Writing Prompt


Write a story about two people who hate each other discovering one important common interest that they share.

Think about how you can use this event to tell us something about these characters' personalities or lives.



The story doesn’t really follow the prompt, I just used the prompt as a starting point for an assignment for my fiction writing class.


Hearing the bedroom door open and footsteps down the hallway, getting louder, Ellis closes and puts down the book he was reading. He watches as Jack is putting his shoes on. “Hey Ellis, while I’m at work, can you go and get groceries for Christmas dinner?” Ellis groans. “Jack, there’s no point in spending money on groceries that we won’t eat.” Jack furrows his eyebrows as he speaks. “Well, if you buy food that we both like, then maybe we would eat it.” Annoyed, Ellis sits up in his chair. “That’s not what I meant and you know it.” “Well, what did you mean then? ‘cause to me it sounds like you’re complaining about my cooking and choices of food.” Jack finishes tying his shoes and stands, walking towards Ellis. “No Jack! I’m talking about the end of the world!” Ellis grabs the book off the coffee table and shows it to Jack. “The Mayans said that tomorrow is the dawn of a new age, a new beginning! But experts are saying that it’s more than that. It’s the end. Not the beginning!” Jack crosses his arms, tired of hearing it for the hundredth time. “Are you done Ellis? I can’t believe you’re still on about the whole ‘world ending’ thing. It’s not gonna happen! How can I open your eyes and make you see that?” Ellis scoffs in disbelief. “You can’t! Because you’re wrong!” Ellis stands quickly and advances towards Jack, but he steps away. “Something bad is going to happen tomorrow, Jack. The world is going to die and I want you here with me! Not at work. Not at school. Here! With me.” Sighing, Jack steps back towards Ellis. “Sit down, please.” Ellis does. Jack kneels down to Ellis’s level and talks quieter. “Eli. I know that this is important to you.” Grabbing Ellis’s hands, Jack continues. “But there’s no scientific evidence to back that book, or the Mayans, up. I just can’t wrap my head around it-” “God! I knew you wouldn’t listen!” Ellis interrupts Jack and rips his hands from his own. Before Ellis could go on, Jack stops him. “Ellis stop! I never said I wouldn’t, so stop living in your own head for two seconds and let me speak, please!” Ellis stares and Jack goes on. “What I was going to say before you cut me off was that ‘I can’t wrap my head around it, but if it would make you feel better I’ll call in sick today and tomorrow.’” Expecting Ellis would say something, Jack stayed quiet. No one spoke for what felt like an eternity. Jack, not wanting to make anything worse, grabs Ellis’s hands and speaks softly again. “Eli. Would you like that?” Ellis tightens the grip on Jack’s hand, smiling. “Yeah, that’s all I wanted, really.”

A (Whirlwind) Romance Part 2

“How can someone be so /stupid/??” Lydia said, fuming as she sat herself down on a bench outside the room next to her older sister Cindy.

“Sam?” Cindy guessed. “What did she do?”

Lydia paused, then slumped, posture crumbling. “I don’t even remember,” she admitted at last, crossing her arms loosely.

Cindy hummed thoughtfully, then put a hand on her arm and turned on the bench to face her fully. “Are you okay?”

Lydia exhaled carefully. “…Y-yeah,” she said. “I’m alright. Today has just been a bit…draining.”

“Did something happen before this?”

Lydia sighed. She nodded but didn’t elaborate. Cindy didn’t push her, just putting an arm around her and pulling her closer.

After a few minutes, the door opened. Lydia straightened, leaning forward to see past Cindy.

Sam came out, seeming subdued. Their eyes met, and then Sam’s gaze moved to the floor and Lydia leaned back against the wall behind the bench.

A moment passed. Then, Cindy stood up. “I’ll let you two talk,” she said with a small smile. “I’ll come back in a few minutes — if you need anything, I’ll be right outside.”

Lydia watched her leave, then looked back to Sam.

Sam seemed to make an aborted attempt to walk over before thinking better of it.

Then Sam sighed.

“I’m sorry,” Sam said quietly. “I shouldn’t have been yelling.”

“Yeah,” Lydia answered. “I’m sorry too. I’m usually better at resolving things like that — I was just in a bad mood and took it out on you.”

Sam looked up from the floor, and Lydia smiled at her a bit. Sam hesitated for a moment before walking over and collapsing onto the bench next to her.

“Same here,” Sam told her. “I heard some people talking about me earlier. They were theorizing over my love life again — that always annoys me. I guess it just got to me today.”

Lydia laughed with a frown and leaned her head back against the wall. “Yeah,” she sighed, “I heard them talking about me when I came in too. Some guys were saying we’d get together — they were placing bets on how long it’d take.”

Sam looked at her, face seeming vaguely horrified. “They were placing /bets?/“ she asked. “That we would get together?”

Lydia turned her head and grinned tiredly at her. “Don’t sound so scared,” she joked. “I might get offended.”

Sam smiled back. “It’s not you,” she said. “I mean, we did get off to a bad start, but — I don’t like anyone like that.”

Lydia raised an eyebrow. “You don’t?”

Sam seemed a tad tenser now. “No, I uh — I don’t. People think it’s weird, but I never have…” Lydia sat up straighter and turned to her, and Sam hastened to say more. “I’m not upset about it though, it’s just how I am, so—“

“No, I get it.” Lydia cut off her rambling. “I don’t feel anything romantic towards anyone, either.”

Sam looked at her, eyes wide. “…I didn’t know that anyone else…”

“Me neither,” Lydia said. “Everyone else is so obsessed with romance, and even my friends who weren’t liked someone at some point. I just accepted I was the only one who…but…”

Sam seemed to be almost vibrating, all of a sudden. She reached over and took her hands, and if they were in a cartoon, Lydia thought she’d have stars in her eyes. “This is amazing,” she practically squealed. “There’s someone else like me…”

Lydia smiled back at her, quietly sharing the sentiment.

After a moment, Sam seemed to settle down. She looked at Lydia, and it looked like her eyes were brimming with tears. “I’m not alone anymore…”

She felt tears rise up in her own eyes, but stubbornly kept them down. Without consciously thinking about it, Lydia pulled Sam into a hug.

She’d always been careful not to do anything that could be interpreted as romantic in the view of cameras, wanting to avoid as much drama as she could. She didn’t want to deal with people assuming she was dating her friends or her family assuming someone had finally managed to “fix” whatever about her they thought was broken. But despite the cameras outside the window — and the knowledge of what this could surely seem like to some of them out of context, since they didn’t have the audio — she didn’t have it in her to be bothered.

None of that mattered — because for the first time, Lydia finally felt understood.

A (Whirlwind) Romance Part 1

[/…/ for italics for bold ——— for a timeskip/linebreak]

/“They’re both so talented!”

/“Lydia’s got to be my favorite actress of all time — and Sam’s just amazing. It’s about time they act in a movie together.”

/“I bet they’ll be best friends in no time.”/

Lydia didn’t spare a glance to anyone as she walked by, barely hearing the whispers.

/“Best friends?” said someone. “No way. I’m calling it now — they’ll be dating within a month.”/

Lydia barely restrained herself from rolling her eyes as she opened the door to enter the building.

/“No, no,” someone else laughed. “I’m giving it three weeks tops. I’d be willing to bet thirty bucks.”

/“Oh no, there’s no way. You’re on.”

/“Wait wait — they’re gay?”

/“Well, yeah, obviously. Neither of them has ever showed any interest in a man, so—“/

The door shut behind her. Lydia suddenly realized her teeth were clenched and carefully unclenched them, determined to start production on a good note.


The directer and the producer stared at the squabbling actresses on set.

“Did you expect them to hate each other this much?” asked the producer.

/“Maybe if you hadn’t—“

/“It’s hardly my fault you decided to—“/

“I definitely didn’t expect /this,/“ the directer replied. “I had no clue how they’d feel about each other, but I don’t think either of them has ever acted like this.”

They watched in silence for a moment.

/“How the hell did you even get a lead role?!” Lydia said, glaring.

“I was about to ask you the same thing!” Sam yelled back. “You’re the most immature person I’ve ever had the misfortune of working with.”/

“…I like your mustache, Jimmy.”

“Oh, thank you, Paul—“

Lydia screamed wordlessly and stormed out of the room.

[tbc (part 2 is out)]

Hate To Know You

“Picture me this I walk in to campus, and hunt down that dickhead” I say grabbing my bag while maintaining a glare on her. “No, Picture me this you walk into campus and you hunt down the office so you can get your room” My bestie Maria says, I groan grabbing her shoulders “why do I have to go to the university your ex-boyfriend is gonna live the past 4 years with me” she chuckles “You don’t even know what he looks like” I chuckle “but I know his name” she clears her throat. “Right” she moves her gaze forward. “You won’t meet him anyways” she chuckles opening the door for me and undoing my seatbelt. “What makes you so sure?” I smirk and she returns one. “Because you’re too scared to start a conversation” she throws me a kiss before leaving.

I roll my eyes grabbing a hold of my bag looking up towards my next home for the next four years.

“Please god. I don’t pray much, but get me laid, I need some stress relief. They says semen works as an antidepressant and I definitely need some of that” I mumbled to myself and I couldn’t help but hear a chuckle next to me.

“If that’s what you’re coming for here, I’d be happy to help” The boy said before winking and passing by me.

“Hey! Wait! Just pretend you didn’t hear that!” I run after him as he walked pretty fast. “I’ll think about it princess” he chuckles, I began running out of breath. “slow down a moment” I complained “I can’t love I have to get to the office before they close” He smiles down to me before opening the door for me. “I’d be happy to talk it to you after” his shows his middle fingers a suspicious in motion. I walk in trying to hide my warm face.

“Hello, how may I help you guys” The woman in the front desk asks “I need my room” he says and she looks at me “how about you darling?” I nod “same thing” I shyly spoke . This is why I usually drag my mom or Maria everywhere.

“Could I have your student numbers?” She asks typing away on her keyboard “0237” he says and she nods “you room would be boys hall A floor 3 room 10” she nods quickly printing his hard before looking at me “0913” She types away before furrowing her eyebrows. “Let me make a call real quick honey” she says putting her finger up.

“Did you pay for your room” he chuckles and I nod my heart racing “yes..?” I say the lady clears her throat “hello yes David? This is Samantha how are you? “ she greets “I’m good, I have a situation where I have a mixed room- yes in fact the boy just came to get his room card too” I look up to him mirroring each others expression.

“Alright thank you sweetie take care” she hangs up and looks at us “so rooms are first come first serve and as you know only two per room” She then prints my card. “Last room available is on the males hall, and would be shared with the gentleman next to you. Due to inconvenience, we can offer full coverage of the books for the next four years or refund your money and see if you find something to Live more comfortably In the area” I look up to the guy and he shrugs “I would rather get free books” decision was pretty much obvious already.

I didn’t mind living with one more boy for the next year, although with the amount of boy siblings I have . It’s would have been nice to be the next four years living without one.

After that the walk towards the room was pretty quiet, and much slower. We even picked out our rooms without saying which one we wanted. “I won’t be here tonight, I promised my best friend I was going to his party. If I do come by, don’t be surprised if you hear banging” I raise my eyebrow at him “Is there weed?” I ask raising my eyebrow which he returns “yeah?” I nod standing up from the couch turning the TV off. “I’ll be joining you then”

And we went- after a few drinks, everything led up to what he described previously. Now we laid in bed, looking at the ceiling after hearing eachother’s name the morning after.

Over a Pint

Andy took his messenger bag off, hung it on the hook under the bar and then had a seat. As he sat and waited to get the bartender’s attention, he noticed Phil across the way drinking a three-fingered dram of something dark. Seeing this asshole felt par-for-the-course as far as day went. Phil noticed Andy sitting across from him and nodded his head to him, acknowledging him. Andy nodded back. “What can I get you today?” the bartender asked. “Ah, just a Guinness, please.” “You got it.” Andy looked up at the three screens in his field of view. MMA fighting, commercials, and horse racing. The fuck? Horse racing? Where are we, Donegal? Discontent lead him to pull his copy of Bag of Bones by Stephen King out of his bag. He had never really been the type to read in a public setting such as this, but given the choices, this was worth a shot. He started reading and was quickly immersed into the novel. He was surprised at how easily he was able to do so and entertained an idea that this could become a new habit. A new nuance in self-discovery to help break up the monotony of his life. His newly poured but not yet settled Guinness arrived. He glanced at it and watched the churning foam develop from the body to the head. It reminded him about how he read that fish guts were traditionally used to make Guinness so smooth. That was enough to churn him from his body to his head. Sláinte. He glanced up towards where he last saw Phil and saw that he wasn’t there and the glass was empty except for a few ice cubes. He supposed that he probably went to the pisser. Just as he was returning to his immersion he heard his full name being slowly pronounced to his right. “Andy Berman” the voice said. Andy looked towards the voice and it was Phil. God damn it, it was Phil. “Hey, Phil. How’s it going?” “Saw you pulled out that King novel. You a big fan of his?” “Yeah, I’ve read a fair share,” Andy said dryly. “Bag of Bones. Don’t think I got that one. I just finished Insomnia. Pet Sematary before that.” Phil continued, “I think Salem’s Lot is my favorite so far.” “That’s quite a couple of name drops, Phil. I honestly didn’t take you to be the literary type.” “Well, since my mom passed away I got all her books. She had a ginormous collection of his. One day, I just started reading some of ‘em. You read any of those?” “Yeah, all of those. I enjoyed them.” Andy was becoming more engaged but remained mindful to who he was talking to. The last time Phil had this much to say to Andy was the night they both nearly got kicked out of McGann’s. Andy was on the verge of confronting Phil about that night when Phil chimed in, “Hey, I really just wanted to talk to you about the other night at McGann’s. Look man, I’m sorry about losing my shit and getting in your face. I guess I’m a little messed up with my ma passing away and stuff. Anne got me appointment with a therapist and all.” “Yeah, that was a messed up night. I didn’t know your were dealing with that, Phil. I’m sorry to hear it.” “I just never dealt with anything like this before and I just wanted to say that I am sorry, bro.” “I appreciate that. I’m sorry too.” There was silence between them. The discomfort got to Phil first and shifted his attention to Andy’s book. “I don’t think ma had that one.” “Want to borrow this one? I’ve already read it. This is my second go.” “Nah, you’re reading it. Maybe after you’re done?” “You got it.” Andy grabbed his now settled Guinness and took a sip. He then turned back to Phil and said, “What are ya drinking? It’s on me.”

One Night Stand

It was supposed to be a one night stand. The last bit of freedom I’d get before being sold off. I hated the idea but Dad was the sickest he’d ever been and my step mother was out of options. So when some rich guy saw me dancing at the festival and came looking for me, she didn’t say no to his offer. Though she did promise to find me again once they had the money. But I had doubted I’d still be alive by then and had gone out looking for some fun. That’s how I’d ended up in a stranger’s bed with one hell of a hangover. The man himself was sitting in a chair with his head in his hands. “This was a mistake.” Now that did wonders for my self esteem. But I bit off my rude remark in order to search for my clothes. “No worries, it’s just a one night stand. You’ll never have to see me ag...” He lifted his head, revealing the tattoos snaking around his chest and up his neck. Well, shit. He was a reckoner. They calculated everything to the last moment in their lives. And in order to keep that consistent they mated for life. This kept bastard children from using their powers without permission. For a reckoner was the most powerful force that the government relied on for dealing with criminals. I back tracked. “Look it was just one time. Surely that isn’t enough to get me pregnant.” He sighed, “Look down.” I did and grew cold. Dark tattoos were already weaving around my lower stomach. I looked at him. “Can’t you just take it back?” “How stupid are you?” “Well, you should’ve told me you were a reckoner.” “Oh, and just break the first rule of keeping our identities secret?” “This is why I hate reckoners. Always stuck to their rules.” And my cousin had paid for that. “You’re no angel either.” “Then why the hell did you bring me here?” “I suppose the fates want me to suffer for some reason.” The fates were always their crutch when they couldn’t explain their actions. Like how their lives weren’t their own and some other bull. I couldn’t believe my cousin had fallen for it. Got his heart broken to pieces. Well not me. “I could care less what the fates want. I am not staying with the person I hate most in the world.” I turned to leave not caring that I couldn’t find my clothes in the twisted sheets. The time was against me now. And the rich prick would arrive at my house soon. But the reckoner yanked me back. I turned to yell but felt a streak of heat sear across my side. The tattoos reacted quickly covering the wound and healing it instantly. “This is exactly why we don’t reveal our identities.” The reckoner said as he grappled with the Amazonian chick that had burst into the room. I went for the gun she’d dropped, cursing her as I shot her in the head. He turned to me and I shrugged. “I fucking hate assassins.” It was an assassin that had killed my birth mom. “Me too.” We stared at each other for a moment before he spoke again. “In my field I tend to go after a lot of them. It would be nice to have a partner I could trust.” A chance to rid the world of such filth was too good to pass up. I looked down at my side. The tattoos had erased any evidence that a bullet had grazed me at all. Maybe... “Can reckoners heal civilians?” “Yeah, but you should keep that to yourself.” Him and his damn rules. But I had finally spotted my dress under the bed. I grabbed it and pulled it over my head. “Let’s go see my Dad real quick. Then you can bore me with all the dumb ass rules you want.”

Light In The Darkness

This man was absolutely infuriating, I desired to have nothing to do with him. Sitting here in a room, feeling hopeless was definitely not on the desired list of things to do. Being kidnapped by some psychopath was also not on my ideal list of things to do today.

“Stop moving, you’ll trigger the trap,” I argued with Andrew. The aforementioned rolled his eyes and focused more on trying to figure it out. Finally, he gave up and just sat still. I looked around the room trying to figure out how each thing was connected, but it was just a conglomeration of messes that made no sense. I was simply lost looking at these different puzzle pieces. Maybe I should have payed more attention in the Saw

movies instead of cowering away out of fear or the fear of vomiting.

It was then a voice generated message played on the speakers,”The game has begun, two foes will become one, unless light is found in the darkness.” The speaker clicked off and slowly there was this turning of noise that sounded like an old heater sputtering to life. “What does that even mean?” Andrew asked causing me to roll my eyes. “You never shut up do you?” I snarled feeling something riggten against my wrists.

“Neither do you, you have this prissy attitude all the time and it’s annoying!” Andrew shouted back before a grunt left his lips as his chains tightened too. “Well at least I’m not a pathetic almost high school dropout because you don’t apply yourself,” I snarked and felt the chains tighten again.

After about ten more minutes of arguing, and probably amusing whomever had captured us, we had stopped. “Okay let’s think through the wording carefully.” I saw Andrew nod, his hands were bloody following every negative comment he made towards me. So at least we figured out that we would need to be pleasant to one another to make it out alive. “We are two foes, I’m thinking by becoming one it means we will be smashed together because every time we insult the other, the chains tighten which pushes those nails closer to us. “ Andrew was trying to figure everything out, but this was difficult to do so. “Light on the darkness? Does that mean a compliment or-“ He began to ask but I thought about it some more,”Isn’t that a song or a reference to something?” I spoke and then wracked my brain. “It’s a title to a movie, it’s the subtitle to the God’s Not Dead third movie.” I was shocked, I didn’t know Andrew was a believer.

“You’re a Christian?” “Yeah, why?” “I never would have guessed to be honest.” “I wear my grandpa’s cross, all of the time.” “Mine has been passed down from female to female.”

Suddenly everything had been put into perspective and the chains came off and the spikes went away. The heavy grating of metal could be heard as the door moved away and the sun could be seen.

“Maybe next time.”

“Jealous Kid”

Lacy and jack, had known each other for several years. They had gone to school together. They had never gotten along for jack was a real jackass. Lacy was a pretty girl the preppie kind , but she was alway confident in the things she liked to do.

 The years had passed and they crossed each others paths. Hello Lacy , is that you. Yes it is you must be Jack. Ya. It’s been a long time since we have seen each other how you been. Oh Jack, does it really matter since you never liked me anyway. Well Lacy, I was very immature back then, I suppose I acted stupid because you were so pretty. 

    I can’t believe how the time has gone by look at you more gorgeous than ever.

So what have you been up too. You see I’m out of a job and I’m looking for a new Buisness that I can start up really, so am I. I been working in sells now for several years and I just got laid off. Ya me too said Lacy, looks like we got something in common after all. Lacy, what kind of Buisness you been thinking about something in sales a hardware store maybe. That’s what I was thinking also really. Ya, we ought to go in together I have some money saved up. I don’t know Jack, we never got along in school. Jack laughed Lacy, I was just a young little punk that didn’t know how to treat a lady I have grown up now. I can see that and handsome too .

    Well think about it, how about we discuss it over lunch on Wednesday I’ll treat. Sounds good here’s my number call me and we can meet ok thanks and later.

Jack could not believe he had asked Lacy to be his partner but he was very excited. I sure hope she excepts, although I was a real jerk towards her, maybe she’ll put it behind us.

     When Lacy, got home she couldn’t stop thinking about Jack, he sure has changed he is very handsome she thought to herself to think he acted as if he hated me. Maybe it was because he really liked me she laughed. I sure hope he calls me to meet him.

    It was Tuesday night and Jack called, but no answer. It went to voice mail. Hello Lacy, I hope you get this message, I will be waiting for you at Applebee’s tomorrow at 6 pm don’t be late. Lacy, missed the call on purpose to see what he would say.  She thought to herself I will dress up real nice maybe he’ll notice. The next day she was on her way to Applebee’s, as she walked in there was Jack, at a booth he stood up and asked me to sit down. Lacy , you look so beautiful I sure was blind as a kid he laughed and so did she. Your to funny jack, the waitress came ove and brought them some menus. I’ll take water and lemon said Lacy, so will I said Jack.  I’m not very hungry jack, can we share something sure that would be nice. Let’s just order an appetizer ok what ever you like.

   Well before we decide to go into business together lacy , I want to ask you to be my girlfriend. The truth is I was a young kid that liked you , but did not know how to treat you, but now just know I will make up for my actions and treat you as my queen, 

Really jack, how do I know your not just playing with my feelings. Well I’ll put all my saving on the line just to prove that I’m serious about you and the Buisness and more about you. I believe you Jack, I like you too , I will date you and we can plan on our Buisness together, what about a future together slow down jack not so fast she laughed but it could be negotiated later on. Ok, I’ll take a rain check on that. Do you have any ideal or a building we can rent or buy to get started.

   You know jack, my uncle owns that hardware store on Main Street he closed it down several years ago when he retired,he told me that I could start my business there rent free for 6 months . Than we could buy the place if it making us money like it made him. He said that he was hoping someone in the family would take it over. I was looking at that building when I ran across you I didn’t know it belonged to your family. Well that’s a great start we still need Merchindise and lights and water. I’m in all the way.

 As time went by jack and Lacy, feel in love and decided to get married there Buisness was going great and her uncle sold them the Buisness. A year and a half later Lacy got pregnant and jack asked her to stay home so he hired some help. They were both very happy together, to think how much they had accomplished in a short time after they didn’t like each other in school. Jack, was a proud father of a beautiful baby girl , he kept his word Lacy was his queen. One happy couple, one happy ending.

                                 Written By: