Writing Prompt
Paradise. Elsewhere. Consume.
In a 500-word scene or story, include these words in any order.
I will not pine for parasites today. Nor tip my hat, towards such domain. Loss of hope, is redemption for those of us who conquer lovers through shaky flows. Oh, I'm not done yet. I'll bleed out every ounce of this crushing regret. Fill the bucket to the brim, before I fall to such demise again. Every sip I ever took of him, regurgitating through my pours of oddly sin. Crowded whispers plague my mind. Screeching that, in due time. I'll find a way to end these rhymes. I'll change my heart, I'll refuse from the start...these walls of sighs still stand for me. Protecting me from the very likes, of such parasitic fleas...
The hounds encircle me now. Tracing their prints in the bloodied sands. Eyes locked into mine - like orbs of fire sending shivers down my spine,
“Welcome to Paradise, parasite.”
I know I'm outta time. I think I've always been. I had to seek to find. And find I surely fucking did.
The birds of the air are eager to tear the flesh from my bones - because I’ve been broken to pieces, easy prey - I’ll pray without ceasing.
Or else - I end elsewhere. I swear no one else can see this somewhere. Nowhere’s known by nobody - ‘cept me. I wish somebody’d fucking help me. But I doubt they can hear me - over the ground screaming. The seas ceased seeing. Broken waves - waving goodbye to the shores of eternity - collapsed and capsized - are the currents that carried you to me.
Shattered skies falling all around me
That mirror doesn’t recognize me - won’t hear my pleas, my reflection carried off in the breeze as I fall to my knees begging bleeding clouds for mercy.
I traded this peace in for shame and regret. The deal of a lifetime. I’ve gotta admit. As a dog - I’ll return to my vomit.
How much longer?
How much colder can this soul get before I freeze?
How can it be this cold, when there’s fire all around me?
How will I burn, when there's nothing left of me?
How can I be me, when everything in me, is absolutely empty?
How can I see, when my eyes are veiled by misery?
Drag me into that fire again, friend.
A good burning would do away with my cold heart - tear me apart - cast me to the swine.
Rest assured, I’ll be fine.
Time and time again I’ve prayed to see my last day - suffocating from my mistakes - longing for a grave as I stare Grace in His face.
Each morning I rise, a corpse awakes, ready to lay the day to waste.
I make haste to taste the bitter things - everyone around calls them sweet.
Word on the street, outlines of a new life, begging me to see light.
They lied when they told me it was inside me.
Everything in me is worth despising.
Everything from me is good! I’m lying.
Truth fucking dies in me.
Falsehoods cling to me like a soot covering a crematory.
My soul spreads disease, an infection of my heart, there’s an ailment in my mind. This contagion - call it dark.
It’ll spark up an inferno from the flames upon my tongue - It’ll spread to everyone I speak to - and it’s only just begun.
When I start to write my fucking issues
then you better start to run - when I let the fucking dog loose - then the wolf is sure to come - When my words are tied like a noose - then the hang….
“Hang on…. That’s 500.”
“Guess we’ll call it.”
“Yep. Leave ‘em hanging.”
"Your eyes are a vision and your hair is silky smooth. Your skin sparkles and I dream dreams of you." "Oh don't you dare," Mila laughed. "Hey," Tyson argued. "These are my wedding vows and I can do them however I please," He insisted. The crowd giggled a little and the bride faced towards Tyson again, still shaking her head. "Now may I please finish?" Tyson asked politely. Still half rolling her eyes, Mila said, "Yes you may." And so he began. “You are my paradise, my one true love. You are the zone of comfort that fits like a glove. I can picture your smile when I close my eyes at night, knowing that you are there to hold me so tight. When I look at you, you are all that I see, and I hope that when you look, all you see is me. Your kindness and generosity is the most important thing, it made me get down on one knee with your ring. Your heart is the thing about you I love most, you’ve never gone around just to brag and to boast. So stay with me now and for forever more, because I can’t wait to see what our future has in store.” Mila wiped a small tear from her cheek, trying not to let anyone see it. “Tyson. I didn’t know that you were such a poet,” She laughed. “Did you like it?” He whispered. She grinned. “Yes. I loved it!” She exclaimed. Tyson smiled. He was proud, but mostly just happy to be with her. “I love you, Mila. And no matter where I could be right now, I wouldn’t be elsewhere,” He told her. “You have always been the brightness that lights me inside, and I couldn’t leave you no matter how hard I tried,” He said. “Are you still going with this?” She giggled. “No, just messing with you,” He laughed. “Now,” The priest started. “It’s Mila’s turn.” Mila stepped closer to Tyson, who’s eyes were glistening into hers. “Tyson, you have been the love of my life for a really long time. I was never one to rush into a relationship, and we didn’t rush by any means, but I knew from the moment I met you that we would end up at the end of the aisle together.” She took his hand, almost bringing herself to tears. “Every moment with you…every time I see your eyes in mine or I hear your voice softly and powerfully bringing me back from any painful time; that’s when I love you the most. You are just such a beautiful person in such unimaginable ways. But I see you, Tyson. Every piece of you in the most amazing way. I will always be a part of you even when you aren’t a part of me anymore. My love for you consumes me. So, Tyson, if you’ll have me as your wife, I will never leave you until death do us part.”
“I do.” “I do.”
Yes. The sweet stench of death. I know it all too well, and now it comes for me.
But what happens next? That has always been on my mind. Shall the good deeds and defenses save me from the doom that follows me? Or not? Shall I go to paradise or elsewhere? Shall a waste my soul away? Will it be consumed by the darkness? Or have I done enough?
Those men in the trenches, fate should know that I didn’t mean to kill them so brutally. Those gunshots fired in the mist. Those leathery faces in the gravel and smoke. They still haunt me. But is my paranoia enough to forgive me?
I never learned their names, I don’t remember some of their faces, I didn’t find their families to send my condolences. How could I forgive myself, even though others forgave me?
Am I murderer, or a defender?
What has war done to me?
To everyone but her, that house is a paradise.
They see a place that covers each who enters in a blanket of love.
They see a building used to host birthday parties and hangouts during the Super Bowl, or a place to gather during the holidays.
She always wondered how one house could have two completely different descriptions. Like she was living elsewhere, but that house remained. The memories of hiding, being fearful of the unknown.
The day she passed that old house and saw a “for sale” sign on the front yard, she thought of what it’s future could be.
For the next family, it won’t be a prison. It won’t be somewhere that is avoided or dreaded. It will hopefully be contained with laughter. With safety.
The children living inside won’t be consumed with the constant thoughts of wondering what it could have been like. They’ll see what it’s supposed to be like.
Not corpses, yet we still rot. Continuous consumption of dead hearts, pleasure within grasp of fools. Hunger insatiable. We don’t fear anything, because we’ve already died. Shards of heartbreak fixed with salt, pain is freedom. Elsewhere one is living a dream, but in reality it becomes a nightmare. Humans struggle with life, life struggles to die. Ever consuming and fire, plunge this forsaken world into a cursed paradise.
Johnny Paradise, a spoiled playboy, was up to his scrawny neck in gambling debts and other men’s wives. Johnny Paradise, the heir to the Wally Winter’s Wonderland Snow Globes, was running his grandfather’s company aground. Johnny Paradise was also stone cold dead from an apparent gun shot wound beneath the armpit. I stared at the ex-Mr. Paradise and pondered. “Chief, Detective Sabrina Ho from Grand Rapids, PD. Detective Ho this is Sheriff Wes Tatenbaum.” Officer Snowden said. I shook myself out of my thoughts and gave the big city detective a firm hand shake. Tatenbaum had looked up the homicide detective when he reached out to the big city for assistance and he had been impressed by her clearance rate. Ho was petite, shorter than he had anticipated, with a pixie haircut. She wore a serious pantsuit and bright red Snoopy Red Baron socks peeked out of her protective booties. “Detective Ho thank you for coming out to Evergreen Valley. Especially in this snowstormReally thank you. CSI has already processed the scene but I wanted to allow you to examine scene first hand. Minutely Ho walked the scene. From the rows of pristine globes to the sealed windows to the office door that had to be smashed open Ho seems to see everything I couldn’t see. “Hmm,” Sabrina said rubbing her temples. “This reminds of me of something. It’s on the tip of my brain. Tell me what you think Sheriff.” “The gun appears to be a small caliber probably a .22 caliber—“ “Entering under the left armpit,” Sabrina said. “Snowden filled me over t he phone when I drove in. No tell me everything I can’t see. I grew up in a small town and the sheriff knows more gossip the United Methodist Women’s knitting circle.” I laughed. “But they have better pickles. I wasn’t raised to speak ill of the dead but Johnny was a parasite. He was a hard man wrapped in velvet. He consumed, taking and taking. Anyone who could get away from him went elsewhere,” I said. My voice trailed off as Ho caught my eyes. “Are you telling me picturesque Evergreen Valley is chockfull of suspects.” Ho’s eyes twinkled. “This scene is too clean.” “But the windows and door were bolted from the inside. Like…” I said. “The Benson Murder Case,” we said in unison. “Johnny was shot elsewhere and died here in his office after bolting his own door,” I shouted. “You know what this means?” Sabrina said. My mind reeled to organize my thoughts around my racing heart. "we have a primary crime scene?” Detective Ho gave me a Mona Lisa smile. “Let’s head to your headquarters Wes and unpick this locked room mystery.” Sabrina patted my uniformed elbow and headed out into of Wally Winter’s Wonderland Snow Globes Inc and into the flurry of snow. I followed close behind.
Goodnight beautiful. Together we can dance upon the clouds. Our own paradise of imagination, distant yet just an inch away.
Souls intertwined, we’ll travel beyond elsewhere, and whatever comes after.
You consume my thoughts. I melt to your touch, and sparks dance between our fingertips. Is it too little to just say goodnight.
How I wish the days were longer, and not numbered as they are. If only every day was a night, one that I could spend with you.
And so I say, Goodnight beautiful. May your dreams be peaceful, and as contemporary as your smile.
Goodnight beautiful. Until tomorrow comes.
Elsa was having a bad day. A day like any other, really, but today she wasn’t feeling interested in having a day like any other. She wanted a ‘day’, the kind that creates a day that would forever be a part of Elsa’s memories. The kind with drama, the kind with laughter and screams. The kind with magic. But unbeknownst to Elsa, her wish was granted. For deep within an old workshop of a forgotten apprentice, a rusty doorknob was responding to the call of Elsa’s dreams. If any living creature was there, they would have seen a small, copper, and downright ugly doorknob turn into a golden ball and rise from the ground. But as there were no living creatures there, the only thing that saw the magic were the other objects scattered across the workshop, deep in their sleep, waiting for a dream to wake them up. With a whisk and a swish, the now golden ball exited the workshop and flew toward Elsa. To those with a practiced eye, it would look like a comet racing between cars and over oceans, between planes and skirting tornadoes. Until it reached its destination, ready and waiting, turning back into its old, seemingly regular doorknob. Meanwhile, Elsa was heading back home, her backpack slung over one shoulder and eyes only on the phone in her hand. But a glare from her left diverted her attention to the door next to her with its copper doorknob. Elsa felt like the doorknob was calling to her, ready to consume her every thought. “Come, open the door”, it seemed to be saying. Perhaps this doorknob felt her desire, to go somewhere else for just one day, anywhere else, do anything else than live the regular life. Seeing as Elsa wanted something different about this day-and unwilling to not answer the doorknob call- she reached for the doorknob and opened the door. As she closed the door, the doorknob sparkled and shimmered, as if winking to passerby’s. The first thing that assaulted Elsa’s senses was the smell of fried rice. The second thing was the sound of people talking loudly and very fast, like a shouting match between twenty people that nobody was winning. She opened her eyes and was startled by the scene in front of her. People all around her, cooking and slicing and making. She was in a kitchen, most likely a restaurant. Well, this was far from the “paradise” she was hoping for, she thought. She went to turn around and go back to her old life, but just as she was touching the doorknob, she paused. She has always believed that looking a gift horse in the mouth is a nothing more than missed opportunity, and wouldn’t she miss something if she were to leave now? The exit wasn’t going to leave; she can go back whenever she wants. It’s time to experience something different, even if it was a different different than she was expecting. And besides, she knows how to cook. Decision made, she reaches for a apron, washes her hands, and nervously goes up to one of the chefs. “Excuse me?” She asks timidly. The man turns around and turns back around in a quick 180. “Good, you’re finally here.” They were expecting her? “Get to work on the Fried Rice and Chicken Teriyaki for table six. Chop, Chop!” He snaps. Startled, Elsa follows his hands and gets to work. As soon as she starts working, and sense of peace touches her soul. Instinctively, she knew just how to make every recipe on the menu, along with other ingredients that could be added to make it special. It was as if she was elsewhere, far from her regular worries and restlessness, and purely in the moment, cooking and cooking until her hands ache. The time passed quickly, with more orders coming in and more magic sprouting from Elsa’s fingers and onto a plate. Too soon, it was time to go back home, her hours of dizzying peace nothing more than a memory. But it will be a memory that stays with her, of that Elsa was certain. She opens the door once again, returning to the sidewalk where she left her backpack and phone. She turns to look at the doorknob one more time, gives a smile born of happiness and walks away. Job well done, the Doorknob gives one last shimmer-wink, and flies back to the forgotten workshop.
Consume. Eat. Do what you can.
Cold walls, floors, bodies… a blue winter tint seems to be over us all. Shriveled bodies, missing limbs, heat only through some peepholes in the walls to the courtyard.
The crackle of electricity turns on. The guards are coming. “Quick, quick children!! Get closer, get in!” Says the widow.
She’s been here since I can remember. A sickly woman with no legs. She has a beaten shawl around her and scoots once a week to the other side of our cell.
The plastic soles hammer into the metal floor and the noises are quickly followed by metallic joints being unlocked along the wall.
“Kids, quick!!” The widow hissed.
But I couldn’t move. Fear crept up. My throat tightened and the knots in my stomach confused me whether I’d throw up right now or if I would cramp into myself.
“Yanti!!” She yelled.
But the door was opened so quickly, and Karla and I were both ripped from the collars of our shirt. The widow cried lowly, and to be silenced a nightstick found its way across her cheek.
She weeped beyond the now shut door.
They took us elsewhere in the dank chamber and rotten smell of blood wafted about. Where were we?
“Up here, now!” The man threw me on the table with straps. Karla stared in horror. “Pin him!” The man barked at her.
“What?!” She asked.
“Unsatisfactory.” He spat at her and raised the nightstick. “Do you want to end up like that old bag?”
“No…” she whimpered, beginning to tie me in.
“Karla?” I asked.
A heavy whirring stirred me. Whats happening? What’s going on?
“Karla! What is that?! Sir! Sir!” I yelled.
A searing pain erupted from between my bicep and shoulder. “Ahhhhhhhhh! Stop! Stop! Stop!!!”
Red. And then black.
I woke up in a red room. Oak and spruce wore its amber stain well. Karla was there, too. We were sitting at a table.
And then they came in. Ladies and Men dressed in ridiculously clean outfits. They must’ve never dealt with starvation. They must’ve never dealt with the cold. The pain. The consumption that life is.
“Welcome, welcome to our paradise,” the blonde, nasally lady gleamed, “today, we have a very special meal. An ungraded meat and quality-A calves. Grown from the our very own institution!” Her voice raised at the end.
She unveiled the silver platters. Two legs with a deep brown glaze were set, framing the center. And then she lifted the middle piece. An arm of a child- my arm, reaching skyward, with something in its grasp. A red sphere? I’ve never seen something like it before.
“As always, we show gratitude by returning a piece of what we’ve taken.” She sliced effortlessly through a tendon, and I felt a tinge as she did.
“An arm for our kingdom’s reach, and a leg for the strides we’ve made thanks to your sacrifice.”
“Consume. Eat. We do what we can.”
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