Writing Prompt


Write a romantic scene or story where one character's intense nervousness causes a problem.

Think about how people act when they're nervous, and what problems this could cause, whilst trying to link this into a romance story.


Today, my fate belongs to me

“This is nice, isn’t it?” Humphrey says to the table cloth. “Spending time with each other. Going abroad.”

“Hm,” I reply, hoping the vague affirmative will put him off further conversation, and I can go back to thinking about the map my Mother left me. But then Humphrey keeps talking.

“I can’t say I’ve ever travelled further than London - to London, I mean. Father and I made a habit of going after Mother died, and he was always introducing me to-“

“Coffee? Madame? Monseñor?” The waiter leans over us, coffee pot in hand.

“No, thank you.” Humphrey waves some kind of jazz hands and the waiter - my only hope of a reprieve - backs away.

Meanwhile, I risk a glance at the exit over Humphrey’s shoulder, mentally preparing an excuse as my travelling companion realigns the silverware.

“Where was I?” Humphrey says. “Ah, yes. Mother died and Father was taking me to London in search of a wife.” He gazes up at me shyly through his fringe. “Lucky he met your Father when he did, else I’d probably still be-“

“Wife?!” My eyes bug out of my skull at the word and I grip the table edges so hard my knuckles are white.

“W-well, yes,” Humphrey stammers, “but don’t worry, my Father is taking care of everything. The second we get back, we can go straight to the church and-“

“But I don’t even know you!” I scrape back my chair as far as it will go. “I can’t marry a man I don’t know.”

“Henrietta, please,” Humphrey says, voice strained to a whisper, “sit down. You’re making a scene.”

“No.” I hadn’t even realised I was standing, that the other diners are staring. “I have to go.”

“Wait! Please!” Humphrey lunges at me, catching my hand in his own. His palm is slick with sweat. “I’ve done this all wrong.” He’s patting his pockets, discarding tissues and ticket stubs on the plush carpet. “Ah, here we are.”

In his free hand is a red velvet box, barely a few inches wide.

The world shrinks around me, down to the size of that box, the size of the ring that undoubtably lies within. All I can cram inside it are thoughts of my life as Humphrey’s wife, wasting away as the lady of a dusty country house.

I rip my hand away before Humphrey can utter those fateful words. Today, my fate belongs to me.

“Terribly sorry, old chap,” I say as brightly as I can, “but I can’t marry you.”

And with that, I make a hasty exit.

Dangerous Love Triangles ~ Part 1

She intertwined her hand with his, staring at him dreamily. She had wanted this moment to come for oh-so long, and now it was finally here, him and her taking a walk on the most beautiful cliff in the entire state of Maine.

But he was distracted by the edge of the cliff, staring at it, his gaze not breaking.

“Hey,” she whispered, tracing his neck with her fingers. “What’s wrong?”

He shook his head. “Nothing. It… it’s fine, don’t worry.” She scrunched her nose, not believing it, until he turned her chin towards him and pressed his lips gently against hers. She felt her lips melt into a smile as they broke apart, and the uncomfortable silence resumed.

They made it to the edge, and she carefully sat down a few feet away from it, while he let his feet dangle, but their hands were still glued to each other’s.

“Why did we come here?” He asked, looking at her, which made her blush and smile.

“I don’t know, I just thought it might be a beautiful place to watch the sun go down.”

He grinned and scooted closer to her. “Nothing here compares to you.” Then it seemed their bodies were glued together until a shadowy figure walked up behind them.

“Get your hands off my girlfriend,” he said menacingly, pushing them apart. She gasped and stood up.

“Leo, we’ve been over this! I don’t like you that way anymore. We broke up over a year ago, stop obsessing over us! It’s never going to happen again. I already made that mistake once!” She sneered. Seeing Leo’s hostile stance, the other boy leapt in front of her.

“Don’t lay a finger on her,” he growled at Leo, clenching his fists. Her heart melted because he was defending her, but that was not the time to worry about that right now.

“Jack… he’s dangerous. Leo does… he doesn’t do good things, you don’t want to get on his bad side,” she whispered in his ear.

“April.” Leo stalked closer. “Remember all the good times we had? The chemistry we had?”

She narrowed her eyes and made her way around Jack, about to punch Leo in the face. “Leo, we’re over. I don’t care what we had in the past, it’s done. We’re done, and we’re never getting together again. I don’t even know what I saw in you… you’re a bad person.”

“Oh, yeah?” Leo hissed. “Well how about this for a bad person?” He lunged at her, hands first, about to push her off the edge.

“April, no!” Jack screamed, leaping in front of her at the right second. Leo shoved him off the edge, to April’s dismay.

“JACK!” She screamed, making her way carefully over to the ledge. She couldn’t believe her eyes…


Wedding Night

Today was my wedding day, I was happy but nervous at the same time. I wasn’t nervous about the wedding itself, it was the after the wedding that made me nervous. I could not get rid of the nerves the whole time I was getting ready, but I kept it inside. Then it was time for the wedding. The doors opened and I saw him waiting for me. I was nervous but I need him. I walked down to him, as soon as he grabbed my hand the nerves went away. We said “I Do”. Then the minister pronounced as husband and wife. He kissed me and the nerves came back. We left to get pictures, were it was just the two of us. Pictures were over and the reception started, I was nervous the rest of the night. We left the reception and went to the hotel we were staying in that night. When we arrived, there was a sign that said “Welcome and congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph.” We want to our room. I walked into the bathroom, I washed my face and tried to calm down. That didn’t work. I then thought a quick shower would work. To I got into the shower and turned the water on, as i was doing that Mason knock on the door. “Are you ok babe” Mason said “Yes” I said I got out of the shower and just wrapped myself in a towel, and walked out. I said to myself its now or never. I was still nervous but who isn’t on their wedding night. Mason then said “are you sure you are ok”. “I don’t really know” I said Mason said “we don’t have to do anything tonight.” “I want to, I’m just nervous “ I said. “That is ok we can go slow, when you want to stop we can” Mason said. “Ok” I said “I love you and don’t want to pressure you to do anything you don’t want to” Mason said/ “I love you too and you aren’t pressuring me, i really want to.” I said. Then Mason kissed my and all my nerves went away. It was the best night i could have asked for.

The Last Time

I finally realized why I loved mornings. What could beat waking up to see her peacefully sleeping on my side? Not even that beautiful sunrise would. If anything, it just made the scene much brighter. As always, I would wake her up with some nice compliments. Gas her up a little bit and she would start blushing. That smile. It always took me to a happy place. Eventually she would hit me with a pillow because I’m now too much and then turn to face the other side. My mornings always started on a high note. We were like two teenagers who had just fallen in love. We could not let go of each other. You would think we were obsessed. But we were. This morning was different though. I’m not sure whether it was because of the problems we had been having the past week. Despite these problems, we had been coping well. We had our usual romantic mornings. Today things felt different. I remember we were just sitting in the dining table having breakfast before we both left for work. I turned to compliment how gorgeous she was looking and she would not even look at me. There she was, playing with her pendant. Looking around nervously as if there was something she was hiding. Her breakfast was barely touched. I wanted to place my hand on her cheek but she hesitated a bit when I attempted. I then stopped. I could feel some weird tension.

“What’s the matter Emily? You can always talk to me about anything.”

She was just silent. Her eyes really avoided mine. I felt confused. I really wanted to know what was running through her mind. Could it be that this time, everything hit her a bit harder than the last time we fought about what we wanted? We seemed to have two different paths. I wanted to continue practising in the city but she always dreamed of going to this baking school outside the country. We would talk about this but never meet in the middle. This week everything intensified because I brought up the issue of her meeting my parents.

“I... I’m not sure w...we can do this anymore.” She said with her eyes focused on her hands playing with her pendant.

For a moment I wanted to think I was dreaming. I felt a part of me leave my body. I was weak. Suddenly I didn’t want to eat anymore. Those words made me full. All that was ringing in my head was our amazing moments. The beautiful mornings. Her words.

Was this the last time for us?

Inspired by The Last Time by The Script.

The Beehive

He’s never looked at me this way before. I haven’t seen him in a year and I’m still head over heals. But this time, I think he is too. There’s something different about him. A good different. He’s polite and caring. His mannerisms have gone from high school boy to man. He pays attention when someone speaks as if each word is piercing his heart. I think I can get used to this.

Every month our families host a game night together. I’ve only been to a few because i’ve been off at college, but Andy hasn’t been able to make a single one. So, a year later he finally shows up unannounced and I’m left speechless. My mom reads something off a card and everyone bursts into laughter. “Sounds like something Jenna would do”, Andy mocks and gives me a wink. I shove him and awkwardly giggle at the truth behind his statement. I’ve always been an extremely nervous person. I noticed it during my early years of high school. I would always feel afraid or upset or uncomfortable no matter what I was doing. It felt like a beehive was in my stomach on a constant loop and I didn’t know if it was just me or everyone else felt like their head was about to explode too. Until finally, my doctor told me I had an anxiety disorder. I’ve never been a fan of surprises because of it, so It’s about right that I’ve been fidgeting and sweating since I saw those deep brown eyes meet mine.

When the games are over, the parents head outside to start a bonfire with the help of the younger kids. I sneak upstairs to the bathroom for a moment to take in everything that’s been going on. The mirror shows the reflection of a young woman whose had a little bit to drink, but the pain in my eyes conveys that everyone can tell I’m in shock. I walk out of the bathroom feeling a sort of relief and I’m ready to take on more social interaction when I see Andy waiting by the opening of his room...which I have to pass in order to get back downstairs. “Hey”, I mutter, shuffling and reshuffling the ring on my left pointer finger. “Hey. It’s been a while huh. You look...amazing. I missed you.” His last sentence lingers on his lips and in my mind. He missed me? Does that mean he actually cared about me? About what I said? The last interaction we had was a snapchat where I confessed I was in love with him on a stupid drunk dare and he left me on open. That was a month ago. “You look pretty good yourself. Your girlfriend is one lucky gal.” Shit. I did not just say that. What the hell Jenna?! The fidgeting has gone from my ring to a string on my shirt and now my palms feel sweaty again. “Yeah if only I had one. I would but see I can’t get this other girl out of my head.” I’m pretty sure by this point I’m chewing all the skin off the inside of my cheek. “Jenna...I know It’s been a year and I know we were like brother and sister but-“ “don’t”, I whisper because that’s as loud as I can make sound come out of my mouth at this moment. “but I’ve been in love with you for years Jenna. I left here in love with you and I tried to get over it but here I am and I’m still dying inside”. I stare in his eyes unable to speak or move for what seems like hours. I wanna be anywhere but here. He’s said the words I wanted him to say since the day we met but now that they’re out I just want to scream. He lifts his arm and brushes my hair out of my face. So warm and strong. I could melt into these hands. He leans in closer, and I panic. I feel the beehive come to life in my stomach, aching to be set free. Oh no. His lips are moments away from touching mine and all of a sudden my feet are racing forward past his room and the movie room, past the picture frames of him and his sister as babies, all the way down the stairs until I’ve slammed the back door behind me. I bend down to catch my breath and all I can think is... Damn anxiety disorder. What the hell did you just do?

I’m Coming Out 💁‍♂️

I’m gay.

It took me several years to realise this. What’s more is that I am cursed with the incorrigible shyness. It’s like a being a secret agent and not being allowed to tell anyone that I’m... you know... secret.

I have a crush on a friend. It’s one of those dilemmas. He is someone I have got to know over my younger years and as we’ve grown, our bodies have also grown. During PE, I get to see him out of the sweater and full of the sweat.. hah. How it glistened when we got changed after a few laps around the school playground.

He is tantalising. He would do this thing where he was do a “walk-by” and bite my arm or my shoulder. I would cry in apparent pain but secretly, I loved it. It felt like a forbidden sensual act. Is that weird? I mean it’s pretty weird the whole biting thing.

Anyway, I decided to come out to him via a letter with “read between the lines that I’m suicidal” connotations. He confronted me the next day but being shy I laughed it off. He didn’t bite me ever again.

So that’s my shaky childhood experience. And now I’m walking into this bar on the corner of Chinatown. It’s got some pretty hunky guys behind the bar and the clientele is mixed. I feel eyes are cross-examining me and so I walk through pretending I know where I am going. After I buy a cider, I find refuge by a table with magazines. I start reading it and seeing all the fun and excitement that I could be having but I’m not. I’m now getting observed by older men who stare at me like vultures do at dead meat. The guys I have interest in are already chatting to guys they are interested in. I’ve run out of reading material and so I take the magazine as research and leave the bar.

The next time I’ll be more prepared.

Bozo To The Rescue

She hadn’t been on a date in 27 years and to say she was a bit nervous was kind of like saying someone was a bit pregnant. Beth had been a widow for three years now and had been separated from Eric for two years already when he was killed in a motorcycle accident. Their separation had been amicable, both agreeing the marriage had run its course, but neither of them had begun the divorce process. Technically she had died as his widow, had collected on his life insurance, and just gotten on with her life; a bit richer and a lot smarter for sure.

When she heard the doorbell she panicked. This had seemed like a great idea when her girlfriend Sara had asked her to take a cousin out for dinner. He was here on business and Sara and her partner Jenny had made plans month ago to go to the lake for some much needed couple time. They had recruited Beth to spend the evening with him. Both of them had said he was funny, nice, and she’d like him.

“Coming!” she yelled, zipping up her leather boots and heading down the stairs. “Hang on!”

She pulled open the door and gulped. Sara had failed to mention that her cousin was also knock down gorgeous. He stood there holding flowers and grinning at her while Beth picked her jaw up off the floor and finally found her manners.

“Sorry, I was upstairs. In the bathroom, you know, trying to figure out what shoes to wear and the bell rang and well come in please.” Beth realized she was blabbing at him. Too much information, Beth. She clamped her lips together.

“I’m John. But I guess you figured that since you opened the door.” He grinned at her and Beth gaped. Even his grin was gorgeous. “Um, should I just push you aside, or are we going to stand in the doorway for the next 40 minutes.”

“Oh. So sorry.” She moved aside and he handed her the flowers and stepped in. “Have a seat on the couch. I’ll just go stick these in some water.”

“I made reservations at The Night Grille if that’s all right?” He had followed her into the kitchen and she jumped about two feet when she heard him behind her. “They’re for 7:00 and we’ll need to leave right now to make it in time. Traffic was horrible. I have the cab waiting.”

“Oh. Sure.” Beth, flustered, stuffed the flowers in a vase and edged around him to grab her coat and purse from the coat hook near the back door. He was really tall and broad and she had to brush against him and when she did she dropped her purse.

“Sorry”, she mumbled. What the heck was WRONG with her? She was acting like a 13 year old on her first date. She really needed to get it together. John just calmly retrieved the purse and handed it to her then helped her on with her coat.

They headed out and Beth locked the door and then promptly dropped the keys on the stoop. Again, John just grinned and picked up the keys and she dropped them in her purse. But she missed, and the keys hit the stoop for the second time.

“Oops. Gosh, I really am not usually this clumsy.”

“Well that’s good to know. I was thinking maybe I should have brought my Labrador retriever with me if I was going to spend the evening collecting your things.” Beth glanced at him but he was grinning again. Oh god he had a great smile.

“I will make every effort not to need a doggy retrieval”, she said, laughing.

They managed to make it to the restaurant and even out of the cab without Beth dropping anything, and once they had been shown a table, John helped her off with her coat, but in the process she managed to get her purse stuck in the sleeve and she dropped it on the floor.

“His name is Bozo.”

Sara just looked at him with a confused expression. “Whose name is Bozo?”

“My retriever. I have him on speed dial. You know, just in case I am in the company of anyone who is a dropper.”

Sara laughed. “I am mortified”, she said. “I am not really such a klutz but I will admit I am nervous. I haven’t dated in a long time and obviously it shows.”

“Relax. We are not going to think of this as a date. Let’s just think of it as two friends of
Sara and Jenny who are very glad not to have to be here to keep me entertained. Would that work?”

Beth laughed. “Excellent idea”.

Then she promptly knocked over her water glass, the waiter rushed over with napkins and a mop, and John pulled out his phone.

“Hi. Bozo? You better come rescue me. “

Three Best Love ❤️ Sonnets 😘💋📝✏️📖

“When two souls fall in love, there is nothing else but the yearning to be close to the other. It is hard to be away from the person that you love. You miss them terribly and long to be in their presence. You feel overwhelmed with joy once you are finally reunited with your love one or your significant other again at last. The presence is felt through a held hand, a voice heard and the sight of a smile. Even through a simple touch. Souls do not have calendars or clocks, nor do they understand the notion of time or of distance. They only know it feels right to be with one another. This is the reason why you miss someone so much when they are not around. Your soul feels their absence- it does not realize that the separation is temporary.” Beautiful quote about love by Lang Leav.

I decided to spend this morning reading my favorite love sonnets - oldies but also   goodies. These poems will stay with you through it all - puppy love, first love, first heart ache, and so much more. It feels really good to stop for a moment just to celebrate love. Please read through these three love sonnets that I have read and now cannot seem to get enough of. They are so deep, romantic and heart warming. These love poems are so beautifully written. Just by reading them, I can tell that the poets who wrote these poems pour their hearts and souls into their writing. I hope that these three poems bring a smile to your face and that they bring you both happiness and joy. 

#1. How do I love thee?” (Sonnet 43) by Elizabeth Barrett Browning 

“How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. I love thee to the depth and breadth and the height that my soul can reach, when feeling out of sight for the ends of being and of ideal grace. I love thee to the level of every day’s most quiet need, by the bright sun and I love thee by candlelight. I love thee freely, just as men strive for their rights. I love thee purely, as they slowly turn from praise. I love thee with the deep, intense passion which is often put to use in my old griefs, and with my childhood’s faith. I love thee with an undying love that I seemed to lose with my lost saints. I love thee with the breath, smiles, the tears, of all my life; and, if God so,chooses, I shall but love thee even more than I do now after my death.”

#2. “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?” (Sonnet 18) by William Shakespeare.

“Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate: Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May, and summer’s lease hath all too short a date; sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines, and way too often is his bright, shiny golden complexion dimm’d; and every fair from fair sometimes declines, by chance or by nature’s changing course untrimmed; but thy eternal summer shall not fade, nor lose the possession of that fair thou ow’st; nor shall death brag thou wander’st in his shade, when in eternal lines to time thou grow’st: so long as men can breathe or eyes can see, so long lives this and this gives life to thee.”

#3. “I carry your heart with me (Carry it in)” by E.E Cummings.

“I carry your heart with me (I carry it in my heart) I am never without it (anywhere I go you go, my dear; and whatever is done by only me is your doing, my darling) I fear no fate (for you are my fate, my sweet) I want no world (for beautiful you are my world, my true love) and it’s You are whatever a moon has always meant and whatever a sun will always sing is you. Here is the deepest secret nobody knows (here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud, and the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which grows higher than the soul can hope or mind can hide) and this is the wonder that is keeping the stars apart, I carry your heart (I carry it deep within my heart).”