What. Is. That!?

"What. Is. That?!"

"An alien," she jokes.

"Hello my next nightmare," he whispers.

I must look absolutely terrified because they both stop laughing and put a hand on my shoulder.

"You alright?"

"What is that," I whimper.

My whole body shakes as it moves and something falls.

"Hey, it's ok. Your fine. Just look away," she tries to comfort me.

But I keep my ground.

"What is it?" I whisper shout. I am no longer scared, I am mad. No one will tell me anything, and I'm left guessing. And I hate surprises.

They both look at each other, with twinkling sadness in their eyes.

"What. Is. That!" I shout. I'm practically screaming.

"Hey hey hey. Calm down," he says.

I flinch back, away from his touch.

"We can just leave. It's fine. It wasn't that important anyways," she said.

I shutter and get up from the bench. A sudden breeze makes my hair fly in weird directions. I put it in a low pony and walk as far away as possible.

That, was terrifying.

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