Writing Prompt
submitted by Pomegranate Necromancer
Create a scene where your character is fleeing from something dangerous.
How will you create pace, atmosphere and tension in this single scene?
Rain falls heavy; roaring thunder echoes through the ominous clouds. My vision is now tainted by the unforgiving weather. I cling my pistol tightly to my chest. Only three bullets left. There is no hiding from them. They stagger around using their sense of smell. Probably the only sense that is truly intact in the living dead. They wander aimlessly through the dark, wet scene before me. Carnage and destruction scatter amongst the trenches and muddy terrain. Like a scene from a horror movie that was once just an image on a screen. “It’s not real, sweetheart,” my mother’s distant words flutter through my mind. Now, it’s as real as it can get. “Now or never,” I mumble to myself. In the distance I manage to spot a military jeep that’s turned over; sparks of red and yellow flicker around it. It’ll burst into flames if I wait a second longer. “Run”, I motivate myself to sprint in my worn out, muddy boots. The blisters scrape and sting my feet as I run without hesitation. Adrenaline pumps through me. In the corner of my eye, I see one of the dead meeting my pace. “Aim for the head,” my father’s final words repeat in my mind. I turn to take my shot, the bang of the bullet scraping through the air hurts my ears. My victim slumps over and ceases to follow. I keep going; my ears ring from the deep sounds surrounding me. I manage to make it to the jeep when something clings to my left arm. I meet the cold, empty eyes of another infected; it’s rotting teeth are chomping at the air reaching for my flesh. Its grasp pulls me closer to its slobbering mouth. I swing my right arm around. Again, no hesitation; my pistol aims at to the center of its gray, crumbling forehead. Another loud bang rings through the thick air. One bullet left. I check my surroundings. Sparks continue to radiate around the jeep. More dead encroach around me; the numbers rising. I leap for the console of the ticking time bomb before me. My fingers shake as I fumble through the wreckage. “Ammo, weapons, anything.” I reach down every crevice and cranny in the jeep when I notice the three dead soldiers slumpped over in a titled fashion. I resort to searching the dead men’s gear. “Yes!” I scream. I find a sling of grenades and a sharp hunting knife. No ammo for my pistol, but a semi-automatic rifle with a full strap of ammo gleams in the storm of rotting flesh and hammering rain. I pull it from beneath a dead soldier. I say small prayer for their souls. That’s when I hear it. Flames start to grow. I stow away my new found treasure and jump off the back of the jeep. The blow erupts and I fly through the air. I land face down in the thick mud. As I clear my eyes, my hands scramble, and check for my weapons. They’re still with me. I take no time to look back and the running continues. I have to keep going. I have to find more supplies. So I sprint through the night and await what daylight will bring. Running as fast as I can to reach something, someone, and avoid the corpses that desperately prowl for more prey. Tears and sweat stream for my already damp cheeks. Realization that my entire family has been slaughtered pounds in my chest my over and over again, but I keep going. Faith still pulses through me, but it’s starting to dwindle. I try to ignore my emotions while I continue to keep my pace. No where to hide, no one to help. There’s nothing waiting for me, yet I just keep running.
The Catacomb Chase
Huff huff the running woman breathed . Wind blowing in and out her lungs . Tap tap the monster follows behind. The scent of death follows the monster . She slows her breathes as not to be heard . She cries tears of fear no no I don’t want it to get me please no she said covering her mouth . The walls of bone scratch her skin .
Fleeing Companions
[S.C, Bloodlines. CH 12]
[Amelya’s point of view]
Amelya ate human food, a burger with fries. While Sampson and Cleo drank soda. Nela stayed at the table, her companions watching from the other table.
“So she’s not a full vampire?” Nela questioned, sipping a chocolate milk shake.
“Three day’s newly turned” Cleo answered, still eyeing the girl up. Not quite sure why she was even still there and talking.
“So why you running from this original?”
“It’s complicated “ Sampson answered first.
“I have a power that he will want” Amelya mumbled through another bite of the burger. Sampson exchanged a warning glance.
“Makes sense…”
“So why are you running?” Amelya asked, looking back at the two men who seemed fairly scared of the situation their leader put herself in. “Your companions seem still fairly on edge, they think your making a mistake being around us”
“How do you know all this?”
“She’s a mind reader” Cleo added in and watched Sampson’s mouth drop.
“That’s cool” Nela gave a quick smile toward Cleo. “I bet you too have loads of fun in bed” She thought causing Amelya to turn a slight shade of red.
“So why are you running?” Sampson asked again, just wanting this bad of doggy misfits to be gone.
“Our pack was wiped out…. Vampires. Strong and ruthless ones.”
“So not only is he back. He’s got an army” The voice sent a chill down her spine. In seconds the burger was back on the plate and she was ready to leap at him.
“Warren!” Cleo hissed and Sampson stood up.
“Where’s my mom!” Amelya shouted, eyes blacker then a cloudless night.
“Calm down young one. Explain it Sampson “
“Wait he’s with” Cleo quickly reached and was back to back with Amelya.
“Calm down you two. Warren has been working for my family for years. I gave him a call when a certain person was gonna lose their mother.” Sampson looked straight at Amelya. “He got her out in time without hurting anyone “
“Actually he nearly killed Amelya “ Cleo spat.
“Sit down girls your making a scene. We’re not the only people in the place “ Nela was quick to shush them, motioning for Warren to sit down.
“So you run with wolves now?” He questioned Sampson.
“The girls picked them up” Sampson sat down followed by everyone else, yet Cleo still hung closely to Amelya.“So how does it look?”
“It’s bad for sure. He killed one of the council seats and then told the rest of them to flee. The Emerald sanctuary is his.” Warren continued as Amelya was still locked starring at him.
“The sapphire sanctuary might be the best idea” Monticello’s voice was low, Jayden was nearly carrying him through the dinner.
“Jayden!” Cleo hopped up and helped him bring Monticello to sit by Amelya and her.
“What’s he doing?” Jayden was looking at Warren then over at the wolf girl. “Who’s she??”
“Back to the plan. Sapphire sanctuary is where we need to head. Maybe they will still be able to help. Onyx can’t be able to unite the world of vampires or it’s all going to be much worse” Sampson didn’t take his eyes off Amelya. “So how does she read minds?”
“It happened the night she was changed.” Cleo added in watching her brother and Monticello.
“Wait the girls got a gift?” Monticello was quick to stand back up. “We need to get to the Sapphire sanctuary now!”
“Why?” Nela asked, Monticello motioned for everyone to get a move on.
“They must not know we can talk” A voice echoed into her mind. “That’s fine” Amelya thought back. “Sapphire will be of help. Your blood can wake her. Please raise my family so we can take on our father.” “How can I even trust you? Knowing who your father is?” Amelya asked. “There’s a history lesson way below the Sapphire sanctuary. The truth is there”
“Amelya you still there??” Cleo whispered for the third time, Amelya’s eyes where a glassy white color for a second. “Yeah” She answered. Getting her bearings back before giving Cleo a smile. “So what’s the Sapphire sanctuary” Nela questioned. “Well it wouldn’t be smart to bring you wolves with u…” Sampson started. “They need to be here. I can feel it” Amelya added in, cutting off Sampson. “That was rude” Jayden chuckled a bit.
“We need to get moving. Now” Monticello lifted himself up, Jayden was quickly trailing him. “Guess that settles it.” Sampson stood up after Nela, following after Monticello.
Night had fallen once they were all outside. The wolves stuck close to the girls. Nela falling in line with Amelya and Cleo. The men lead the way, off into the woods.
“So they allow you to be like this?” Nela questioned with a wink. Cleo holding Amelya’s hand as they stepped into the woods. “We’re the first in our sanctuary “ Amelya answered honestly. “A lot of the older people had a problem with it, but we’re paired. So not much can be said” “Don’t let her lie. We’re all paired!” Jayden called out, winking stupidly at his sister and Amelya.
Cleo just glared at him.
“Hardly normal. Yet here we are” Cleo added in. “So the sanctuary is where y’all live?” Cleo gave the girl a look. “I don’t mean to pry…. Just never met Vampires till the other night” “We don’t know much about your kind either. At least we aren’t taught much” “Onyx made them slaves.” Warren cut in, which meant they were listening in. “Before the last species war, they were used to protect his family from other vampires “ “That’s terrible “ Amelya yawned, leaning into Cleo. “It was a terrible time for them. After the war, many of their packs where purged. Vampires were afraid they still held loyalty to the original family” “Some of our kind are very evil, like the ones who sired us” Monticello shook his head. “We need to actually run. Keep up wolves”
In a flash all the men sped off. Amelya let go of Cleo’s hand as she disappeared behind them. Amelya watched as fur exploded across their bodies. Giant paws and ripping jaws.
Nela’s wolf was a sparkling white and grey. She winked as the black and brown wolves followed her. They were just as fast.
An hour or so later. They found themselves on a cliff side. Monticello and Sampson stepped out to the edge, looking over it. In seconds, three or four men appeared around them.
“Who are you?” The first man stepped forward. His hair black like the night sky. Eyes a light blue and grey color.
At that moment the tree wolves burst through the edge of the woods. The other three men fell back, the black haired boy didn’t even flinch.
“You brought wolves with you?” He questioned. Looking over Cleo’s shoulder at the the very large beasts just laying on the floor.
“We are Sampson and Monticello of the Emerald sanctuary. They are with us.” Monticello bowed and stepped toward the boy.
He looked no younger then the girls, but seemed way older somehow.
“God those beasts could rip us apart” One of the guys thought and Amelya chuckled. “Who are these people “ One of the others thought, stepping back.
“I am Quil. Of the Sapphire sanctuary. We are a security party. “ “We all need a rest. And to speak with the council of house Sapphire” Sampson added in, turning to their party. “There is no council of Sapphire…… hunters nearly wiped us out a few months ago. Only one of the elders survived.” Quill’s face dropped a bit, looking over at the wolves again. “I pray you come in peace” “We mean you no harm son. But we need to talk to her”
“Can you let them know we need cloths” Nela’s grey and white wolf ground crawled over to Amelya. Nuzzling her muzzle into her face, Cleo gave her a look. “Guys, the wolves need cloths” Amelya gave Cleo a smile and Cleo laughed.
Unlike the Emerald sanctuary, the Sapphire was built into the cliffs. At the waters edge.
“Once you go in, I won’t be able to speak to you. Find Sapphire and revive her” The voice of the original faded as they crossed into the doorway.
“They built it all into the cliff side” Jayden mumbled following behind them. “Our leader is down below. She was hurt in the last attack a few nights ago. But the waters have healing powers.” “Is that where Sapphire is kept?” Amelya asked, watching the marble looking walls turn into a large room.
Inside the room bodies lay scattered throughout the floor. Blood lined the marble. Humans and vampires lay lifeless.
“They know where you are?” Sampson questioned. “Yes, two nights ago they rushed in. We only have a few older vampires left. Most of them are newly turned.” Quill continued to lead the way.
Down they went, into a spiral stair case. Torches led the way into the darkness. Till an illuminated room shown down the hallway.
“Mistress Emony (E - mon- e)!” Quill called out, stepping into the new room.
A waterfall crashed down across the back wall. Sapphire’s made up the wall on each side of it. In the center lay a black stone casket, the woman Emony lay at its side. Nearly submerged in the water.
“You all bring with you hounds of Onyx!” She shouted, her eyes glowing a light blue. “Mistress” Sampson and Monticello bowed in respect. “They come in peace as so do we”
Everyone else bowed as well. Nela and the pack followed suit.
“Onyx is alive.” Monticello added in. “Why have you come?” “We are all running from Onyx. Your hunter problem can be delt with.” “They will wipe us out. They have been coming for Sapphire for many a moon” Emony shook her head, defeat in her eyes. “I’ve lived a long life, just to watch our house in ruins.” “Can I” Amelya started to step down into the water. As she broke the water it started to glow around her.
“Your here” A female voice entered her mind, while she started towards Emony. Whose eyes stared in amazement, mouth hung open. “Emerald sent me, your father is back. We need you” Amelya’s eyes where white as snow as she stepped in front of the casket. “Your blood…. It’s ancient “ Sapphire spoke as the top of the casket moved away.
It was a girls body. Young, way younger then the teens. Probably about nine or ten years old before her change. Sapphire’s hair was a deep ocean blue. Eyes closed and skin that of an old mummy.
“She will rise!” Amelya shouted into the large room, everyone watching as she moved toward the girls head.
Sweeping her hair away from her face. Amelya let the top of her palm come to rest at her senior vampires lips. A blue gloss still hung on them.
“You must willingly bleed for us” Sapphire’s voice hung in her ear.
Without a second thought Amelya brought her arm back to her own fangs. Biting down and letting blood flow into Sapphire’s mouth. In seconds color started to return and the wrinkles faded.
Pale white skin flowed across her body. Till her arm reached up, pulling Amelya closer. Still hanging on to her wrist.
Baby blue eyes met Amelya’s and her hand was let go. Sapphire sat up in the casket, a worn dress hanging off her body. She just smiled at Amelya for a second, scrunched up like a scared little kid.
“Thank you” She whispered. “Sapphire??” Emony quickly dropped into a bow at the left side of the casket. “I am alive again” She rubbed her fingers across her shoulders and down her tiny figure. “Mistresses please.” Monticello bowed with the rest of the crew, except for the wolves. Who seemed to understand after and bowed. “We need your help but we will first help you with the hunters” “It’s been a few hundred years since I’ve been alive. Can we just wait a day.” She bowed back at them, before leaping into the water.
When she stepped on to land the men looked away. Her old dress was nearly completely hanging off.
“We will get you some cloths” Quill moved off back toward the stairs.
A Shoe in the Soup
Walking in a market area, things were, to say the least and to be as polite as humanly possible, uncommon. Centipedes in polystyrene boxes, crawling their crawls on the others that crawl. Scorpions on the chopping block being coaxed into submission by the little hands of a child with little slits for eyes.
The air was thick with the pungency of what could only be described as death-because-dinner. Around me more black heads come and go, unphased by the apparent terrarium butchering happening all around them.
The lizard cook chopped the heads off of the little guys as if he’s been doing it for years. Soups made of whatever could be caught that day fill giant pots heated by fires hotter than the surface of the sun.
Handfuls of chilli are everywhere, supposedly to mask the real taste of what would be eaten.
The floor of the market told the story of who was there, mostly in the form of DNA. Vacating one’s sinuses seems the norm rather than something you would do with only yourself to shame you. I vaguely remember seeing a parent fold a baby in half on the side, against a closed down market shop. Everything here is different from what I’m used to.
As I continued my descent into the next circle of hell, I felt a slither. You need to understand the following. If I have to wear shoes, I will always try to get away with the bare minimum. At that time, at the time of this story, I was wearing slip on sandals. This means that I had nothing protecting my feet from whatever decided to challenge my ego that day.
Getting back to the slither. I was cold, it was wet, it was cold. What happened next is not something I’m proud of, but nevertheless, it happened. As the slither made its way across my foot, I did what any sane person would do. I kicked. What I was not accounting for was the lack of friction between my foot and my shoe. As my leg reached its natural stopping point, Newton compelled my shoe forward. Time had stopped around me. My size 12 shoe was flying across the market. People were moving slower and slower, all following my shoe like a game of tennis.
As one does, I shouted, to avoid anyone getting hurt by the inevitable result of gravity. . My shoe landed in a giant pot of orange coloured soup. At that moment I spoke the language fluently. I’m sorry, I kept saying I'm sorry until the vendor cleaned his grandma’s, who was sitting next to the pot, checking the soup, face. I have never seen an old person hate before, they are usually too wise for all that nonsense, but that day, I witnessed it. Being hated by an old person is not just her hate for you which punches you in the gut, it's the hate of everyone she decided not to hate in the past. A cornucopia of emotions all contained in milky, cataract, slit eyes. I had to get out, but my shoe, my shoe, was still cooking.
In that moment, I was thinking a million things at once, but the main thing was “where will I find another shoe that size, that one is from home.” My embarrassment continued. My shoe started to float, possibly because it was ready to serve, who knows. I grabbed it by the bridge and ran. Ran is maybe a strong word. I hopped-jumped with only one foot protected by a shoe. I have not returned to the market since.
Chased By Dinosaurs?!
“This is the last time I listen to you! It’ll be fine Reagan. Don’t worry Reagan. Lets follow this random stranger Reagan!”
“He said he could help us!” They ran down the alley way and came to a sharp turn. Aurelia had no trouble turning, but Reagan slipped and fell into some boxes. Suddenly five raptors appeared from around the corner and were bolting toward them! Aurelia went to help Reagan, but he got up on his own and ran to her. The raptors were getter closer quicker.
“We got to figure out something!” Reagan thought of something, but he knew Aurelia wouldn’t like it.
“When I say so stop running and wrap your arms around my neck.” He waited till they got next to a tall building. “Now!” They stopped running and Aurelia wrapped her arms around his neck. He turned to the brick building and jumped up as high as he could. They got about ten feet from the bottom when they started falling back down. Reagan slammed his fingers into the brick creating a small hole. He quickly pulled up and flung them both a few feet. He continued this alternating between arms. Once they reached the top Reagan looked down at the dinosaurs. They paced back and forth while looking up at their prey.
“I think we’re good now. Lets head to the others.” He turned to Aurelia and they began to walk to the other side of the building. A large screech sounded. Reagan ran to look down at the dinosaurs. They were gone?! He ran around the building from side to side looking for them. He finally saw them. They had jumped up to one of the smaller buildings and were using them like stairs. Only four of the raptors were coming. The other must have fallen.
“Move!” Reagan moved out of the way as a large bow appeared in Aurelia’s hands. She shot a single arrow at the dinosaurs and a large explosion happened on impact blasting two of them into pieces and the others fell off the building.
“Aaagh!” Aurelia looked to Reagan to find the fifth dinosaur digging it’s jaws into his shoulder. She loaded another arrow and pulled back the string. Reagan braced himself as she let the arrow fly. The dinosaur exploded in a bloody mess. “Really?” Reagan gestured to the blood on his clothes.
“How about thank you for not letting me get eaten Aurelia. You’re the best! I’m glad you’re here!”
“First off I did get eaten. And it hurts! And second…I suppose…” “Yes?” “I suppose I’m glad you’re here.”
“See? Did that really have to be painful?”
“Ask that to my pride. Now can we go back before the other two start climbing again.”
Race To The Border
This is it. Nuclear war. My family and I got on our vehicle to get away from New York City. Unfortunately, so is everyone else! We’re stuck in a traffic jam. The explosions are getting closer. We just want to get to our bunker in Pennsylvania. Finally we get moving, but we’re being targeted as we try to escape. Fighter jets are on our path. I’m glad we have bulletproof glass and protective covering as a feature of our expensive SUV. Still, we’re nervous. Soon we’re on the highway. I drive as fast as I can. We don’t dare stop for any reason. My children are soon asleep. My husband is also asleep. it’s up to me to get to our bunker that’s close to the border.
The Icy Waters of Shadowbrook
They were dying.
All around me, my friends were dying by whatever plagued the Lake of Shadowbrook.
In the distance, I could hear Kyle as he dove into the water. The thrill of his scream was inaudible to the screams of those surrounding me.
I had to get out of here. I swam as fast as I could. Grateful that my parents forced me into all those advanced swimming classes as a child. I could feel them brushing against me as I swam towards the pier. My arms and legs burned, my lungs set ablaze by the icy waters.
I could feel them in the lake as they approached me. Everything was happening at lightning speed. I got to the pier and pulled myself out in one swift motion. I could hear the screams as they died out behind me.
Was I wrong for leaving them? What could I have done? Everything happened so fast. One minute we were skinny-dipping in the lake without a care in the world, and then I heard Jess's screams. Before I could react I heard Brad's screams.
Everything happened in the literal blink of an eye. Now I understood what people meant when they were in life-altering car accidents.
Out of breath, I lay on the pier. Naked and out of breath as the screams died out around me. I gained my breath for a second and pushed myself to my feet and ran towards the woods.
I could at least save Kyle.
I could see him in the water, but beyond him, I could see them approaching him. Their bodies formed ripples in the lake as they neared him.
"Kyle!" I screamed. "Kyle get out of the water!!"
I ran down the pier, doing my best to not slip off and plummet back into the water with them. I dropped to my knees and reached out for Kyle as he neared the pier. He was so close, I could almost feel his fingers on mine, but I knew they were too close.
I grazed his fingertips as one of them lept upwards. For a split second, I could see their pale skin, those bulging eyes that were human but not human at the same time. I watched as they consumed Kyle. Its mouth wrapped around him, those fangs wrapping around his torso, the blood as it erupted from his mouth.
I ran.
I ran, naked through the woods, and behind me, I could hear one, two, three...probably more as they jumped out of the water and onto the pier. I didn't look back, I couldn't bring myself to do so.
I ran through the woods as fast as I could. The bushes and branches from the trees sliced through my exposed skin, as I blindly ran towards the campsite. I could feel the warmth of my blood as it ran down my skin.
Brad's jeans. His truck keys were still in there, I saw him stuff them in there before we all got naked and jumped into the water. I zoned in on his jeans, still there on the picnic table. I ran faster, my feet screaming beneath me as I made my way over rocks and branches, undoubtedly leaving a trail of blood.
They sounded close. Close enough that if I stopped for a split second it would be my final move. I entered the campsite and grabbed Brad's jeans from off the table, I fumbled his jeans and yanked out his keys.
I peered behind me to see them jetting towards me through the woods. I had to run faster. So much faster.
In the distance, I could see Brad's truck. I shoved my thumb into the "unlock" button and heard his car horn cut through the night sky. I ran faster and faster, throwing myself into his driver's side door and tearing it open in a swift movement.
I hurled myself into my car, just as one of those things slammed themselves into Brad's truck. I felt the truck as it jolted onto its side. His keys slid from my fingers and onto the floor. From the corner of my eye, I could see another one of those things slam into the car, this one causing a spiderweb of cracks throughout the driverside window.
I lowered myself to retrieve the keys as the glass shattered entirely from the next blow. I could hear them screeching and screaming into the vehicle. I grabbed the keys and could feel one of their claws as they cut throw the exposed flesh on my back. I remained low as I shoved the key into the ignition. I could feel my blood raining down on the seat around me as I put the car in reverse, I steered the wheel blindly, out of the parking spot.
I could feel his truck slam into and over one of them. The one who scratched me crashing onto the pavement. Tears burned down my cheeks, blood rained down my back. I pushed myself into the driver's seat and threw the car into drive.
Around me, those creatures screamed and hollered into the night sky. Maybe they were thrown off by the vehicle, I couldn't sit there and debate it, I had to use it to my advantage as I stepped on the gas and blasted out of the campsite's parking lot.
Some tried to run, but Brad's truck was faster.
I drove. Drove into the woods, and away from the Icy Waters of Shadowbrook.
The Monster Of The Sea
I gasp for air, the icy water clawing at my numb skin. The water is pitch-black, and there’s nothing but ocean for miles around. “HELP!” I scream. “SOMEBODY—HELP!” But there’s nobody there. The splashing of waves rings in my ears, echoing in my skull. I feel as though I have lost all control of my body. My frozen limbs are thrashing and flailing in the water, trying to keep me above the surface. But every now and then, my head dips underwater, and I can’t see anything. Just the inky, black sea. Suddenly, something brushes up against my leg. I can barely feel it, but I know there is something in the water. In my mind, I try to think about what creature might be near me—but I can’t focus on anything. My arms and legs are tired of moving, and it’s as if the water is so cold that it’s freezing my joints, like rust. And then I feel it. Something brushes against my other leg, and for a split second, I feel like I can see spiny fins breaking through the surface of the water, only for them to disappear back down into the icy depths. My heart racing, I frantically kick my legs with what energy I have left to swim away. Blood rushes through my ears, reminding me of the sounds a highway makes as cars speed down the roads. Will I ever see a highway again? Or a car, or road? Suddenly, a tidal wave of fear washes over me. Will I ever feel warmth again? Are my family and friends worried about me? Am I going to die? Hot tears stream down my face as my legs continuously kick and splash in the water, but I can tell I’m not going anywhere. I’m too weak. I look around desperately, trying to find something—anything—that might lead me to safety. But all I can see are the same sharp fins I saw earlier, slicing through the water a few feet away from me. My lip trembles as I watch the fins turn towards me. I turn around and try to swim away, crying out once more. “PLEASE, SOMEONE—ANYONE! SAVE ME! PLEASE!…please…” But I no longer have any hope of being rescued. Still crying, I look over my shoulder. The last thing I see before being dragged under the water is a pair of black, beady eyes in a blur of spiny fins and scales.
And then my vision goes black.
Courageous Stupidity
It’s quite difficult to escape from yourself
And the utter disregard for your own health
Lacking genuine interest, ability and drive
Which would allow your ambition to thrive
Here we all are, victims of self sabotage
Blend in with my bad habits like camouflage
Healthy eating a myth, unequivocally
More carbs than a weekend in Italy
Exercise occurring rarely, in fact never
This lack of discipline is far from clever
Only thing peaking consistently is stress
Anxiously comfortable in my own mess
No longer a young man flirting with death
Soon to be an older one always out of breath
I need to escape this trap of degradation
Motivational quotes without the application
Sleepless nights and a bad diet combined
Risking my well-being for peace of mind
A one way ticket to an early grave
Skipping self care is stupid not brave
It was getting darker by the minute. Evanee thought that might be to her advantage, if she could get far enough away she could hide and come up with a plan. She hesitated at the edge of town and looked back, seeing him limping down his front steps. She had hoped her kick would have blown out his knee completely but it appeared that it had just slowed him down enough to give her a small head start. The road ahead was straight with nothing but corn fields on either side. If she could get through the field into the woods, she knew that was her best chance.
“Witch!” The Governor shouted. “Everyone, catch her!”
Heads turned her direction. Her neighbors, friends, children she had delivered, all stared. She didn’t wait to see whose side they would pick. She ran about two hundred feet before ducking into the field to her left. Instead of heading straight for the woods though she ran half way through the field and then doubled back a bit before heading for the tree line. Hopefully he would assume she was trying to get as far from town as possible and start his search in the trees further East and the paths that lead to the highway. She slipped as carefully through the corn stalks as she could hoping not to leave a trail that would be easy to follow.
When she reached the edge of the field there was about thirty feet of open space before woods began. She crept as close to the edge of the corn field as she dared and looked around. She willed her heart to slow and tried to steady her breathing. She glanced back and saw broken flashlight beams through the corn stalks. It seemed that at least three people were behind her now, maybe more. So the Governor had at least a few allies.
Not daring to delay any longer she stepped out from the corn field and bolted across the open space.
“There! She’s in the woods!” Someone shouted.
Faster now, she pushed her way deeper, scraping her bare arms and legs on the under brush. Her leather slippers protected her feet, but her homespun sleeveless dress did little to protect her body. A branch caught the pale green linen at her waste and tore a hole in the fabric. Another branch whipped across her face and she felt blood begin to trickle down her forehead.
Running parallel to the road on the other side of the trees was the river. A footpath used by the townspeople to reach the best fishing spot cut diagonally through the trees. In the ever increasing darkness Evanee didn’t realize how close she was to the path until suddenly she was standing in it. From her left around a bend came the beam of a flashlight.
It was Mister Weaver, whose wife had been Evanee’s first ever delivery as the town midwife. He was running so quickly down the trail that they nearly collided.
To her right it was about 50 feet to the river. She turned to run that way, although that was not where she wanted to be. She needed to get back closer to town to retrieve the book.
“Wait!” Mister Weaver whispered, grabbing her arm firmly. He pointed urgently to a thick patch of raspberry bushes back away from the path a bit, then held his fingers to his lips.
Evanee didn’t have time to decide if she could trust him or not. She dove into the thick foliage and crouched low. Moments later two more men caught up to him, breathless. Another came out of the woods closer to the river.
“She’s in the river!” Mister Weaver shouted. “I just saw her disappear under the water!”