Writing Prompt
Your character enjoys being disruptive, unpleasant and mean, creating chaos wherever they go.
In the midst of a calm environment, this character enters the scene...
“…were spinning tops underwater when-“ “More about your dream later, Sara. Meet Alex,” Liam says. Liam gestures towards a man a little ways away from us. Rain clouds fill the sky in seconds, but instead of rain, frogs fall from the sky. A few of the other people at the park scream and Everton starts running. I move to get up, but Liam assures me it’s fine. It’s like he’s used to this sort of thing. When Alex reaches us, I can hear him humming a song I don’t recognize.
I’m mean I’m mean and I’m bossy I’m rude and I don’t care enough not about you, not even about me I just don’t care I don’t put in effort into anything because there’s no point anyways we’re all just stupid little flecks floating along in this stupid little universe that doesn’t care about me so why should I care about it? why should I care about you? I’m mean I know you’ve said it before just shut up we get it there’s no need to repeat yourself not when you’re that big of a LOSER haha you’re a loser take the L just shut up I don’t listen to idiots and you’re one of them so SHUT IT LOOOOOOOSERRRRR U R A LOSERRR JERK IDIOT WIMP BRAT TWIT PRICK IDIOT AGAIN LOSERRRRRRRRR I’m mean fine, whatever but you’re a loser and that’s worse because you won’t accept it you won’t acknowledge what you did UGHHH you ignorant little jerk go jump off something tall
(to those of you that read that, all jokes, it’s not about you, I love you)
I walk into the quiet room I grin a little
These poor unsuspecting souls They have no clue what’s coming for them
I walk over to a table with a mom and her baby Slam my hand down into the table Grin an evil grin
She looks at me with an agitated look And I just continue
Slamming louder and louder against the table Her baby begins to cry
Over and over Until I get bored
I walk away Saying nothing
I go to the bookshelves on the side of the wall behind me Throwing all of them off
Chaos is my middle name Fear me
Aistis and Karyan had the moment under control, Juno could see from her perch on the castle wall. The plan was simple:
Infiltrate the castle, check Get to the castle wall, check. Sit on the wall until the signal…in the works.
Juno was getting quite bored. She couldn’t hear what the king was saying, though she could guess it was something along the lines of, “you will die and so will your so called heir of Thera,” aka her.
The heir picked the non-existent dirt out from under her finger nails, dangling her legs over the edge. She looked back at her friends and the king. She had been up there for hours already and couldn’t sit any longer. Change of plans.
Dramatically get down from the wall, And the rest would be improv.
Juno was much happier with this plan. It would accomplish the same goal as the first: proving that the heir to the Theran throne had survived the massacre thirteen years ago, and that she was strong enough to take down the Orarian king and place Aistis on the throne.
So, unable to wait any longer, Juno jumped off of the wall. The people gathered, including the king, saw her and turned their attention to the crazy girl who had just jumped off of a wall. She guessed that they all assumed she was committing suicide. But, she wouldn’t splat on the ground. Juno spoke to the river surrounding the capital city, asking it to catch her. The water came at a slow pace just as she had intended. It swirled under her feet just before she reached the ground and held her aloft.
She would be lying if she said that the look on the king’s face wasn’t amusing. After giving him a smile, she touched the ground right beside Aistis who was giving her a, are you serious right now? look. Juno countered his silent disapproval with a grin.
“Majesty,” she said sarcastically, bowing lower than anyone else would. “A lovely day, don’t you think?” She asked while she formed a dragon behind her. When it was finished, she let it sail over the heads of the people around her, droplets of water dripping down from it like a light rain. She willed its claws to become ice and sent it straight towards the king. He held his ground which Juno had to give him credit for.
When she made the dragon slice a thin line on the side of the king’s face, however, his anger and the slightest bit of fear tward her abilities appeared on his face for a split second. He held a hand against the cut after Juno let go of the dragon, letting it turn back into regular water. When he dragged it down to inspect the damage, he scowled. The blood was smeared all over his hand. The claw had gone a little deeper than she had intended apparently. She didn’t particularly care though.
Karyan was staring at her. The assassin gave her a look that said, I am both very proud of the chaos, and am so going to pummel you after this, princess,
“Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a kingdom to return to. Oh and don’t worry, we’ll be meeting again very soon, Majesty,” she finished with the same sarcastic voice and bow before turning away. Her smile grew while the people gaped and whispered. Let them assume things about her, but they would soon learn what happened to those who defied her the right to her throne. The king would die within a fortnight.
✨[part of my WIP book. Is a series :> ]✨
Once upon a time, in a quaint little town, lived a young woman named Emily. She had a loving family, a fulfilling career, and a life filled with joy and happiness. However, her world was about to be turned upside down by the arrival of someone she thought she knew so well - JW.
JW and Emily had grown up together, sharing countless memories and adventures. They were inseparable, and Emily trusted him with all her heart. But as they entered adulthood, JW's true colors began to emerge. He reveled in being disruptive, unpleasant, and mean, creating chaos wherever he went. His narcissistic tendencies knew no bounds.
Emily's life had been great before JW entered the picture. She had a loving family who supported her, and she was content with her own accomplishments. But JW, with his manipulative charm, managed to convince her that he was something completely different than he really was. He painted a picture of a caring and loving partner, someone who would always be there for her.
However, it didn't take long for Emily to realize the truth. JW's true nature began to reveal itself, and she found herself trapped in a toxic relationship. He disrespected her, threw fits of rage, and his arrogance knew no bounds. The once-happy family Christmas that Emily cherished was now being ruined by JW's disruptive behavior.
She had been so excited for their first Christmas as a couple, yet somehow she knew deep down he’d probably do something to cause discomfort before the day was over.
Emily's family, who had always been wary of JW, saw through his facade from the beginning. They despised his mean-spiritedness and the chaos he brought into their lives. As JW continued to disrespect Emily and create tension during the family Christmas gathering, her family had had enough.
With great wit and carefully crafted insults, Emily's family confronted JW, telling him off for his behavior. They made it clear that they didn't care about his accomplishments or his status as a lawyer because none of it mattered if he continued to be a mean person. Their words struck a chord within JW, but his arrogance prevented him from truly understanding the gravity of his actions.
Finally, Emily's family made the difficult yet satisfying decision to kick JW out of their home. As he stormed off, leaving chaos and skid marks in his wake, a sense of relief washed over the family. They gathered around the table, sharing stories and laughter, reveling in the absence of JW's disruptive presence.
Without JW's negativity overshadowing the festivities, the family Christmas dinner became a true celebration of love, joy, and togetherness. They realized that their bond was unbreakable, and they were stronger without JW's toxic influence.
As the evening drew to a close, Emily's family reflected on the events that had unfolded. They were grateful for their unity and the strength they had shown in standing up against JW's disruptive behavior. They knew that their love for one another would always prevail, and they were determined to protect Emily from any further harm.
And so, as they laughed and shared heartfelt moments, they knew that this family Christmas would be remembered as the turning point in their lives. They had reclaimed their happiness, and they were ready to face the future with renewed strength and love, leaving JW and his chaos behind. “That was one angry elf!” Emily’s dad chuckled as they hugged goodnight.
A beautiful, summer night. The sun is drawing towards the earth, creating an orange glow with specs of purple that casts it’s colour across the trees. The air is still warm, but a slight chill is enough to have wonder whether or not an additional layer could be worn. The sound of waves colliding with the sandy shore creates a natural metronome, a pace controlled by that of Mother Nature. Birds are the ones who contribute their beautiful melodies to this perfect sunset. I final salute towards the Sun, as the Moon begins to creep into the sky.
But on this particular night, no amount of serenity could protect the trees from the current act taking place. His name is Ryan, and he is the worst kind of human there is. In his lifted, black Dodge Ram, he races into the beach parking lot, screeching to a halt where he has stopped and occupied 3 parking spots at once. He climbs out of his vehicle, with Five Finger Death Punch still roaring through his truck’s stereo. He steps down, sporting his faded, bell bottom jeans, his Black Affliction shirt (complete with the shiny logo), his favourite Bass Pro Camo Hat, and his signature Pit Vipers. Empty Lucky Lager cans follow and clink on the pavement. Three to be exact. The fourth is currently half empty, gripped tightly in his left hand, and the two remaining dangle on the plastic rings dangling from that same hand. Ryan quickly goes to the back of his truck and opens the tailgate. He quickly extracts a jerry can that is still about half full, and makes his way towards the beach. He’s drunk, and like he typically tends to do, thinks that the world is his playground, and will go along with whatever plan he decides. This time, he wants to have a fire. It’s been a dry 2 months, and he’s tired of hearing about how the fire ban has been extended yet again. He moved here to have the freedom to have fires whenever he wants, and this time, he won’t let any park ranger tell him otherwise. Aside from a few straggling tourists, the beach is empty. Of course it is. It’s September and the summer has faded away. Perfect. As he descends down the dunes, he notices a handful of crows gathered along the shore, eating whatever creatures will fill their bellies. Ryan grabs a rock nearby and launches it in their vicinity. The crows sense this act of aggression and quickly disperse. With the final chug of his current beer, Ryan lets out an enormous belch that fills the air. The can is then crushed and tossed on the ground to soon be forgotten and covered with sand. It will be found in two weeks by a father and daughter testing out a newly purchased metal detector. A false find and the disappoint of a young, aspiring treasure hunter. Ryan removes another beer from the plastic ring and cracks it open. Foam rushes out the top and trickles down the side and onto the sand. It gets absorbed into the earth as it is mistaken for water. Another unfortunate event. Ryan scans the beach and settles on a section close to the tree line. Without hesitation, he removes the cover on his jerry can and begins dousing the old driftwood with the remaining gasoline. In less than a minute, the entire area is covered and glistening, with a pungent smell that causes every living creature close by to scurry. Ryan chugs half of his his current beer and then steps back. He reaches into his pocket and removes a lighter and half a cigarette. Placed in his mouth, he lights the cigarette and draws in the nicotine. He holds his breath, and then slowly exhales smoke from his nose. He looks down at the logs and feels nothing but rage. Much like the world, he wants to see it burn. And with that, he tosses his lit cigarette towards the pile of driftwood.
A tragic, summer night. The Sun has retreated below the skyline in disappoint, as a burst of orange takes over darkness and quickly spreads to the nearby, dried out trees. No longer cool, the air is scorching hot, consuming the surrounding oxygen, and filling the sky with smoke that is lost in the night sky, but can still be seen. The sound of waves colliding with the sandy shore have been silenced by the raging fire that has consumed the entire area of driftwood and soon to be dead trees. The crackling sounds of the fire are really made by the trees as they make their final cry for help before collapsing towards the earth. Mother Nature has been hurt. The birds panic as they realize their home is being destroyed. Not sure what to do, they watch from a distance as more trees go up in flames. The Moon hangs low, as it senses defeat. Unsure of what will come, but certain The Sun will return to a much different, and tragic place.
Ryan finishes his beer and tosses the empty can and plastic ring into the ocean. He walks back to his truck and drives home. Soon he will be passed out, drunk. Tomorrow he will awake and read on the news of another wildfire taking place. He will curse the hippies for trying to save the Earth, and make fun of anyone who thinks that Global Warming is real. For in this situation, he will know deep down the cause. But what he will fail to realize is that he is the biggest cause of this problem. Igniting the flame and defeating the Earth when it is most vulnerable. He is the problem, yet will take none of the blame. Another menace to society.
Anger. It does not hang over you the way sadness does, It does not weigh you down. It does not hold you back. It propels you forward until it can become,
Hatred. It is the fire, the fuel, the engine. It is what urges you on, What can force you to be smart or stupid, Until it becomes all
Consuming. It is the climactic explosion. It is the past and it is the future, It can kill who you once were if you let it. It can give you the satisfaction of hurting those who made you bleed. It can give you
Revenge. The moment, The thing that you’ve thought about nonstop for days, months, years. But there is no closure on the other side. You’ll still be,
Angry. You’ll still be,
Hurt. Only now a little guilty and a little worse.
Even a broken clock is right twice a day, But a slow or fast one never is I’ll let you decide what you might be,
But I know what I am Always playing catch up, Always hoping to make it on time, To push myself harder, To be better than everyone else, But I can’t be. So instead, I’ll become worse
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