Writing Prompt


Submitted by The Stranger

'The wind blows my hair. I’m standing on the edge again.'

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A Second Time (part 1)

We all get into my friend Mariah’s car. She drives us to our hoco 2017. We all blast musicout so loud abd shove sour patches into our mouth. We approach the driveway and something catches my eye. I see a bunch of limousines. And a girl with curled hair and a large purple flowery dress. Thats when i realize how underdressed I am. I'm wearing only a plain black dress with nothing on it. I begged my mom fir a dress like that girl’s, but she said that we cant afford it. Money is extremely tight in our home because my mombis an author. We only have a 2- bedroom house while even Mariah has a 3+ bedroom house. Its embarrassing.? That is ehy I dream of getting into Harvard to get highly educated, but thst means i must face letting my dreams of creative writing go.

We bring our caf

ONE YEAR LATER Its hoco 2018. I worked(okay and stole somevof moms money) and bought a good dress. I’m on the dance floor wearing a dress consisting of a millennium of flowers. My hair was done by the hair dresser. It has the perfect curls. Different color lights are shining everywhere and my favorite songs are blasting across the whole dance floor. Best of all, my friends are all around me and continue to stay by my side. _I’m having a blast. _I think. I dance harder and faster and before I know it I’m at the center of the crowd. I’m dancing hard until I see your sparkly blue eyes staring right at me. Your brown short hair and white skinshines in the bright light… I gaze at you in awe. _Who is this person? How have I never seen him before?! _

We keep staring at each other until you come up to me and ask “Do you wanna dance?” That’s when my world flipped over. A extremely gorgeous boy asked me to dance?! I’m so FLATTERED!!! This has never happened to me before. Maybe I can finally be cool!

I let my guard down.(Lewis Capaldi Someone you loved)

It was the Friday after a long week. It was time to have fun. I thought. I picked up my phone laying right next to me and called you to come over. “There is an open room. “ I said “Wanna.. yk?”

You said yes. The first day was awesome. Before I knew it, you were at my door every Friday waiting to go into that empty room. I was terrified of ruining my life with a pregnancy, so I asked “is this safe for us to be having sex weekly?” “Yes I did the research!” He said. “Promise?” “Yes” he said ”Ok I trust you handsome!” Then we kissed.

Mari (short for Mariah) saw all 16 of our sex posts and got flustered. She came up to me and said “ Rachel, you shouldn’t be hanging out with this guy! He was terrible to us before, Remember?“ “Yeah, but he’s nice to me now, so...“ I said.

Mari: So what? He's not nice to the rest of us! (our friend group)

Rachel: But he’s super hot and I finally get to be exposed to the cool league!

Rachel: You should be happy for me!

Mari walks away

And then you pulled the rug. (Lewis Capaldi Someone you loved.)

About 3 months into our weekly sex routine, I realized that it was my period week. _What that’s so odd… I haven’t started it yet! _I rechecked the dates, but nope I wasn’t miscounting the weeks! The next day I woke up with a horrible stomach ache. I groaned so loudly that mom came into check in on me. I suddenly burped and she was like GO to the bathroom!! She was pointing frantically, so I went grudgingly, but then couldn’t make it to the toilet in time. I threw up all over my pristine white bathroom floor. Is this cramps? No it can’t be! My cramps usually aren’t this terrible!

I threw up 4 more times that day. 4. Mom took me to a doctor to see what was going on. The doctor checked me and said that I had no diseases. When mom mentioned that I missed my period week, he was like “oh has she been having sex lately?!”

Oh crap. The answer is yes. And WAY too much.

It all hits me like rocks. God help me. I’m so ridiculously stupid.

I clasp my hands with my mouth. Mom face turns red. “It’s with that white boy who’s lurks around our house every Friday right?” “Mom saidI. KNEW he was up to no good. I knew I shouldn’t have trusted you with a relationship.“

“Unfortunately, This calls for a pregnancy test.” “NO!“ he said our sex wouldn’t lead to pregnancy! Ever! He promised! He did research.”

“Well is he an experienced doctor? Does he even have have his _degree _yet?”

That stops me. “Case is closed we are taking a pregnancy test. _Ugh! At least I know it won’t come out positive. _

I get into the car with my mom to drive to the pregnancy test place. “Rachel I can’t freaking BELIEVE you!” Mom said “You had such an amazing and successful life. Your grades were all. As you were set to go to Harvard! And you risked throwing all of that away for some boy?!”

I’m not pregnant. I’m not pregnant. I keep repeating to myself ignoring mom’s lecture_ And I will prove that to you, mom. _

“Ok done!” Said the tester “you should receive a phone call with your results in a few days.

A FEW DAYS LATER… She dropped the phone and burst into tears The doctor just confirmed her fears (Martina McBride, I’m gonna love you through it.)

Ring! Ring! My mom runs to the kitchen. I follow her to listen in. “The results were positive“ the guy on the phone said loud and clear “I recommend you look at our website for options regarding abortion or adoption“ My mom slammed the phone and burst into tears. No this can’t be true. He PROMISED. Just like that my worst fear just came true.

I call you immediately after that. You pick up the phone and I tell you the news. You apologize 20 times. My mom calls your mom and screams at the top of her lungs at her. Just like that, our relationship is over.

My mom took away my phone, so I’m forced to use my laptop. I click on instagram. I need to see what’s going on with his life. Living without him is The. Absolute. Worst. I click on your instagram page and view your most recent post. It’s a picture of you in a handsome suit and the next picture is one of you having sex with me. _That was the night we had sex the longest. _I read the caption: Hey guy squad, big news! I just impregnated Rachel Cunningham😎 Only need one more person to reach my goal of 5! #socool #risktaker #hotguy #firesexer

I freeze. Time stops. I fall to the floor. You never loved me. You were just trying to use me. Which means Im not actually a pretty magazine cover star. I’m just as ugly as I thought I was before.

I did not go to school the following 3 months after. My parents were too scared to let me out in the world and I was too scared that I was going to run into you.

I was literally stuck at home. Eventually they got tired of me beibg at home and made me go back. _Finally, I get to be surrounded by chatter again and be somewhere besides on the plain mattress of my bed. _

I was wrong. Being at school was 10 times worse than being at home. When I walked the hallways to my first class, people made dirty faces at me and would move quickly away whenever I got close to them. I was excited for 3rd period though because Mariah was in my class. _She'll definetly be able to help me. _I walked into 3rd period and scan for my seat next to Mariah. I realize that someone else is sitting there. I stare at the person sitt

Mari walked to every single class with. The one who I shared all of my secrets with. The one who carried my books when I broke my arm. Remember her?

I left 7 voicemails rabting about my pain to her, but she never called me back. And without her, without my dreams. Without my normsl routine,_ I am nothing_.

After school, I walked into room A256. A classroom meant for people to go in when they are having a hard day. _Barely anyone comes in here I thought. And I need some peace right now. _But when I walked in I see two kids both of them with knives in their hands. What are you guys doing with those knives? I ask. Intense fear shows on both of their faces when they hear my question. “Please. You can’t tell. I’ve had the worst two years and NO ONE in this universe gets it. One of them said and the other one nods. Empathetic feelings fill my heart. I TOTALLY feel this kid. I too am going through something no one can understand or will even try to understand. “ That is the exact reason why I came in here today. “ I said. “I won’t tell I promise.” He starts off again “If I cut this knife through my arm, I will go into complete darkness and peace” I will no longer have to face the terrible monsters and obstacles in this world. “ _That is exactly what I’ve been wanting and he just helped me figure out how to get it. Now I must help him. _

And I did. With my help, the cut was deeper then he thought it would be. He successfully died _Perfect _I thought. _This should be my career choice when I am older. It helps kids escape from their problems and have peace once again. _Right there and then, I realized that I had a bigger dream in mind: to escape my own problems.

I opened up my Google app on my phone and looked up ways to kill yourself and the most appealing way to me was jumping off a cliff.

FLASHBACK “Mommy look at people are jumping off that cliff!” 5-year old Rachel exclaims. “Yes! Isn’t that amazing honey?!” Past-mom “Mommy” replies. We were at South-point Hawaii getting ready to see “Daddy” jump off the cliff. We wait for two more minutes and suddenly see daddy at the front of the line. “Daddy!” “Daddy!” Little me exclaim. He goes into a straight position and aims his body right at the landing spot. Then he squats down and summersaults his way down. SPLASH!! Little me gasps in awe and exclaims “I want to do that!””Absolutely not now.” Mommy replies “When you are older”

_If I kill myself by jumping off of a cliff _I thought _Then I would have accomplished two of my dreams. The second one is to be brave like my father and jump off of a cliff. _

Blood red thoughts linger in my mind as the wind blows my hair. I am standing at the very edge of the Skyline Mountain cliff. The very edge. For the first time. I am not afraid. I am eager. I am desperate to put a stop to this rollercoaster. To feel nothing at and to see complete darkness. I repeat complete.

I stare down at the water. It is barely 3 feet deep. There was also a huge bumpy rock straight down from wheereI was standing. Perfect I thought. I look to my left and to my right. No one in sight! Perfect Now I’mall set to reclaim my happiness.

I point my head down squat doen really low and...


The wind blows my hair. I’m standing on the edge again. Is this a reality? I can’t fathom this not being a dream because of the vivid details that seem all too real. The slight breeze is blowing moderately against my skin and hair. It feels like a gentle hand is caressing my face. What is to come of this experience?

Nonetheless, today has felt oddly inspiring. A sense of tranquility and warmth ran through my body as I stared out, overlooking the cliff’s edge. It felt reminiscent of a scene from the Twilight Series in the all-too-familiar blue filter. I was waiting to be swooped up by some large brown wolf who would look into my eyes sincerely, giving me a sense of security. My feelings of admiration swelled inside, and I could feel a stimulating sensation.

The trees rustling in the background provide a soothing tune to compare against the wind’s sharp edginess. The scenery feels alive, like welcoming a friend to sit alongside them and bask in the presence of one another.

Is this really not a dream? As I write down my thoughts on a thin piece of parchment, I can’t help but revel in the unknown. Far from the nearest town, sitting amongst the forest’s trees brings about feelings of romance.

The sudden appearance of a strange pair of yellow eyes in the bushes suddenly ropes me. I can sense the entrapment of a planned execution, but I am also intrigued by the soon-to-be meeting. As the wind blew even more potent, those same yellow eyes began to walk ever so slowly toward the cliff’s edge. My mere existence was just a minor inconvenience to the carnivore. We both stared over the edge as if listening to a sweet song playing in the wind. Was this really not a dream? Being this close to a creature that could possibly maul and rip every shred of my body. However, this moment felt different; a feeling of peace overrode the calmness of the scenery.

“The wind carries the memories of the past through this land.”

The pair of yellow eyes spoke.

The self-made end.


The wind blows my hair. I'm standing on the edge again. My heart was heavy, as if it would drag me down as I teetered over the edge. Wind whipped around me like a song as if to mock me. Was this it? l always imagined I would go out glorious or atleast happy but I was netiher of those things. I was so tired of living; everyone was gone and this was the only way to see them again right? I told myself that over and over as I slid my slippers off of my feet. This decision was a whim, I had been laying in bed ready for another night of silence ad restless moments when suddenly I couldn't do it anymore. My hands shook as I lifted them to the loose string of my robe; I tightened it and secured the knot as if it would do anything but give me a bit of dignity in my last moments.

Throughought my childhood I was promised greatness; that god had a plan for me. but did he really? Does the man I spent my entire childhod admiring someone who I do not even know let alone if he exists and in some far off land he did, does he even know who I am? When mum died the first crack apeared, then papa went too. Cancer took him... just like mum. More cracks form like a vine growing on a garden wall. I tried to ignore it telling myself it was gods plan, it was their time to go. When Amelia my little sister and Jackson her twin passed away in that accident doubt began to seep in. The begginning fo the end, from then on it was downhil since then. Our childhood dog died, I lost my job. From the biggest things to the smallest moments those cracks kept forming and they were beginning to build up, yet no one but I could feel them. I don't even know when it finally shattered, maybe it was when I was laying in bed staring at the wall fighting back tears or maybe it was years ago.

The thoughts that have swirled my head for ages suddenly began to clear, slowly whisking away with the wind bellowing around me. I knew that in this moment, whatever life- whatever path that was laid out for my n this cursed planet wasn't worth it. No, I wasn't gonna let the world mock me anymore this would be the end of it all. This end wasnt my true one but it felt like it was mine more then anything in this world. No one could take it form me; I lifted my right foot and let it dangle over the edge this was it. The end is finally here, as I leaned forward wind stinging my eyes as I squeezed them shut and leaned forward. It felt etheral as the wind whipped around me louder as ever, I didn't even feel my body hit the ground.

The Jump

The wind blows my hair. I’m standing on the edge again, looking out over the sea. In my mouth rises a salty taste. I’m crying.

This place is so special to me, to us. But now there is no us.

It still feels like yesterday we were standing on top of this cliff together. My head resting on your shoulder, your arm wrapped my shoulder. I was crying then too. How I wish it was yesterday, but the reality couldn’t be further from it.

Two years ago, we went on a trip to Italy. To the same place I’m standing right now. This beautiful hike through quaint villages and along the cliffs. And right here, you pulled at my hand, you had stopped walking. The closest town still a few miles away. Nobody would see us here. I looked over my shoulder and was met with your beautiful but nervous face.

You reached for my other hand. I turned to face you and placed my hand in yours. This is where you went down on one knee and gave the best speech of your life. This is where I said yes, with my whole heart. And this is where I stand now, with my heart shattered into a million pieces.

After the proposal we stood right here, soaking in the last bit of sunlight and enjoying the sunset. No sounds other than waves hitting the rocks and birds settling in for the night. And now it’s dead silent, apart from a slight breeze. Not even the waves are audible.

I try my hardest to remember every little detail of that day. The way your hair tickled my bare shoulder. How the scent of your perfume had faded throughout the day. How cool your fingers felt on my arm. And now, nothing but the scents of nature and the feeling of my jacket because of the cool breeze.

What I didn’t know then is that I would come to cherish this day most of all. Because, you didn’t make it to our wedding day.

Just weeks after our trip, we went to the hospital. And we got the worst news. Life expectanty? 14 months. By some miracle you made it another 6. Instead of the big wedding day that we wanted, just a small courthouse ceremony. “Till death do us apart.”

We made the most of the time that we got. And when we got the news on the extra months we got together, we wanted to plan a wedding day. But alas, we were too optimistic. Days before the big day you took a turn for the worse. And instead of our families getting together to celebrate us, we celebrated you.

I tried to mourn you, every way I can. I tried to move on, like you asked me to. But I couldn’t. When you left, you took all of the light of my life with you. And in one last attempt to stop myself from drowning in the grief, I came here. Hoping it would make me feel better, feel lighter. But instead, I feel heavier than ever.

Till death do us apart. And in death, we small meet again.


The wind blows my hair. I’m standing on the edge again, my torn, off-white dress billowing out around me. A tunnel of blinding, bright light shines before me, beckoning me like a lullaby, and I swear I would cry if I still could. Legs straining, teeth clenched, I try to fight the heavy gusts, to reach out and touch that sweet sunlight, behind which I know paradise waits.

I am so close. I can hear the nightingales lilting, the people laughing. Feel the soft grass beneath my burning skin. The pounding pain in my head almost begins to ease, and my mind screams relief at the thought of rest. Reaching out, I see flashes of a new life race through my mind and for a split, blissful second, I actually think I’ve made it.

Then the corners of my vision go blurry. My joints buckle. Coarse wind slams into me, pushing me away from the light. Just like every other time I’ve tried to cross over for the past thirteen years.

“WHY?” My yell is muffled, as if my mouth were covered in dirt. Screaming and sobbing, clawing at the ground, I watch the glowing spirit of an old man climb effortlessly toward glory, his stance unwavering and triumphant. My own hands are dim, dusty, and pathetic in comparison.

The wind is still blowing as I walk the misty streets of my hometown, after the sun has gone to bed. Sometimes another figure will pass by—a jogger with a pickle green jacket and a dog, a grandparent with a stroller full of kids in princess dresses—and I will smile, only to remember I am completely invisible to them. And then I weep tears that aren’t really there and never will be. One would think I’d be accustomed to being dead by now, but not a day goes by that I don’t wonder. How long do I have until I fade away completely, until I am no longer a ghost, or even a distant memory? How long until I am simply an impression of energy, lost to the crying wind?