Writing Prompt
Inspired by Quinn Miller
“I asked you to protect her, not train her!”
“Her training will protect her.”
For Their Best Interest
(A little prequel story to my More Than Blood series on here.) ———
“I asked you to figure out a way to protect them, not have them be trained,” Nerva paces in the empty throne room, her heels clicking on the marble floor.
Louisa, her best friend, winces as Nerva breezes past her for the fifth time in the last minute. “Their training will protect them,” she insists.
Queen Nerva’s six children are her everything. But they are also princesses and princes. Heirs to a sought after throne. She wanted an opinion on how to best protect them.
She didn’t think that Louisa would suggest and implement weapon and combat training.
Her baby boy is barely even walking and they are talking about putting a sword in his little hand!
“Take it from a Tarvin native, the best protection we can give them is training,” Louisa tries to reassure her very concerned friend. Nerva’s pacing ceases for the moment to look her right in the eye.
“Isa, I’m their mother. I don’t want them to need to.”
“But they are the heirs to your throne. They will be in danger. Maybe not now, but they will.”
Sighing, she brings a hand to her forehead. A headache is forming behind her eyes. In the depths of her soul, she knows Louisa is correct. But the motherly instincts in her scream at her to stop them.
“I know I was taught, but I can’t imagine a world where they will have to,” she says.
In a flash, Louisa is next to her, grasping her hand, providing physical comfort. There’s a glint in her eyes that Nerva doesn’t witness often. One of vulnerability. And pain. “Nerva, I know more than most that our parents can’t protect us from everything. This is for their benefit.”
Even though she is scared for her babies, she trusts Louisa with all of her being. So if she thinks they should learn how to physically defend themselves, Nerva will let them.
She will just be a nervous wreck every time they have practice.
Oh how she hopes that they don’t need it.
——— (If you read any of my More Than Blood stories, you would know that they do very much need it.)
"you will be protected damn it! you'll be fine! trust me!" her eyes were glossy and fear twisted her features. I lowered my tone, not wanting to scare her further. "your training will protect you. ok? you're safe here with me. i promise you." "i just...i dont wanna die..," she said, her voice was wavering and choked. "you wont die," i said, stepping closer and placing a hand on her shoulder. "do you trust me?" she nodded. "c'mere love." i gestured her over, and she buried her face in my chest. i wrapped my arms around her, my chin resting on her soft brown hair. a wave of protection shot through me and i held her tighter. "i swear on my life...you will be protected. i will protect you.
When I knock echoed on my door, I woke up with a jolt. I almost gave myself whiplash. I turned to the door. Who was here at this hour?
“Come in.” I groaned.
The door opened and last man I wanted to see right now stepped in. “Hello, sunshine.” Damian said as he strolled into my room.
My breath hitched in my throat as I stared at him. He was in a black undershirt and black trousers. He looked like a demon. A very attractive demon.
“What are you doing in my rooom?” I tried to keep the terror out of my voice, but I was scared that what happened with Dane last night would happen again.
He obviously noticed this. “Relax, sunshine. I’m not going to hurt you or steal your virginity.” He stated. I relaxed a little. “Are you alright?”
Crap. He didn’t need to know what happened last night. “Yes,” I snapped, “now what are you doing here?”
“I was given instructions by your father to assist you.” He leaned against my wall.
I recoiled in disgust. “Why you? What does that even mean? No, wait. Answer the first question.”
“Last night, after you ran away, your father might have found out that I helped you stay alive the other night.”
I blushed thinking about that night. I had lost control of the situation so fast. He had had me pinned so fast. I was under his trapping arms and chest and the look in his eyes…
I pushed those thoughts from my head. “So how are you going to assist me?” I asked.
“I’m going to teach you how to use a knife.”
My breath caught in my throat. No. He was gonna train me. Why? What was his motive? This was going to go horribly.
“Come on, sunshine. Get dressed. We have work to do.” Damian smirked at me as he left my room. “Meet me at my room.”
I wanted to argue, but he was already gone. I sighed. I had no choice. I had to do this.
So I got out of bed and dressed myself in a plain white shirt, a plain black corset, and a short black skirt. I put on some black tights on underneath and some black flats. Black was my color to get dirty. I hated it.
I trudged down to the guest wing. I was passed by a few people who gave me polite looks and nods, but I ignored most of them. I walked over to the door that I knew housed Damian. I hesitated before knocking. If I didn’t, he would come looking for me. It would also be rude to stand him up.
I knocked on the door.
It doesn’t open so I lean my ear against the door. I could hear voices. Damian’s and… my father’s. “I told you to protect her, not train her.” My father said.
“Sir, her training will protect her.” Damian argued.
“Maybe, but it’s not a desirable trait in women.” What?
“I’m sorry?”
“Look, men don’t like a woman who can fight. It makes them feel like the woman doesn’t need them.” This was not happening.
“Sir, how is it bad that a woman can defend herself? Especially since the vampire attack happened only a few days ago.”
“It’s just that…no man will want her.”
My heart stopped. What was my father saying?
“What? Are you marrying Vesper off?” Damian sounded surprised.
My father sighed. “Yes…”
“What about love? How will she ever find that if she is married off?”
My father laughs. “Vesper is not the kind of girl who is looking for love. She’s terrified of it, in fact.”
“It’s my fault really. When she was born, I had the royal seer come in and give us a glimpse of her future. He told us that she would fall in love, but before they get married, he would abandon her and she would be left as prisoner to evil forces. I’m just trying to protect her from that. I would hate to see her heartbroken.”
There was a pause.
“With all due respect, sir, I think it is better to have loved and lost than to not have loved at all.”
There was another beat of silence.
“No. Vesper isn’t like that. I’m her father. I know what is best for her.”
“Very well. Who do you think will marry her then?”
“Well, there is this Dane fellow. I saw him and Vesper having a romantic moment last night. I find it to be a lovely idea. He’s a decent fellow and I believe he might work out well with her.”
My heart really did stop that time. Dane? Dane. Dane. My father wanted me to marry him. I could feel his hands on my skin still. I could feel how rough and disgusting they were. The memory made me want to vomit. They made me want to cry. I tried to control myself, but my fears were stirring.
He wanted me to marry Dane. No. No. No. No.
“That’s nice, sir.” Damian said to my father.
“It is.” He agreed. “I’ll let you train my daughter, but please don’t teach her too much. I would hate for her marriage to fail.”
It was already doomed and it hadn’t even begun.
I heard my father’s footsteps approaching the doors, so I ran to the end of the hallway and pretended to walk over to Damian’s room. My father exited and saw me. “Ah, Vesper, how are you?” He asked me.
As if you weren’t just talking all about me. “Lovely. I’m just waiting for Heir Damian to train me.” I said, innocently.
He nodded. “Be careful. I would hate to see you get hurt.” He said. Then he kissed my cheek and walked off.
Damian saw me and waved me over. I took a deep breath and walked over to his room. “Ready, sunshine?” He asked me.
No. I want to cry. My father wants me to marry a monster. He touched me. He touched me.
Instead, I said, “Yeah. Let’s do this.”
Jasper stood stock still, not reacting to the short, red faced man that was my father.
Dad had walked in on a training session earlier, and he had blown up. That was who he was though. He had a terrible temper, and was an even worse parent.
The few times that I did see my dad, our convrrsations were short and lacked emotion. He was the kind of guy who thought women should be housewives who couldn’t do anything for themselves.
“Dad—“ I started.
“No!” He shouted, “You do not get to speak.” He faced me, blue eyes blazing. “You disobeyed me. I told you to never touch one of those THINGS again.” My fathers face contorted and he spun back around to my teacher.
When I turned eighteen, my father decided that I was old enough to need a bodyguard. Thankfully, that included a guy my age with brown hair and green eyes.
“I asked you to protect her, not train her!” He growled at Jasper, and I flinched. I knew that he had never wanted me to pick up a sword. Especially after the last guy he hired turned out to be teaching me too.
“Her training will protect her.” Jasper said calmly. I cheered for him internally. If anyone could stand up to him, it was Jasper.
I was ready this time when he called me. “Anna, it’s time to go.” He said, fuming. I smiled slightly and shook my head. “No. I’m not leaving.” I turned to Jasper.
“I would like to practice now,” I announced, ignoring my father. Jasper nodded and I went to go change. Just as I turned the corner, I saw my father storm out of the room.
Coming back, I grabbed my sword from where it was hanging. It was a beautiful piece of craftsmanship. The hilt was a soft leather with old Scottish Gaelic patterns on it. It was double edged and wicked as hell.
I pulled my long auburn hair up into a pony tail and faced Jasper. He was full on grinning, and butterflies burst into my stomach.
“Congrats, Ms.Rebel. I think by you finally pissed your dad off enough to get off of your tail.” He said, stepping closer.
I shook my head. “Naw. He’ll be back. You’ll see. He doesn’t give up easily.” I wrapped my arms around Jaspers waist and laid my head on his chest.
He kissed my head softly and put his arms around my shoulder. “I can’t wait. Now let’s train.”
The Assassin’s Heir
Chapter 1 : The Weight of Legacy
In the dimly light hall of the Blood Ravens guild, two voices could be heard echoing loudly though the hallway, the male voices belong to the leader of the guild Kuthal and his brother-in-law Ninthalor.
“ Ninthalor, i said my anwer is no, she is not ready yet to start training with the others “ Kuthal said to Ninthalor sternly his arms cross over his chest.
“ Kuthal Divarazah is aleady eighteen years old, she needs to learn how to defend herself if she is going uphold the family legacy” Ninthalor argued back to him as he rub his temple with his fingertips, clearly getting frustrated with Kuthal’s overproective nature over his niece.
“She will learn to defend herself when she is ready, not a moment before.” Kuthal replied, his voice unyielding.
“ I understand you want to protect her, but keeping her sheltered won’t prepare her for the world beyond these walls” Ninthalor insisted, stepping closer.
Kuthal sighed heavily, knowing this argument would not soon end, but determined to stand his ground.
“Enough, Ninthalor,” Kuthal said with an air of finalty. “This discussion is over. Diva’razh will train when the time is right,” Kuthal declared, turning away.
Ninthalor clenched his fists, but held his tongue, knowing full well that argument would change nothing today. He watched as Kuthal strode out of the chamber, leaving behind a tense silence.
As the door closed behind him, Ninethalor sighed, his frustation simmering beneath a surface of calm.
Loving Mothers
I ran from the pack of wolves. This was the fifth straight week of wolf attacks. This felt different somehow, something was wrong. Then I realized, the ground was wet. My heart pounded in my chest. It had rained last night. That meant the river was roaring. Which meant my way back to the cabin was blocked. The wolves were getting closer now. I had to think quick, but I new there was little hope. My only chance was to try to swim toward to the other bank. As I closed in on the bank, I saw the river, it was overflowing. My chances were getting slimmer by the second. I heard the wolves behind me. I gathered my courage and jumped. The water was ice cold. I pushed aside the coldness of the water and swam for the opposite bank. I started to feel the strong current taking me downstream, and my hope, strength, and willpower was draining out of me fast. Then I felt the bottom of the rocky river. I dug my feet into the ground, scraping skin. Working my way over to the other side of the river, the coldness set in with a chill. When I reached the other side, I knew I had to get moving to prevent hypothermia. Running towards the cabin, I felt feeling return to my body. I saw the cabin, and Mom was waiting for me, with a towel as well. My mom’s face looked livid, as I told her what I was doing. I was out on my day’s training, and my dad made me run, with wolves chasing me. My mom looked even more livid as I told the story. “I Told him to protect you, not train, or even kill you.” My mom said. She calmed down and gave me some tea, more to ease her anxiety than mine. Mothers will always be there for you.
“I asked you to protect her! Not train her!” “Her training will protect her!” “She’s just learned to walk, and she’s infected already it doesn’t make sense to help her defend herself.” “There are people everywhere trying to hunt infected people down to test them or just kill them” Bub giggled and waddled over to Carlos, poking him in the leg with a cardboard knife. He scooped her up and brushed her dark hair out of her eyes. “Hi princess…” Bub smiled big and dropped her weapon to put both of her chubby hands on Carlos’ face. “Hewo!” He offered a small smile back at her. “How would you like to do some coloring today?” “Cowowow!” “Co-lor” “Cah-wow” She gave Carlos a little grumpy pout. “Good enough- and how does some pasta sound for lunch?” “Pata!” She threw her hands in the air excitedly. Lia was being ignored as Carlos and Bub had their little connection. Of course he wasn’t her real father but one could be tricked into believing so quite easily. He carried her inside and upstairs to choose which pasta she wanted. She chose a box of fun shaped ones from Halloween and requested several to eat before being cooked. Carlos set the water to boil after sitting Bub on a stool to watch. She happily munched on the dry pasta while kicking her feet. He kissed her forehead and grabbed a couple sauce options, allowing Bub to decide. She pointed to the pesto sauce and shouted. “GEEN!” “To dip or on top?” “Ip ip ip” “And bedtime early tonight but you can sleep in my bed okay?” Bub nodded with a smile. She loved cuddles and hugs and being picked up. She was more aware of boundaries and understood that not everyone liked hugs and cuddles all the time, at least more aware than most kids. “Is pata done soon?” “Yep soon” “Singy? Fowe bed?” “I’ll do my best sweetheart okay?” “Bewuga!” “I don’t know if I can sing tonight…” “I sing!” Carlos smiled and kissed Bub’s forehead. “You go right ahead if you can remember the words” Bub wiggled a little in her spot as she sang. “Baby ooga in eep bwue sea” Carlos’ smooth tenor voice sounded nice even as a whisper. “Swim so wild and you swim so free…” “Evan above and sea bewow” “And a little white whale on the go”
The Teacher
She liked to play hide and seek. Under a banyan, she hid inside the convoluted air roots. Oftentimes she stayed there until dusk. Nobody found her, and she went home.
She never talked quite much. In classes, in girl’s circle. No one talked a lot in school. In tedious summer daylight, the teacher lectured on and on into a infinite black hole. She faced sleepiness, emptied inside out, like a worm hole, inviting her to come down.
She doesn’t have a question.
That’s the problem. Jenna says. Interaction is the best way to learn. But she doesn’t have a question.
She feels like something’s blended and clogged at her chest. She pulls forcefully. Nothing came out.
She asked the teacher why she’s trained in that way.
The teacher said it’s for protecting yourself.
But I don’t need protection.
No you need that. The teacher said. See?
The teacher pointed at the apple. The apple was wrapped in Saran Wrap, vaccumed around its bruise, suffocated from the water brought from the orchard.
She walked out of the daylight in the teacher’s office.