-I awoke not with a bang, nor a whimper, but rather a long steaming tongue scraping its way up the side of my face-

“Uh- what-“ _Jackson stirs awake, grimacing_ “What- EW!” _Jackson screams falling off the couch. A big Doberman looks down at him, the slobber inching to Jackson’s face_

“Nancy~” _Scarlett sings as Jackson braces himself for the slobber getting closer. He grits his teeth, stuck between the couch and a table._

“Nancy come here girl!” _Scarlett pats her legs and Nancy the Doberman hops off the couch to her. Jackson sighs in relief until slobber flys off the dogs mouth and into his own._

“AGH- GOD- *gag* SCAR- WHY- *gag*” _Jackson struggles, trying to get unsquished and get the slobber out._

“Don’t panic! Nancy’s such a good dog!” _Scarlett smiles petting Nancy._

_Then Jackson sees Solomon walk past, his cane going side to side._ “SOLOMON- god Solomon- *gags and chokes* help me-“ _Jackson reaches both his hands out. Solomon knowing he can save him, just shrugs and walks off._

“AH- ITS IN MY GOD DAMN THROAT!” _Jackson gags and pushes the table away scrabbling to the kitchen sink. But in all his panic, he slams into the door frame._

“Jack did you just slam into the kitchen door frame even though you were positioned right in the middle?” _Solomon asks not even bothering to turn around. Scarlett just cackles like a psychotic._

“*gag*” _Jackson crawls to the sink and lift himself up washing his mouth with soap and hacking._

“That means yes!!!” _Scarlett cackles, her metal spine squeaking. Nancy barks to her laughter._

“You traitors…” _Jackson fake cries as he sinks to the floor._

“I’m. Blind. You Jackass.” _Solomon scoffs, having an excuse._

“Nancy was just being nice!” _Scarlett pouts, tears in her eyes_

_Jackson inch worms to Scarlett’s now sitting form. He puts his face in her lap and Nancy licks his head. Scarlett immediately grins and giggles, rubbing his back. Solomon sits himself on the couch._

-Welcome to the Weirdo Roomates-

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