Excellent Enemies (E)

Thanks Makyla ;)

(Did I pick the name after Divine Rivals? Yes. I’m unoriginal okay shut up😭🤣)

{probably going to be a series so I can get another excuse to post}


I don’t think I’ve ever wanted to kill someone. Let alone want to kill somebody as much as I do right now.

“So… I guess we’re partners…”

It takes every ounce of self control in me to not roll my eyes.

“Obviously.” My tone is dry, but coated in a sour poison, dripping from my lips, as my blood begins to boil.

“Well that’s unfortunate.” I’m going to kill him. I’m convinced, not one soul in this _universe_ could hold me back now.

I slowly speak through clenched teeth, wanting him so see how I feel, while battling with the want to remain emotionless, leaving him to assume he has no affect on me, “You have _no_ Idea.”

I sit down in my chair, waiting to hear him sit beside me. I’m itching to pull the chair out from under him, as he lays his bag on the floor, and he attempts to start conversation.

He lulls on and on, and I don’t make sense of the words he is saying. My ears refuse to hear, angry with the rest of me.

“Emmy?” He says, waving a hand in front of my face. I slap it away. I’m only human.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah. Whatever.” I roll my eyes so hard I almost see my brain as he rubs his hand, like I actually hurt him. He suddenly smirks, “Thanks. I really just don’t have time for the project. I would much rather go to a few parties. I appreciate you being willing to do the whole stupid thing alone and let me get credit for something you worked on, your a lifesaver.” He mumbles, moving his hands while he talks before trying to stand up.

I reach out and grab him arm, pulling him back into his chair, “Oh no you don’t.”

“Geez, Emmy, I was just kidding. I’m a little hurt by how quickly you believed me though.”

“Good. Shows you how little I think of you.”

“Also shows you weren’t listening to a word I was saying.”

“Why would I? You don’t deserve it.” I cross my arms and lean back in my chair, looking at the clock, begging it to tick faster.

Two minutes.

Two minutes.

Two mi-

“Are you serious right now? Look I’m trying to be mature about this, but there is no way in _hell_ you are still mad at me. For one, that was two years ago. We were barely sophomores! And second of all-“

I turn away, turning my chair and moving at least a foot away.

“The sass on you,” he pulls my chair back making me look at him. He’s mad I can tell. I try not to be to smug about the fact that I am angering him. But hey, I’m only human. “Stop smirking, it’s weird… Second of all, you don’t know the whole story.” He spits the words out at me.

The bell rings and I’m up in a second, my stuff ready for takeoff as I B-line out of there.

I can hear his grunt of anger, and I smile bigger, leaving him behind me.

God I can’t wait to be done with him.


“Well if your planning on going in the student section, you shouldn’t wear this one, if you jump once, I’m pretty sure it would just fall right off”

“Can’t have that.”I mumble, laying on my back staring mindlessly at the ceiling.

“Agh!” A peice of clothing was thrown at my face, something poking me in the eye, “Geez, Lainey! You almost poked my eyeball out!”

My best friend didn’t even apologize. She just shrugged and said a simple, “whoopsies”

I got burried in clothes as she proceeded to empty my entire closet onto me.

“You have so many cute clothes! I wish! If I was your size, I swear you would never see half of these again. Why don’t you ever wear them in public? You could have had the whole school swooning after you.”

“Probably because I don’t want anyone swooning over me.”

“Lair.” I threw a hanger at her.

She dodged. Need to work on my aim. Noted.

“What about your new partner? You could drive him mad if you wanted to.” I reach for another hanger but she gives me a look that says, _if-you-throw-that-I’m-not-taking-you-to-the-game. _

“My goal is to get this project done, shouldn’t take more than a month, then wash my hands clean of Conner, until the day I die.”

“But the day after you die, you’ll hook up with him in hell right?”

I suddenly didn’t care about the game anymore. My arrow hit its mark.

Which lead to me being tackled.

We rolled around on the floor, wrestling eachother while laughing ourselves senseless.

She won, having a bigger build compared to mine. Her hair was short and dark, reaching her shoulders in a wolf cut.

Mine was an auburn that was longer by only a few inches.

She got up and threw a dress down at me. Casual and comfortable. “Put this on, I’m leaving in three minutes whether you are in my car or not.”


We got to the game in under ten minutes. Keep in mind it’s a 15 minute drive at best.

“I keep forgetting how horrible of a driver you are.”

“For the record I am a _fantastic_ driver. And you can’t say anything until you get your license.”

I flip her off, and she leaves to go get some food for the two of us.

I walk into the student section, and find us a place where I hope we won’t get absolutely trampled.

I watch the boys play football, grimacing anytime there is an extraordinarily painful tackle, and the people around me laugh.

Why hasn’t Lainey come back?

I stand up and look around squinting, looking around, sighing when I see her talking to a group of boys, flirting undoubtedly. Some people are just too hard to save. A laugh a little to myself.

“Hey Emmy. It’s been a while, haven’t seen you since, what was it? The 6th grade I think?” I stiffen.

Look I promise I don’t hate everyone. I don’t Hate the man behind me, like I do Conner, it’s just, _uncomfortable. _

I start to walk down the bleachers, pretending not to hear him, happy I was already standing, adding fire to my scene.

“Hey wait up baby, we haven’t talked in forever.”

You can tell when people have changed, and Jorden Makerson, I assure you, hasn’t.

I walk faster head down, I hear more than one set of footsteps behind me. Three is my guess. What poor souls would want to be Jorden’s friends?

I feel them gaining on me, I’m almost running now, a few hands reaching out, grabbing my arms and attempting to pull me back. A few attempts at holding on to my hips, make me want to gag.

I look for something, someone, _anything._

I see my biggest regret, I see my past, and I pray to god, that I’m not making the worst mistake of my life as I run faster. I plaster a smile on my face as I basically tackle Conner, jumping into his confused arms.



Don don **donnnn**

I’ll do another part maybe if this gets like 10 likes idk though. This was way fun to write though.

It’s not edited and it’s late so read with caution my queens👑💋

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