
I belong with you.

It’s my place in the world.

Nothing, absolutely nothing,

Has ever felt this right.

Laying in your arms,

Resting my head on your shoulder,

Closing my eyes as you kiss me…

I’ve never believed in heaven,

But I think this is it.

I’ve never believed in fate,

But how could this be anything other than meant to be?

I’ve never believed in destiny,

But now I know mine is with you.

You’re everything I’ve ever wanted.

All my silent prayers,

All my desperate wishes,

All my hopes,

My dreams,

My aspirations-

They all led to you.

And I know I’ve fucked up before.

There’s no polite way to put it,

No excuse for what I did.

But I hope you know how sorry I am.

I think about what I’ve done to hurt you

And it feels like I’m being ripped apart.

Yet I still somehow ended up with you,

So I think I’ll be able to forgive myself.

Around you, I feel okay.

Like, maybe I’m not as bad as I used to think.

You’re like medicine to fight a disease,

Light to fight the dark.

Whatever happens,

I know I’ll be okay if I have you.

I’m certain of it.

I’ve never been more certain of anything,

And this is it:

I belong with you.

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