Writing Prompt
Your character is going to recieve some huge news. Write a story with clear foreshadowing in the lead-up to the pivotal reveal.
Plan ahead! Foreshadowing may allow your readers to guess what might be about to happen, or to look back and see clues they missed along the way.
Once upon a time, in a country now unknown to us, a young woman named Annie rushed through the pouring city rain, her thin shoes slipping on the cobbles, wet coat heavy against her legs. Carriages clattered by, splashing her as well.
She had to be back to the prison by 7:00 or the doors would be locked and she’d spend the night on the streets, again.
Twenty minutes left — would there be time? Yes, just this once.
She turned down the street to the toy shop and stood in front of the window. It was still there: the beautiful princess doll, her perfect porcelain face, yellow hair crowned with a dazzling tiara, gown encrusted with crystals, sat on a throne, surrounded by kneeling servants and courtiers. She was alwaus drawn to that doll — never quite understanding why.
In her reverie, she didn’t see the man walk up behind her. A hand clapped on her shoulder.
“Good evenin’ moppet, how much for a bit o fun, aye?”
The man stank of liquor and tobacco smoke. Annie pushed him away and ran toward the prison.
She had lingered too long.
The doors were just closing. “Please, wait!” She cried. But the pitiless guard laughed as he shut the door and the key squeaked in its lock.
In the rain, she found a spot by some trash cans and tried to get some sleep.
The prison doors opened at 6:00 am and, it being Sunday, her day off, she was glad to have the day to rest.
The guard snorted. “Well look who it is comin in here all special! If you hurry there’s a bit of gruel left from breakfast.”
Annie lumbered down herself down the dark and damp hallway, passing other inmates who stared down at her, hard and without pity.
Soon enough her cellmate, Sophie, greeted her. “Goodness, Annie,” she chided, running a thin towel through her hair. “You mustn’t do that again! You’ll catch your death of cold!”
Sophie made her some tea with a few biscuits.
“I hate this place,” Annie said. “But I’m so glad you’re here.”
Meanwhile, in another part of that country, a madman in a straitjacket howled in his cell like he did every morning, when a spot of sanity glimmered in his broiling brain, sanity that would be lost in a few minutes. Thus was his curse.
A slit in the door opened and a bowl of thin porridge slipped through.
The madman kept howling.
Rodgers had built the witch’s trust for years, awaiting his chance to strike.
The witch was intelligent, astute, and observant. It occurred to him that even decades may not be long enough.
But he had to risk it. The true King would not live much longer in the asylum. The King’s daughter was also wasting away in the debtors prison. She may be lost already.
Would the witch notice his anxiety, as he made their customary tea?
His life didn’t much matter, he had decided long ago. Whatever she would do to him is nothing compared to living in a country ruled by that witless fop pretender, Edgar.
He slipped the poison into her tea, and prayed.
The exiled mad King, raving and frothing at the mouth for the past night, was suddenly quiet.
His eyes opened and he saw clearly for the first time in 7 years.
His throat felt raw, his lips were dry and cracked, he was weak, but his mind was strong again.
He ate his first meals and slept in peace for the next several nights, until Rodgers, his faithful solicitor, arrived to release him.
Annie was surprised to find out that she had overslept. “Oh, Sophie, I’ll be fired from the factory!”
“I don’t think so,” Sophie said. “There’s a visitor here.”
Annie had been placed into the debtors prison as a pauper, and released as a Princess, daughter to the rightful King.
As she made her way down the dank halls of the prison, she could see no faces, no stares of reproach: just subjects bowing to Her Highness.
Crack. Tiny twigs crunched under Connor’s sneakers. Miller HiLite burned in his throat. Connor’s eyes adjusted to the forest darkness. This was all Zeke’s idea. Every town has its legends. Jannertown had Bloody Mary, a witch who was hanged and burnt and buried in these woods. To hang with Zeke and his crew I had to prove I was bad ass. I had to find Bloody Mary’s grave and drive a penknife through it. It’s bullshit, but Mimi, she’s my friend who is a girl but not my girlfriend, says I’m smart and I can tough it out and show the boys I’m cool. She had held his hand on the car ride out to the woods. Janner Woods were an abstract of blacks and grays. The coolness of the penknife stung in Connor’s hand. He had a bad feeling. High school had been hard being the new kid when all the cliches have been set and everyone knew everyone. Mimi with her soft brown eyes was his first friend. Now her friends were allowing him to hang around. He marched on. Connor didn’t like this forest but he knew it. He ignored the inky shadows and forced on Mary’s grave. At least it was what the kids thought was Mary’s grave. It was simply an old bare patch of ground where a tree once stood and now nothing will grow. Out of the corners of his eyes Conor could see the shadows disjointed from their moorings. With a huff, Connor plunged the knife into the ground. The tall shadow men surrounded him in a circle of fear. “Child, it is good to have you back.” One of the shadows condensed into Lilith, the queen sire. Her dead pale form stood before Connor extending a hand. “I’m not staying. I like it in the world. I have friends. Well a friend But one friend is enough. You don’t understand. I want to stay among the living.” “No it is you who does not understand.” And that was when Connor heard the cracks, slealthy furtive cracking of twigs underfoot. Zeke and the guys were sneaking up on him. Connor could make out their heat, smell their excitement as they crept towards him. Evan broke into the clearing first dressed in a Scream hood from a costume store. Soon Zeke, Johnny, and the other John stepped out of the darkness. The high schoolers were all cloaked. Their eyes over brimmed with fear when they saw Connor’s family waiting in the clearing. Laughing, Mimi ran out into the clearing. Connor and Mimi locked eyes. It had all been what the humans called a prank. Mimi’s gentle touches were a con. Connor’s glamour fell away as she screamed. Tall and bone slender, Connor stood among his brothers and sisters. The queen sire shrieked the feeding call. Connor’s friends turned and ran. The branches shook as the family took to the air to hunt their prey.
Looking back it’s strange to think that it happened that day. It’s strange to think it happened at all, but still you expect some clues along the way, or some foreshadowing. That day was ridiculously normal. Even more on the bad normal side since I stepped into to dog shit. Maybe that was the clue?
I went to the supermarket. I scrolled through my phone. I read the news. Nothing unusual of the sort. All the same except the call at 23:23 pm.
They called through the home phone. That ancient thing still sitting near the TV because nobody bothered to throw it away. I needed a few minutes to figure out where the sound was coming from and you can imagine my bewilderment when I did.
I really wish I hadn’t picked it up.
The other side answered with a pleasant male voice.
“A pleasant evening , who do I have the pleasure speaking with?”
A slight annoyance was added to my bewilderment. They called me. They shouldn’t have to ask who I am, should they?
“ Mark Deliss, who is this?”
“ Ah, so I have the right house that’s great.” There was some dribbling on the other side. The answer didn’t come.
“ Hello? “
“ Yes yes. Give me a second.”
I looked down at my socks. There was a hole developing.
“ Alright, thank you for your confirmation please be ready in 13 minutes.”
“ Ready for wha-“ The line went dead.
I stood like that, holding the phone in my hand and feeling unsure.
Should I pack? If yes then what should I pack? Where would I be going?
But then my senses came to me and I felt even more ridiculous. I shuttled my head and plopped back down on the couch. Those were probably some scammers.
I switched on the TV and turned the news channel. I wasn’t really interested but I kept my eyes on the screen. Still every once in a while I’d glance to the clock on the other wall.
2 minutes
3 minutes
7 minutes
A hard knock sounded came from my window.
I felt myself still. I lived on the 5th floor. Centimetre by centimetre I turned it around.
The city lights were gone. I couldn’t see anything except a dark grey figure. A dark grey figure staring at me through my own window.
It opened the window.
It came inside. On two feet even though it looked anything but human.
“ Your delivery is here.”
I couldn’t even hum. The air felt thick and cold at the same time.
The figure pulled a small box from its back and put it on my lap.
It had black talons. And scales instead of skin.
I watched it leave through the window. The box in my lap felt warm.
I was shaking in my boots with nervousness, I glanced at the calendar marked with a big red circle. It was coming up in two days. So close I could almost taste it. My mom keeps asking me about, popping in every other moment see if there were any changes. I wasn’t sure if I was ready for my life to change, but I would be devastated if it was anything else. My alarm sounded though I had already been awake for a few hours, it was time for school even though I wanted to stay home and wait. I knew even if I stayed home that nothing would change and I would just be wallowing in anxiety but I couldn’t just ignore it. I ended up heading to school anyways, taking the long way hoping it would clear my head.
I arrived at school, just in time, but the excitement from the past few days made me forget I even had a pretty important test today. I nearly hit my head on my desk in exasperation causing everyone to look my way.
“Is there something you would like to share with the class Miss Wheatley?” The professor asks, narrowing their eyes at me as all the other students’ eyes pierced holes into me.
“N-no Mr. Brooks, I was just tired from uh studying all night uh for the test.” I replied, eyes darting back and forth, avoiding my professor’s eyes.
“Well then, phones to the front of the class, notes away and pencils out. I will now be passing out the test.” The groans of the students nearly drowned out Mr Brooks’ instructions.
On my way up to the desk to hand off my phone, a notification flashes across the screen. It said “urgent” from my mom. I was nearly jumping for joy, my instincts and body fighting to keep me from my screams of delight. A small cheer did manage to escape, resulting in multiple pairs of eyes.
“That excited for the test, are you?” Came a nearby angry whisper from a fellow student as their shoulder brushed mine walking back to the desk.
I was jittery in seat, unable to contain my excitement. I answered the test, barely even looking to see if I got the answers right, I handed it in as fast as I could, nearly flying out of the classroom once I was finished. I raced home, taking the shortest route possible, people dodging me as I ran past, staring at the girl with her hair whipped back, a nearly crazed look in her eye. The door slammed open as I walked into the house. “Mom! Is it here?” I nearly screamed, looking from room to room for my mom, but she was nowhere to be seen. “Mom?” I was confused, didn’t she mean for me to come home as soon as possible with that message. I kept looking until a bright note on the fridge caught my eye.
“Dear daughter,
We know you have been extremely excited for your moment, and we are too, but a sudden assignment has called us away for awhile and we aren’t sure when we will come back. We would have loved to witness it with you but couldn’t so there’s a gift waiting for you in your favourite spot. If there is an emergency, call your uncle Sarkov, he’ll come by to help you. We are sad to miss your big day but this assignment couldn’t be delayed.
Love, Mom and Dad”
I read that note, once, twice, three times as my legs gave out from under me and I nearly tore the note in half. They knew, they knew it would be my big day but they left. Again. Like all those other times, on my birthday, on being your parent to school day, parent teacher conferences. They always left right before some important event and they always told me to call an uncle or aunt, but never the same one. The first time I did, I was cursed out and yelled at for disturbing her manicure, never again, I vowed. I would get through this alone, even if it meant enduring the pain and changes that would come about. I am strong and independent. I can make it through this.
It was my day. It was going to be the best day ever. Because of that, nothing could ever get in my way. Dad said I could go to the mall and buy anything that I wanted! It surely wasn’t going to be his day after I used his card on everything in sight! Watch out mall, Terrance was coming for you!
I fumbled down the stairs, almost tripping down the last step. I looked left to see my dad sitting in front the fireplace, his bald spot reflecting the light from above.
“I’m going to the mall with Jennifer today, Dad,” I said as I browsed through the cabinet for my keys. The thing is way too tall for me to reach the top, so I always put my keys towards the bottom. “I remember you telling me I could buy whatever I wanted!”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah you little goofball,” he snorted. “Be sure to be careful at the mall. I saw you nearly trip down those stairs, and I wouldn’t want my little boy doing the same thing except off the balcony from the fifteenth floor. Would hate to see a little mistake cause such a disaster,” he chortled.
“Okay, first of all, there are only three floors. Second off, I’m not nearly as clumsy as you!”
I suddenly shut the cabinet drawer while looking at Dad, and it begins to fall towards me. I screamed, but he caught it before it could crush me.
“Okay I get your point, Dad. Little mistakes are the worst” I sighed. “Hey, maybe you should invest in a drawer that is anchored when top heavy!”
“That’s a family heirloom! Damn thing cost more than your car.”
“Well fine then, but that things dangerous. Bye! Don’t stress out at work!”
“Right,” he chuckled, “I’ll be the one stressing. I’m the head of the company darling, only those below me stress!”
I giggled before heading out the door.
Me and Jennifer walked out of the final store before heading to the food court. We had several bags on both arms, all of which were filled to the brim with anything we could find. We could’ve stayed in that store for another two hours, on top of the two hours we already spent in there, but we just needed some food.
“I’ve always secretly loved the food court,” Jennifer said. “It’s just a little quirk of mine.”
I scoffed. “Everyone loves food courts Jennifer, it’s not quirky.”
I got a million alerts on my phone. I typically left the ringer on in public so I could know when I got a message, but it didn’t matter since there was no service in that store.
“Oh? Who are all the messages from?” Jessica said.
“Oh my God girl, what if it were private?” I pulled out my phone to check the message, nearly dropping all the bags in my right hand. “The most recent is the news app. It says a woman came home to find her husband dead on the floor. Spooky.”
“How is that enough of a breaking story to be on the news app?”
“Says the man was a CEO. Must’ve been pretty important I suppose.”
“Wait click on the notification, I want to know the rest! What if it’s like one of my podcasts about murderers,” Jessica shouted.
“Hey keep it down, there may be someone here who knew the guy. Plus, today is my day, I don’t want it ruined by someone’s death. I’ll just look at the other notifications later. Look there’s the food court!”
We started to run towards the tables to secure a seat, then my phone started to ring. I checked my phone to see that my mom was calling.
“Hold on, Mom is calling me. She must’ve just gotten home from work.” I answered the phone, and moved away from the table and towards the balcony. “Hey Mom, how was wor-“
“Terr- Terrance,” mom said, sobbing. “It’s yo- your dad. He- he’s.”
“Oh my God Mom, are you okay? What’s wrong with Dad?”
“I tried t- to call you sweetie, but you didn’t answer your phone,” she sniffles. “He’s gone baby. It was the c- cabinet. We should’ve gotten rid of it. I was stupid! Terrance? Are you there sweetie?”
I stared over the balcony. I felt nothing. I wasn’t angry. I wasn’t sad. I definitely wasn’t happy. Nothing. He’s gone forever, and it was all because of a little mistake.
Simone “Mickey did you heard about Shawn moving to Cali”
Mickey “No, ever since we broke up I have been narrowing my focus on myself more”
Simone “Do you want to know more about your ex’s recent escapades?”
Mickey “No, I would have love to have closure after the breakup but somethings just don’t need explanations”
Mickey “I just wonder sometimes”
Mickey “Where did the love go When he was lusting over other girls When he fond over memories of another girl When he compared me to his ex’s When he would choose his friends over me When he defended the people who would disrespect him on a daily When he put me against his friends When he chose to continue talking to his ex When he chose to talk to multiple people When did the love even appeared When did he truly started to love me”
Simone “It most have been really hard on you”
Mickey “It had me feeling nostalgic Did I care to much or did not care enough Where was the love when I was catering to his needs Where did the love has gone I remember loving him to the point where I wanted to provide for the both of us I wanted to have a family with him one day because I loved him but I felt like I was someone he just wanted to use for his own benefits At least I experienced what love can really be”
Simone “I understand your relationship with Shawn was rocky so let’s not talk about him for awhile. This situation seems like you need to heal from it before you start reminiscing on the good times you guys share together. It looks to me that your hurting from this still”
Mickey “Your right! I wish we could have left things in a more calmer matter I felt like it would have been this way if we were both on the same page but I had to let him down in a harsh way He would not listen to me when we spoke about it so I had to force the relationship to end I did it because I loved him and I personally felt like I was hurting him. So I pushed him away so he can learn to grow and do better, even though our breakup was the hardest thing I ever had to do. I cry everyday wishing things could have been different and better”
Simone “Wow! It seems like you were looking out for him”
Mickey “I was! I was always giving him suggestions on ways he could grow in different aspects. I wish he could understand I was caring for him even when we had arguments, I would make sure he was ok. I would even nurse him back to health. At one point, he was my baby. I think us being separated is best for the both of us”
Simone “Why do you say that?”
Mickey “It might help us analyze the situation better to help us improve for our next partner”
Simone “Great! Stay optimistic about the situation Mickey. You will heal soon and find new love”
Mickey “Right!”
Shuffling through a darkened void of memories, a light appears as a breath of passage through this cavern of dreams. From a pupil spec appears a grande looking glass bursting the reflections of gas and stars, gifting me with a full bodied euphoria. An orgasmic vibration shakes as I lift my arm to feel such beauty that quickly fades as I flex my fingers. This beautiful high, now replaced by a dying itch to caress the star burst mirror, calls for me. Not a name, but a feeling that will carry me peace. As the light bleaches my surroundings and the memory of feeling fades, my balance gives as a force pulls me towards my fate. Life. Chasing death. Chasing lights.
Martha sat down, her back straight, on the centennial chair facing the jury. Her fists were hidden behind her back, holding the note tightly. The three aged men were silent as she settled down, for what seemed to be enough time for a star to be formed. Breaking the taught silence, the middle man offered a perfunctory sentence. They had found they suspected the research was not original. The data was suspicious. They could not afford the doctorate. M. Observed her muscles tense, felt her anxiety turning to rage. Her hand hurt. She was standing. The judge had a bloody nose.
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