
(Inspired by this YouTube series I saw once, the first video is titled “being pretty” by the creator Dead Sound if you wanna check it out.)

She is pretty

He is pretty

They are a pretty family

She wears a mask of happiness

He wears a mask of happiness

They are a happy family

They have children,

A boy


A girl

The children start their own families

She is pretty

He is pretty

She wears a mask of happiness

He wears a mask of happiness

They have their own happy families

What happens when someone is different?

They are thrown away

Labeled as, ‘ugly’

She is ugly

He is ugly

They have realized the truth

They are ugly

I run, just trying to get out of this godforsaken city. They’re chasing me, right? I can’t look behind me, I can’t let anyone know. Maybe instead of ugly I’d be labeled ‘exceptional’ except I figured it out second, so I don’t get that luxury.

They say the outside is ruined, dystopian, apocalyptic, but there are no monsters here.

What if the monsters aren’t our enemies?

What if they’ve only ever thought back, never made the first strike? I told my husband all my theories, and that is why he was disposed of first. The regret runs through my whole body, pulsing in my veins. As soon as he was taken, I knew I would be too.

They’re gaining on me, I can’t run much longer! Oh how I wish I was the first, I’ve heard stories about her, so exceptional! So special.

I don’t want to be special, I want to get out of here!

Where did the exceptional girl go? Maybe she escaped, maybe I’ll find her! I’m so close to the wall, they can’t chase me after I get over it, right? Never gave I been more glad I’ve been digging a tunnel in my spare time for escaping if I ever needed to.

As soon as it’s in my sight I run faster, my heart pounds and I wonder if a heart can explode from beating to fast, if so them I’m in more trouble than I expected. I dive into the tunnel, hearing footsteps behind me, and I crawl as fast as I can.

Suddenly, something grabs my foot. I claw at the mud and dirt, so close to the other side!

But the metal hands gripping my foot are strong, and drag me out with barely any resistance.

“Stop! Please!”

I know better than to scream. That’ll just let more know my position. I kick and punch, but it does no difference, my breath catches as I suddenly supress tears. This is messed up!

I tear off my mask and throw it at them, but they are unrelentless, and my arms give out.

My fight is over. A new mask is given to me. One simply labeled, ‘ugly’. I’m tossed away, discarded.

This system cant be so easily ruined, I was stupid for thinking I could escape.

All I wish is that someone succeeds where I was too stupid to.

Dear reader, are you brave enough to try?

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