
Once I was told I was nothing.

This isn’t what you wanted to see?

Did you want the sunshine?

Did you want care? Love?

After what you did…

The touching…

The nights I lay…

Dreaming up another family.

One where I wasn’t abused.

One where I was enough.

One where I was loved.

One where I was equal.

You didn’t like the way I was moody.

You didn’t like how I was always sad.

“Suck it up,” you’d say.

“Crying won’t help.”

“You’re pitiful.”

“Look at you…”

I, laid out on a table.

Separated and hurting.

A shattered heart in which you ignored.

I hate you.

I hate you with everything I have.

Your lies, stupid, stupid lies.

The way everyone believed you.

I was put away, frowned upon.

You basked in the glory of your lies.

And I hate that you put me through this hell…

But that’s why the fuck you’ll rot there.

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