As I walk into my office, I sit down at my desk and start to work on an epic new game my boss wants me to publish. I start coding, and thinking of different ways I can upload this game. I sit there wandering and wandering.
“Joann, JOANN!” My boss says while having the most attitude he could possibly have.
“What!? I’m thinking of different ways to upload this game.”
“What game?”
“The one you wanted me to upload!” I say to him loudly.
“Okay, one. I never told you to upload a game. Two, are you back talking to me and screaming at me. I am your boss! You have disrespected me and my company! Do what you’re supposed to do! Or I’m firing you!”
I wonder why he told me that he never asked me to upload a game to the public. He asked me to start working on it two days ago! Whatever, I guess I’m getting fired because I have no idea what he really wants me to do!
“JOANN! Wake up!!” My boss screams in my ear as loudly as he could.
“Whatttttttttttttt! I’m thinking about what I’m supposed to be doing because you just screamed at me minutes ago!” I snap back at him.
“What do you mean, I never screamed at you minutes ago! And, you’re supposed to be working on a new game to upload to the public!” He asks like he never told me to upload a big hit game!
“I literally just told you I was doing that minutes ago and you screamed at me saying that I was supposed to be doing something else, not uploading a stupid game!”
“NO! Start working on a game, so I can post it to the public! Please, Joann.”
I start thinking of games so my boss can upload them to the public. I’m trying to think of games that can relate to my past, and maybe other peoples pasts. I start to doze off because I realize it’s starting to get late and I haven’t even thought of a game yet my boss is going to be really mad at me but there’s nothing I can do. 
I get home and I jump in my bed with my computer. I start listing some things that happened in my past, good and bad. I think of an excellent game called “Knoebels Animated”. I think it’ll be a really fun game, and I think my boss will agree with me.
I wake up the next morning and I get ready and walk to work. I get to my desk and I start coding and thinking of ways of how I’m going to do this. I am going to make it like the Mario game but with fun, amusement park rides and adding cash to pay for the rides. That’ll give me a way of how to entertain the people paying for this game. I think this is going to be a big hit.
My boss finally uploaded the game and I can’t wait to see how many viewers it has. We look at the screen and then the next five minutes we already have 10,000 viewers! I think I did a great job, and I think my boss is proud of me too! Maybe I won’t get fired after all. But it’s still weird with what happened and him saying I need to do a game, then not, then doing a game again.