab my meal and place it in the microwave,I get a message of my girl best friend saying do you want to go for a walk,I text back saying I’m tired from training,I will go for a walk tmorrow,she replies ok after school,I put the thumbs up emoji.

I go to bed and sleep,my alarm goes beep beep,I hit it in frustration and roll outta my warm,comfy spot,I get into my uniform and head downstairs,I smell the luxurious smell of breakfast,I go to breakfast table and sit down and play on my phone,my mum places a plate of bacon,eggs,pancakes in front of me,I devour it in two and head out of the door and dart for my bus.

I get on the bus and it’s cramped as usual,but we arrive at school and i head indoors,the day flies by very quickly and I meet Rachel at the entrance to the school and message my mum saying I will be late,Rachel and me start walking and chattering as usual when we come across some dark woods,Rachel gives me a big grin and says let’s go explore,I shrug and nod,I follow Rachel.

We enter the deep dark woods,we hear branches snapping and leaves crunching under our feet,we hear a howl,Rachel screams,I say let’s get out these woods but Rachel says I carnt remember the way,I panic,I say let’s continue walking and see we’re we end up,I see a shed like house ahead of us,I say let’s go there and see if we get eny signal,so we head to the dark shed house and I press the light and it flickers,but turns back off again then I see some glowing blue eyes in the corner,I scream.

My Saviour

I made it to the coast. To the edge of this earth. My feet buried in the sand, and the tide approaches, and fully submerges my feet. As I look out towards the vastness of the ocean, I see nothing. Just the distinct line that has been created between the ocean’s surface and the sky. What lies ahead? Nothing… or everything. But it is here that I have come. It only took me a total of 5 days and 4,689km. But I finally made it. I don’t think it will find me here. But I’ve been wrong before. Other times I have attempted this escape, with little success. Days go by undisturbed until a few weeks in, the urge within begins to call. It starts off as a gentle whisper. A slight suggestion that maybe this time it will be different. What’s the worst that could happen? It allows me the honour to successfully make a few attempts. Teasers if you will, or a sample of the “good life”. But what I’ve learned is, this is how the trap is set. Once you think you can handle it, that’s when the true colours are shown, and the fangs come out. I’ve thrown it all away too many times to make this same mistake again. So I must deny any temptation to allow even a fraction of that world into my life. But how will I fill that space? The need to be accepted by others, to avoid the boredom? Establishing a routine seems like a great step in the right direction. But what sorts of things must I do to ensure I am creating the best the best version of myself? Well, he should be educated, fit, full of energy, and spending time doing things he loves. Great. So I will wakeup every morning before the crack of dawn. I will enjoy a nice warm cup of coffee while I write in my journal, research a new business venture, and build up some of my computer skills. Exercise should also be a part of this new routine. So let’s make sure yoga is performed while the coffee is still brewing. I could even do some basic resistant band exercises. If the surf is good, I should absolutely get myself into the water. But the alternative could be going for a run along these beautiful trails offered here. And a gym pass is one more reason to get myself lifting weights and putting on a bit of muscle. Eating habits have always been a tricky subject. But here, in a small beach town, there is no temptation of the fast food shuffle. No longer an easy option, this fight will be fairly easy. But let’s make sure several veggies fill the cupboards, and junk food is kept to a minimum. I think with all of these habits put in place, I should be fairly occupied most of the day. But what will happen when I am placed within their crosshairs? It’s going to happen eventually. It’s inevitable. So I must learn to stand tall. Build my willpower to overcome temptation. I am no longer interested in running. Here at the coast, I have run as far as I can. So here I am. Forced to face my fears head on. Perhaps I can invite them into the water. Where one may surely drown. But not me. As a child of the sea, I have learned to adapt to this new world that surrounds me. I have watched the swells, and timed the tides. It has grown as an instinct. This will be my saviour. It has to be.

Forever Running

Two years. Natalie had been on the run for two whole years. It wasn't supposed to be like this. She was supposed to graduate college, get a good job, married, and have a family. None of that was going to happen now. Natalie could never stop running.

Two years ago Natalie’s life was perfectly normal. She was working at a small diner in her hometown and looking forward to starting college. She wanted to be a doctor. She wanted to help people, but now she was on the run. Her life would never be the same again.

It began as just another slow night at the diner. These cold winter nights were terrible for business. Natalie heard the bell ding and made her way to the front to greet the guest as he sat down at the bar.

“Good evening, what can I get for you?” Natalie said with a smile.

“Coffee.” The man said without looking up.

Natalie sat a cup in front of him and filled it with coffee. He sipped it quietly as Natalie began wiping down some tables. She hoped since the night was so slow she would be able to get everything shut down and leave a little earlier. Time would be the least of her worries.

The door was thrown open so harshly it almost shattered the glass. Natalie gasped and looked up to see another man running toward the first man sitting at the bar. He seemed very angry and the two started arguing with each other in a language Natalie didn't understand. She ran behind the counter to the phone to call the police, but her efforts were ineffective.

The second man reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a gun, he then fired four shots directly at the first man, killing him instantly. Natalie screamed and ran into the back and out the door. She pulled out her cell phone and called the police, she gave them the address and told them what she had just witnessed.

Natalie felt like she was going to throw up the whole way back to her apartment. She had never witnessed anything like that before in her life. She watched someone get murdered. How does someone simply let that go? How could she just move on with her life knowing that someone else was just deprived of their own? It made the world seem very small.

As Natalie approached her apartment door she noticed a note stuck in the door. Confused, she pulled the note out and read;

I know you saw me. You were not supposed to make it out of the diner. I know where you work and where you live. I will kill you, even if you run, I will find you, and I will kill you.

Fear washed over Natalie’s face as she looked around to make sure the man planning to murder her wasn't nearby. She panicked, unsure what to do. Should she call the police? She had already done that and it didn't seem to help. The man wasn't captured. He was still out there waiting for her. She shuttered as the fear of everything washed over her body.

She quickly ran inside her apartment and locked the door. Taking a few deep breaths she ran to the bedroom and grabbed a backpack, filling it with clothes and a few essential items. Natalie would go on the run. As long as she stayed moving, hopefully, the man wouldn't be able to find her. She took one last look around her apartment, laid the key on the table, and left.

That man wouldn't find Natalie if she could help it. No matter how far or long she had to run, she would run forever if she had to. She wasn't going to let him find her. Ever.