Plot Builder
I write sad stories. It just comes naturally. I swear I’m okay.
Rachel Joaquin
1 min read
You’re the smartest kind of stupid
No matter what you do,
you’ll always be my cupid
It’s hard to believe that this happened suddenly
With you here in front of me.
Your eyes meet my eyes.
Your nose meets my nose.
Till our lips tango into a kiss.
Tongues tangled into bliss.
How was I so lucky.
That my love life did not turn out sucky.
That you had become my true pair.
I shall never wish for our de...
“I like you.”
The room was quiet that I could hear the sound of my own breath, which was not good.
“Say something.”
I was anxious and I didn’t want to be trapped in my own thoughts for too long or else I would regret even saying anything in the first place. But instead I watched how he bit on his lips and shoved his hands in his pockets.
“I don’t know what you want from me.”
He responded c...
YA fiction
“Why did you do this?”
I looked at him as he looked down at the rugged floor biting down on his lips. He knew he was in the wrong and he wasn’t going to deny it. With the lipstick stain on the inside of the collar of his shirt, a shade I’ve never worn. He tried to rub off the lipstick stain from his neck but I caught on though the sheer beige colour of his shirt. He cheated on me. I asked again,
2 min read
Day 1,
After taking the serum, my head has been dizzy, no signs of the black blood from the disease is extracting from my body. A colleague from H.C Labs constructed the serum as only a test for animals. I don’t have much time, so I gave it a shot. Who am I to say I’m not an animal, all humans are classified as mammals.
I made an small incision on my shoulder and it’s red. Not good if I want to ...
Science fiction
She’s not who she says she is.
She says she’s happy.
She says with a smile on her face that everything is okay.
She laughs at jokes, that aren’t even that funny to her.
She comforts people, when she’s the one who is in need of comforting.
She cries, when no one is around.
She’s silent, when it comes to her emotions.
She’s dreading, each waking moment.
She moves on forward, hoping that helping...
( not a birthday party but simply remembering someone important birthday)
Caught up in my sadness, my stress, my list of things to do, it was 11pm on December the 16th and I looked to see a group chat message on Snapchat. Thinking nothing of it, I open it as break for myself.
A: Ahh the perks of being Can...
3 min read
I felt it. The tingle that tenderizes my lips, so fragile if touched. My husband went out to a work party to celebrate the Christmas holidays. I couldn’t come along. He said, “it’s just a company party”, no plus ones. He was always working, long hours and overtime. He was exhausted by the time he had gotten home that he would forget my good night kiss.
I couldn’t complain because I had no permean...
Trigger warning include…
!Mentions of suicide!
Laying in the bed beside my husband, I watch how his eyes stayed shut. I looked at how he had a smile on his face as he was in his slumber. If only I could carry the same smile when I was awake. It was hard being awake. I sometime envied the sleeping corpse that rested underground.
I got up from my bed. I placed a letter I prepared the day before. ...
Crime, mystery & thriller
In the dead of night,
Not a single person in sight.
The street lamps lit and the tree strands sit
The breeze hits my face, a cold hug on my cheeks
Steps tap from behind,
I walk a bit faster, I’m on the grind
Listen again,
It follows me still,
This ick sticks, it gives me chills.
Right, right, right, right
Still follows,
The shadow did not fall for my trap
It lingers, oh crap.
The f...