Writing Prompt
Poison desire Sofly Slowly Dying A brilliant broken flower Breathing wants Bledding needs An angel sighs at your greed a hug an eterla embrace whispering words of wisdom like liquid fire on my lips An ocena of tears as you beg for forgiveness Your pleads a rythmic prayer You have been stripped of your identity Your are nothing but a naked soul in a broken body Day by day you crumble to dust devoured by life and your mistakes surronded by reminders of your past You cant smile you cant cry you can only be still and fragile as a porcelain doll sat in a glass doored cupboard Looking down upon others with a look of shame Decaying away enveloped in regret you kiss your life goodbye as you fade into the clouds The sky your sister I still feel you in the breeze or in a gentle brush I still linger near your place longer than i should but i know you were a prisoner here on earth Though my heart throbs for you I will let you be A star in the universe Good luck my always and forever
you said our love lived in every lifetime
like i am your lifeline
our love was rushed into our veins
our bloodstream is together like chains
you say we are like shakespeare and anne hathaway
saying that type of love will be ours one day
I can’t get you off my mind
Like our thoughts are combined
when im not with you
my sad songs are on queue
I want you here
and I know that very clear
our love is elemental
how it’s so sentimental
you are my lifetime
you are my lifeline
our love will last generation to generation
and all it started off with one conversation
Happy Halloween everyone hope you all have a fun and safe day/ night
I am nearly done with Revenge part one I am just struggling with creative block,wording it and some family medical stuff but I am getting at least one line down a day and then I have to edit but it will be out this year lol
TRUE STORY One year I had to take my little sisters trick or treating I brought our 150 pound Newfoundland dog with us near the end of the night a car was fallowing us we lost it by cutting through a neighbors backyard to get home but it was creepy for sure
We were two of of the most advanced mechanical humans. That’s what they called us, anyway. What the tabloids said. Our names were given to us by a man who toiled over a desk, writing math equations and playing with wires until we were alive. With a stunning feat of the unnatural, he brought us to life, even giving us hair, clothes, and before long, our personalities. Her and me - me and her - beloved from the start, forged from the same hand.
Now, though, there are humans more advanced than us. Artificial intelligence, they say, throwing us to the side. We cannot be reprogrammed. We cannot be destroyed either; the machinery we’re made of does not decay. So, he threw us in the lab’s dump, where we wait to return to earth. Together.
Though they were young The love they had was like none other
Though tragically perishing Their loved remained strong
To drink poison so young To give their life’s for each other,
That has given them power To remain together.
No longer on feuding sides Able to be at peace in their embrace.
Are all these two starcrossed lovers wanted. Who would think, they’d find it in life hereafter.
Beneath the skin’s veil, our fingertips met. Minds clashed, not merely in flesh. He wore shadows, I exuded transparency. Striving to meet each others gaze, only to be met with darkness. How could this be? I had seen him countless times before. Heard his whispers, felt his embrace. Our souls intertwined, yet his essence eluded me. I strained to see, but recognition fled. The soul before me, a strangers guise. As I reach out, chasing his heart. There lay only vacancy. Bared to the bone.
As I look deeply into your eyes I see love As if we had always been lovers A life intertwined I see oceans of tears shed I see tenderness the fruits born of strife and yearning I see tenderness A flower where once was despair I see a thousand harsh words Morphed into tenderness I see a past filled with conflict A harmony born from acceptance I see a past as rich as crimson A beauty nurtured and tended A culmination of destiny and fate as we slowly now decline The union of a lifetime I see you smile and kiss me And I am and evermore will be Honored to have you with me If even for one more breath
Across feilds and plains Two warriors flew To meet each other In a world made anew
What they would find Neither knew For tides are unyielding And merciless too
One’s armor was black Sleek as night The other’s white With dazzling light
Both shown with blood Swords at their sides They fought their way across This merciless tide
But the tide swept strong And red filled the air Of armor of night And dazzling wear
Flowers of thorns And bloodied petals Used their vines To mercily mettle
They carried the night And dazzaling stars To a barren field Where they their own could win
So the night and the stars Reunited at last To grasp each other Together in the grass
They cried to each other And their tears soaked the ground As the night and the stars Retuned to the sky
Yet on this field Barren with blood Sprung flowers of many And many to come
I’ll love you forever Through darkness and daylight From stupid and awkward To clever and bright __ You put me in danger My life on the line But we’re all gonna die So I put on a smile __ Your death will be swift, Painless and amusing But I love you forever So you’re going down with me
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