Writing Prompt
Write a short story about a birthday party that almost goes wrong.
What almost ruins the day? What saves it?
Everything was ready; the time, the place, the guestlist, the gifts, the decorations. (Including a net that spanned almost the entire ceiling of the barn holding dozens upon dozens of multicolored balloons and confetti. The the simple pull of a rope would release the multitude of balloons down on the party goers.) Everything now we just had to get the birthday girl here. Celeste had mentioned that Draya rarely celebrated her birthday anymore. I guess when you have been around for over a century and a half Birthdays might not have the same meaning or hold the same importance. But I love Draya more than I could ever say and I wanted to celebrate the day the love of my life came into this world. We were all gathered at Brian’s property and we were going to have the party in the barn. We needed plenty of space considering the fact that at least a quarter of the vampire coven was invited; with strict orders not to feed on any of the human guests. Hallie and I had spent the better part of two days decorating it after school. We were just lucky that Draya’s birthday landed on the weekend. Finally the 20th had arrived and everyone of the attendees was there. “Well looks like everything is ready.” said Hallie. “Yeah and you got the cake right?” “Well I was busy helping you so I told Tracy to do it.” “And I had prior commitments with Jeff so I told Brian to do it.”Tracy said. “And I forgot to do it!” Brian exclaimed. “Damn it Brian!” Raquel said with a stomp of her foot. Thankfully Tracy stepped in to save the day. “Hang on maybe we can avert this crisis, we still have a few hours. Sare Bear text me the address of the cake place. Brian you’re coming with me.” she said grabbing her keys and heading out the door, Brian in toe.
Two hours later and they were back with the cake, but when we opened up the box we discovered that it was a dick cake. “Brain didn’t you check in the box to make sure they gave you the right one?” Tracy yelled. “No, I mean we were kind of in a hurry.” “Brian you always check the box first!” I yelled at him. I almost felt guilty when he actually flinched away from me, but only almost. I was trying not too freak out, but a voice in my head kept screaming ‘that’s it the whole thing is ruined might as well just call the whole party off and send everyone home’, but I knew I couldn’t do that it was too late. “Don’t worry Sarah I’m sure everything will be alright. It was just a mistake and I bet when we tell Draya the story she might even find it funny.” Jeff said. I liked Jeff, he was always the nicest guy and Treated Tracy like a queen and it was sweet of him to try to reassure me. I was just currently trying and failing to hold back tears. “Sare Bear when Draya gets here and sees all the trouble you went through for her she won’t even care about the shape the cake is in.” said Kelsey. “Come on Sarah you know I hate it when you cry and you are ruining your mascara.” Hallie said. “I’m sorry guys but I need a moment.” I said to my friends. “Come on Sarah, I will take you up to the house and when you calm down we’ll get your face cleaned up and get you back out here before the birthday girl gets here.” Hallie said taking me by the arm and leading me to Brian’s house. She sat me on the couch and got me a big glass of water. “Here drink this it’ll help.” Hallie said. I don’t know why, but as the cool liquid slid down my throat I did feel a bit better. “I’m sorry for acting so emotional, but I wanted everything to be perfect.” “It doesn’t have to be perfect Sarah. Nobody is expecting it to be and trust me you will look back on this one day and have a good laugh about it because in retrospect it’ll all seem silly.” “Yeah well right now silly is not the word I would use to describe it.” “Sarah you remember my 11th birthday party?” “Yeah, you’re dad got you a puppy, Freckles as a Birthday present and you got really upset because he ended up eating half your birthday cake… good thing you had a vanilla cake that year.” “Yeah otherwise that could have ended badly…anyway remember how I got cheered up?” “Yeah you’re dad smooshed some of the cake on your face and Freckles licked it off and that got you laughing.“ “Right so are you going to cheer up or am I going to have to smoosh a piece of that dick on your face?” I started laughing “Seriously Hallie did you have to say it like that?” “It got you laughing didn’t it?” “Yeah it did.” I admitted “Come on lets get your makeup fixed, your mascara is running and we’ll probably have to do a complete redo.” She took me into the bathroom and had me sit on this little vanity chair that was in there. She used one to those special makeup wipes to clean my face with before applying a powder foundation and blush. Next was the eyeshadow and mascara. Then the lipstick before having me turn around to look at myself in the mirror. I looked just as good if not better than before. “Not half bad if I do say so myself.” “You did a great job Hallie, thank you.” “What are best friends for? Now let’s get back to the party before birthday girl gets here and don’t worry about the cake we’ll just blame it all on Brain.” When we exit the bath room Forest is jogging over to us excitedly. “You guys, Brain fixed the cake!” “Babe, what do you mean by he fixed it?” Hallie asked. “It’s kind of hard to explain so come to the barn you have got to see it.” We followed Forest back out to the barn and over to a table where Brian is piping the words ‘Happy Birthday Draya’ onto what appears to be a three tiered cake. “How?” I ask. “Well I just rounded out the top part a bit and then cut out two smaller round pieces for the other two tiers. I knew my parents had some vanilla frosting, and some red colored sprinkles which I thought would be nice on the bottom tiers since it is a red velvet cake, and food coloring, so I sent the guys up to the house to get the stuff and while I piped frosting around the sides of the other two tears Raquel and Tracy mixed some blue and red food coloring into some of the frosting for the purple letters.” Brian explained as he piped a purple heart next to the words filling in the inside part with red sprinkles. “Brian in this moment you are absolutely awesome and I’m sorry for yelling at you earlier because you totally just saved the day.” I say throwing my arms around his neck and pulling him into a hug. “Its nothing fixing it is the least I could do after screwing up.” “It’s not nothing your the best Brian really.” “You know I got your back girl, all of us do… now could you help me carry this over to the dessert table? I don’t want to lose my newly acquired awesomeness by accidentally dropping this thing.” he said gesturing to the cake. I helped pick up the cake and took it over to the dessert table and setting it down along with the assortment of treats that littered the table then someone said from near the door “Everybody Quiet Celeste just pulled up with the guest of honor.” “Get ready everyone.” I said Brian went and turned the lights off and silence fell. We could hear voices approaching the barn. “Remind me why we had to come here again.” Said Draya’s voice “Because Brian mentioned that he had some old vinyl records that he was thinking of selling to pre played, but I asked if we could look through them first before he got rid of them.” A few moments later a beam of light broke through the darkness and as the two women stepped into the barn the lights flashed on. The multicolored balloons and confetti were released down on to the party goers and guest of honor alike and of course everyone yelled “SURPRISE!” Before a chorus of she’s a jolly good fellow broke out, Halie and Kelsey filming the entire thing on their phones. Draya was smiling and laughing then her eyes fell on me and she strode over. “Was this all your doing darling?” “I had a little help setting it all up but it was my idea,” I confessed “This is very sweet of you princess, thank you.” I smile as she pulls me onto a kiss.
After all the meets and greets and pleasantries were over Brian put on some music and everyone started dancing. After a few dances it was early afternoon and looking at the mountain of gifts I thought it was time to begin opening them. We sat Draya down in a chair at a round table and began handing her gifts to open. The first was from Brain and turned out to the an old Robert Johnson vinyl record. “Robert Johnson was the best blues artist of all time, It’s rumored that he stood at a crossroad in Mississippi and sold his soul to the devil for his musical talents,” Brian said. “Do you really believe that?” Asked one of the vampires who was present. Brian shrugged and said “I don’t know, but speaking from a religious standpoint if there are angels then there’s got to be demons. I mean the devil doesn’t sit down there all by himself and even if it’s not true it still makes for an interesting story.” “Agreed.” said a Dark skinned female vampire who I also did not know the name of (I really should try to get to know more of the covin) Draya sets the record aside. “Open mine next.” Hellie said thrusting a box in front of Draya. Draya opened it and inside was a see through mid thigh langth black nightie with black faux fur on the straps and around the collar and around the bottom hem as well it also had matching panties and bra and a silk black robe that fell about knee length. “I have a matching set for you in red in my car. You can grab it before you leave” Hallie whispered to me from behind her hand. “Hallie seriously…!” I grumbled. Draya however smiled, “Thank you Hallie how… thoughtful of you.” “Glad you think so because that was just the gag gift here’s the real one.” she said handing another box to Draya who took and tentatively opened it turned out to be a beautiful navy blue cashmere sweater. “Thank you Hallie it’s lovely.” she said placing the lid back on both boxes and setting them aside. Next was Kelsey’s gift which was three tall glass candle votives with the word faith etched into one, the word hope etched into another, and the word love etched into the last one and three lavender colored pillar candles “Thank you Kelsey they’re beautiful,” Then came Tracy’s gift it was a rear view mirror ornament in the shape of a cloud with a lightning bolt coming out of it ingraved on the cloud were the words be more powerful than the sform “I saw it and thought this totally fit you.” Tracy said “Thank you Tracy and I agree it does fit me,” said Draya. Next was Raquel’s gift which at first glance was a simple compact mirror but was actually a LED travel mirror that lights up evenly and a rechargeable battery via usb cable “Every girl should have a good compact mirror” Raquel said. “And this one is exquisite thank you,” Jeff, Phil and Forest had all decided to go with visa gift cards. Inpersonal but appropriate gifts for the best friend’s girlfriend. The mountain of presents slowly began to shrink with each gift opened until there was only one gift left..,my gift. I set the gift in front of Draya and she eagerly opened it to reveal a 157 piece sketch and draw are set which included 24 Color Pencils, 12 Watercolor Pencils, 6 Flourescent Pencils, 8 metallic Pencils, 12 Graphite Pencils, 3 Charcoal Pencils, 4 Vine Charcoals, 4 Sketching Sticks, 3 Charcoal Sticks, 12 Soft Pastels, 12 Oil Pastels, 1 Sanding Block, 2 Blending Stumps, 2 Erasers, 1 Kneading Eraser, 1 Sharpener, 1 Artist Clipboard, 1 Artist Pencil Case, 1 Artist Pencil Wrap, 12 Sheets of Mixed Media Paper, and 35 Sheets of Drawing Paper. “I have been needing new art supplies thank you darling.” “Yeah I remember you mentioning it.” “Again thank you darling.” I smiled “Well I think that’s all the girts…” I say before I am cut off by a voice I not only recognize but was also not expecting. “Actually I have a gift.” I turn to see Ruby leaning against a wall a purple gift bag dangling from her fingers. “What are you doing here? I don’t believe you were invited.” I said. “I wasn’t, but almost half the coven was and well vampires talk.” she said this part low enough so only I ( and anyone with enhanced vampire hearing) would be able to hear it “So when I heard about this party being held in dear Draya’s honor I decided to crash, but don’t fret, I only wish to present her with my gift and see her blow out her candles and then I will leave.” she says sauntering over to the table holding the bag out to Draya.
It’s been a long day and I am tired so sorry for any spelling, grammar and punctuation mistakes I also just got my nails done today and am still getting used to having the acrylics on so… yeah
Also from now on I will be putting thoughts in italics and will eventually go back and change that in all my other stories
I am glad I was able to get this out before my birthday which is this Friday on the 17th
Hope you enjoyed 😃💜🖤
"It's my birthday!" Cindy yelped as she rose out of her bed.
"Go back to bed beautiful it's literally midnight." Her husband said gently as he rubbed her back.
"Okay." Cindy said as she laid back down with her husband.
"I'm sad I have to go to work today baby." Cindy said pouting.
"I know my love, but you're amazing at what you do, just remember that." Her husband said lovingly.
"Thanks for coming everyone. Cindy should be home from work soon." Cindy's husband told her many friends and family surrounding their living room and kitchen table.
"Hi baby, I'm almost home." Cindy said excitingly to her husband on the phone as she drove home.
"I can't wait hon. When you get here, could you wait for me to come get you?"
"Anything for you baby. I love you."
"And I adore you." Cindy's husband said with the utmost adoration in his voice.
"Are you ready baby?” Cindy's husband said covering her eyes guiding her to the steps.
"I'm as ready as I'll ever be my love." Cindy said with a confused tone.
"Surprise!" All of her friends and family shouted.
"Oh my goodness, I didn't expect this." She said excitingly walking in leaving the door open.
"Wait what's that!" One of her friends shouted as a chicken walked through the door.
"Is that a chicken?" Cindy said squinting at the chicken as it laid an egg on her and her husband's floor.
"Well it's laying an egg on our floor so I think you can figure that out now." Cindy's husband said snarkily.
"Christian, I'm going to need you to cut it out, and find a way to get this chicken out of our house, also grab that egg off the floor. Cindy said in a demanding tone."
"Alright baby I'm on it. Hey Josh can you pick up that egg?" Christian said to one of their guests."
"Oh my gosh it's flying towards the cake!" One of their guests said as everyone dispersed in chaos.
"Everybody stay calm!" Cindy said cautiously.
"Wait, where'd the chicken go?" Cindy asked her husband.
"I grabbed it before it could eat your cake." Christian said proudly.
"We don't have anymore guests, but at least we have breakfast tomorrow."
"Yeah, and I'm just happy to be with you.”Cindy said kissing her husband.
"Well beautiful, you have had a wonderful year, and I think it's time that I give you your gift.
"This was the best birthday ever." Cindy said happily.
“Look how lovely the room looks!”
Mrs. Flowers humphed. “I just want cake and go back to my Lord of the Rings reading.”
Sandy, the perky senior aide, giggled. “Well we all need some social time! Can’t stay in your hobbit house forever!”
Mrs. Flowers was wheeled into the activity room and the other residents clapped. She was the oldest resident. A tiresome job.
How she wished she could just slip on a magic ring and disappear!
There was a nice lunch and balloons at each table. A few rounds of bingo.
“You don’t look a day over 90,” quipped her next door neighbor, John, as he dabbed at his bingo card.
“I feel a day over 200,” she groused. Never won this game.
Finally, time for cake. The local news reporter took her picture as she blew out the candles. Just a few, not all 99. Didn’t want to set fire to the place.
“What did you wish for?” Sandy asked.
“To go back to the Shire,” Mrs. Flowers answered.
She had taken her second bite of the yellow cake with vanilla icing when her other neighbor, Cynthia, fainted, her face smashing into the cake.
Nurses and EMTs rushed to Cynthia’s side.
“Well, that’s one way to ruin a party,” John observed.
“Nah, it’s ok,” Mrs. Flowers said. “At least it wasn’t me. I’ll call that a birthday win.”
The cake. The cake is the most important part of a birthday. As it is a very important thing in most celebrations, for birthdays, it’s almost a requirement. Something that’s so common that you feel obligated to do it.
The cake. You can’t forget it. It’s so important.
I sit at the table, hands crossed, feet swinging, waiting patiently.. impatiently. There was a smile on my face, but it disappeared after the first few minutes of waiting.
My birthday hat droops and I sigh.
The cake.. there isn’t a cake. It’s the only thing I wanted - the only thing I asked for. I wanted a chocolate cake.
Suddenly, I feel like crying. My nose burns, and tears fill my eyes even though I don’t want them to. I don’t want to cry because I’m nine now and nine-year-olds don’t cry.. they shouldn’t cry.
Especially over such a little thing… like a birthday cake.
I’m crying now. I set my head on the table and cry really hard, like the time when I was four and fell off my bike. I’m crying so hard that I barely hear my family walk in. And, I barely hear them when they sing.
“Happy Birthday day to you.”
I slowly lift my head and wipe my teary eyes. My mom is standing in front of me with a cake. A chocolate cake, the one thing I asked for. It’s real big and looks delicious.
“Happy Birthday to you.” They all sing.
My smile comes back even though I’m still crying. I think that I don’t know how to stop, because I’m not sad anymore. I got my birthday cake. I’m not sad anymore.
The sunshine peering through my window wakes me up. I sit up, rub the sleep out of my eyes, and prepare for the best day of my life.
Todays my birthday and i’m so excited for the party my mom promised me. I jump out of bed and run to my bathroom to make myself look a little more presentable.
I take a quit shower, brush my hair, do very little makeup, and then put on a matching Christmas pajama set because my birthday happens to fall on the day before Christmas Eve.
I open the door to my bedroom and walk out. I take a deep breath in and begin preparing for what my family has planned.
We’ve been through a lot so I hope they don’t forget. My dad passed recently and my mom hasn’t handled it very well. I haven’t either but I always have to put a strong face on for my little brother, Leo.
“Good morning.” My mom says as she’s making breakfast, as she always does.
“Good morning, momma.” I walk up behind her and hug her, kissing her on the cheek.
“Do you know what today is?” I ask excitedly. I smile big and nudge her a little with my arm.
“No, What is today?” She asks. This has to be a joke.”
“Do you really not know?” I pull back and wait for her to respond.
“Did I forget something? Is it Christmas Eve already?” She paused and turns around with a shocked looked on her face. “I didn’t rap presents yet. Oh my god.” She begins running to her bedroom but pauses.
“I’ll finish breakfast.” I say because I already knew what she was thinking.
She runs into her room and closes the door behind her.
Did she really forget? There’s no way. I mean I get it but it does hurt a little. Maybe she forgot because she’s to hurt to focus on me right now.
A loud thud comes from her bedroom and then seconds I hear her say, “Ow.”
I turn the stove off and rush to her bedroom. I turn the nob quickly and when I open the door my heart drops.
“Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear, Sara. Happy birthday to you.” My mom and little brother sing. My heart fills with pure happiness and I run in.
“Make a wish, Sara.” Leo says with the biggest smile.
I wish that life can be like this forever. That I will always be with my amazing family.
I blow out the candles and we walk to the kitchen for cake.
Turns out she didn’t forget which makes me the happiest 16 year old ever. I love them so much and I’m so happy we’re together.
“Hey, what time is it again?” Andrew asks aloud.
“11:57. Why do you keep asking?” Cyncere follows up placing their phone back into their pocket. They arch their head over the back of the couch so they could look in Andrew’s general direction. The TV being the only light source in the room does a poor job of illuminating him but Cyncere can vaguely make out his brown hair glistening even in the dark room and his slender frame. “If you are playing with yourself you might as come over here.”
“You deadass?” All Andrews movement stopping all together.
Andrew steps out from the shadows. Even in the dark, his eyes a deep shade of green still captivate but he wears a goofy smile that usually means he is up to no good.
“Andrew I was joking. If you come over here with your dick out don’t expect to leave with it attached to your body.”
“What time is it?” Andrew asks.
“Quickly Cyn. What time is it?”
Cyn pulls out their phone and checks the time. “11:59. Why do you keep asking?”
The smile on Andrews face grows even larger. He dash back into the depths of the room but just as quickly as he disappeared he reappears 3 seconds later with something hefty in his hand. It is too dark to make out what it is. With no trace of his mischievous smile it is hard to tell what he is thinking. Instead his face now holds a wholesome smile and concentrated eyes on whatever it is he is holding.
“You still got your lighter on you?” Andrew asked.
“I always have my lighter on me.” Cyn proclaimed proudly.
Andrew walks closer until he is now standing next to Cyn and the ice cream cake he is now holding becomes visible. The words read ‘life may suck, but it gives worse head when you’re around.’
“Andrew you bought me a cake?” Cyn whispers.
“No. This is my dick with icing on it, yes I bought you a cake.”
“But… why”
“Well when you hit me up earlier today to hang out i figured your family was being… well, your family. So before I came to pick you up I called the ice cream shop down the street and picked it up. You would have loved the face the cashier made when I asked her to write that on the cake. Priceless.”
“Andrew” cyn tries to talk as the tears start to stream down their face.
“Hey now, I don’t want your tears to ruin the cake. I want a slice too.”
“Shut up. Im only crying because it smells worse now that you are closer.”
“Hahaha real funny. Would you light the candle already and make a wish already. Your birthday is probably already over by now.”
“And whose fault is it for waiting until 11:59 to want to give me a birthday cake” Cyn says as they push Andrew away. “Why would you wait until the last possible minute to do something so sweet anyway?”
“It’s not about how you start the day Cyn, it’s about whose basement you decide to spend the last minutes of it with.” Andrew jokes.
“Yea, clearly I am in the right place then” Cyn chuckles.
They both pause to look at one another and after a slight second of intense eye contact they shift their gazes to other things. Cyn wiping her tears and Andrew looking at the TV.
“Light the candle already so we can eat this thing.” Andrew says.
Cyn pulls the lighter out of their back pocket and lights the candle.
🎶Happy birthday to you🎶
——————————————————————— Not a birthday party per se but c’est la vie.
Jessie’s party was to be big. Huge even. The talk of the town. Anybody who’s anybody was invited, and expected to arrive prompt and with extravagant gifts. The main event, besides Jessie herself, was to be a ten layered cake, each layer a different color and flavor. It would be the talk of the night. As guests begin to stream in, Jessie herself was nowhere to be seen.
In the kitchen, behind the ballroom where the party was to be, Jessie is sitting, in tears. The cake on the floor, a rainbow mess splattered over the floor and the kitchen boy who was carrying it. “You! You did this!” Yelled Jessie,tears flowing freely, taking mascara with it. The boy looks up, dumbstruck, jaw hanging open. “Well? Do something! Don’t just stand there I need a cake!” She cries!
As the boy scampers off, a old woman shuffles into the kitchen, “my my, what a lovely mess this” she tuts. “It’s all that boys fault, he dropped it” Jessie sniffles. “Ah, and what should his punishment be?” The old woman croaks. “Punishment? I don’t care about that, I just need him to come back with a cake!” Jessie huffs. The old woman stares her in the eyes and whispers, “oh, a cake? I can make him a cake so very special.” Jessie hesitates but nods, “yes, I need one, and quickly. Everyone is arriving.”
From the hall a woman screams. Jessie jumps up and dashes out, leaving the old woman smiling and cackling in the kitchen. As Jessie rounds the corner she sees a pair of small shoes next to a beautiful three tiered cake. “Oh perfect!” Jessie exclaims. The woman in the hall turns and sputters, “but he.. he was a boy, and - “ Jessie doesn’t listen, instead she picks up the cake and hurries to the party.
Later that evening, once the dancing and games had ended. Jessie’s father calls, “it’s time to cut the cake! Everyone gather round!” The partygoers gather, excited to try this beautiful cake. Jessie takes the knife from her father, saying, “I’m a whole 13 years old now, dad, I want to cut my own piece!” With that, she slices a piece and quickly takes a bit. “Mmm! Red velvet! Delicious!”
It’s Mildred’s birthday. She is so happy.
Her birthday party takes place on top of the Empire State Building because the theme for her birthday party is New York.
Mildred trips and falls off the balcony.
Her birthday is about to go wrong because her body will soon splatter against the pavement below.
Superman swoops in and saves her at the last second. Thanks Superman! I really want his autograph
Z never liked celebrating birthdays. They were useless waste of time. The soldiers shouldn’t be celebrating someone’s inevitable journey towards death, they should be focusing on the Alters coming and potentially killing them all. Her father was always an optimistic man, always too caring and too considerate and every individual in the colony. It will be his downfall one day and although she loves him to death, Z will not shed him a single tear if his death was caused by said consideration.
“Z, could you at least try to have fun?”
Speak of the god damn devil
She gives her father an eyeroll before flashing him the biggest smile she could manage. Her father sighs and leans against the wall next to her, watching everyone have their fun. “I know this isn’t your ideal way of spending your time with your crew mates, but at least don’t waste this kind of moment” her father said fondly, smiling as he sees the birthday boy get his face smashed in a cake
Z scoffs and crosses her arm at her fathers remark. “This party is more of a waste of time than leaning on this wall. The Alters don’t give two shits if its someones birthday, they could come and ruin this place as we twiddle our thumbs and distract ourselves. As everyone does dumb shit, I still keep watch and protect everyone, even the “general” of the battalion is playing around like a child” She jabs at her father, earning a frown and grunt from him. “You clearly underestimate my soldiers” he huffs, crossing his arms and looking at her directly in the eye
“I have been fighting for years, as well as my most talented, hard working soldiers. We know better than to let our guard down at anytime, but constantly being tense and on guards throughout your entire life is straining. This distraction makes my men stronger, believe it or not-“ Z laughs at this. He can’t be serious, this bullshit is softening these bastards. Doesn’t he see it, every party or celebration they have between fighting is making them childish and nonsensical!! They barely made it out of their last due to a stupid plan they wanted to “try out”. They aren’t taking anything seriously anymore. All the seniors seem like babies now, and her father the biggest child out of all of them. Nothing about this is making them stronger
Z gets up from the wall and jabs her finger into her fathers chest. “Don’t make me fucking laugh, you guys have clearly lost your vigor ever since you started getting sentimental. Our whole battalion has been slacking and fighting like this is all a fucking joke! And YOU have the audacity to they they’re getting stronger, you’re the biggest problem they have right now. One day this shit you’re doing is gonna get you killed, dad. If this shit keep continuing, you’re gonna force my hand and I’m going to become the next General of this battalion!!” Her father stares at her for a few minutes, his expression hard and unclear. Z backs away from him a little, glaring at him to stand her ground. His silence is unnerving but she refuses to fold in front of him.
His expression suddenly shift to a wide grin, his eyes watering a little as his ruffles his daughters hair. Z swats his hand away, slightly confused and startled at the suddenly mood change. He sighs and rests his hand on her head.
“I’m glad to hear that hun, I know you will be a great General….” He says, his face going somber. “I need you to know something..come..come outside with me” he says, grabbing her hands and leading her away from the party. She obliges, instantly feeling hopeful. This has to be about her being General, this is her opportunity. She refused to lose a chance like this, especially since its being offered to her
They make it to the flower yard that was in the middle of the base and they sit down on a metal bench. Her father leans forward, biting his lip. He was nervous, he knows he shouldn’t be but he is. This isn’t the ideal way he wanted to break the news, but the opportunity was too perfect not to say it now. It’s only right she knows…
(I know I didn’t answer my prompt but i exceeded my limit 💀 sorry for the cliffhanger)
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