The Games

_“Your time is up. Better run!”_

-the speaker yells out before crackling, breaking down, and falling from the ceiling-

“Jesus!” Cam crys out stumbling back and falling.

“Cam!” Elie yells running over.

“I’m good, I'm good!” Cam stumbles up, holding Elie's hand.

-giant knives appear a mile in front of them twisting forward fast-

“Shit!” Cam curses running with Elie in tow.

-the knives cut down everything in its path. The other players screaming and running. Blood sprays from the knives.-

“Come on! Come on!” Cam yells, Elie right next to him. Blood splatters on their clothes.

-they launch themselves down a hill. Cam pulls Elie in, shielding her as they tumble down-

Cam gasps as he hits a tree with a thud, stopping them both.

“Cam! Cam are you okay!” Elie says scrambling out of his grasp, analyzing him as he gasps for breath.

-Elie grabs his arm and pulls him up causing him to groan and cough. She drags them both into a cave and the mechanical noises stop. Cam lays down painfully.-

Elie sighs looking at their clothes splattered in blood, “Another day… we’ll keep going…”

-she checks the remaining players on her watch-

_“We will survive this fucking hell hole.”_



Anyways hehehehee I love this.

News Flash! Neighbor guy has a crush… ON ME-

I'll get through it yall.

Welp have a nice day and ya know WEEEEEEEEEEE

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