Shout out to XOXO,Zain for inspiring this. You did something very similar to this with the promot and your writings. So here is what I think my top 5 poems are.
**[Lonely together]**
The feeling grips at my chest,
Pulls on my heart,
Compresses my lungs,
Evelops me whole.
My mind body and soul,
a void of all emotion,
but sadness,
and loneliness .
The silence is so loud,
It hurts my head,
It leaves to much to the imagination .
I need a quiet silence.
One friend among all.
They say fish in the sea,
But not to me,
For I am one, in a lone tank.
I sit alone,
Reading a book,
Scrollinh a feed,
Listen to me scream.
I need a lover
Or a fighter.
I need a friend
Or a survivor.
Feel my heart beat,
Listen to my lungs breathe,
Watch my eyes blink,
We are human you and me.
I am one in the same,
Different though I may be.
Just a quirk,
Unfixable but lovable.
I cry with lights out,
Write until my hands bleed,
Shower with lava,
and stay up till 2.
I need a friend,
me and you?
But no there are others,
You would choose first
I never come second,
or even third.
Its the worst,
I am a last priority.
I get texts on my birthday,
from people who never reach out,
People who used to love me,
But now our friendship is a drought.
I wish to explore,
and immerse.
I wish to have so much joy,
I could burst!
But I sit alone,
Bored at home.
A lonely poet,
Don’t you know it?
But if you were my friend,
Would you leave me in the silence,
Or would you join me,
So we could be lonely together?
**[Crying over Birthday Cake]**
Crying over brithday cake,
sitting to my front.
One flickering candle.
Icing full of rot.
Number 14,
seven times two two times seven,
Two lonely numbers,
Does that mean I am alone?
Tears stream down my face,
Rivers a salty flow.
While the candle flame
shifts too and fro.
No party for me.
Lonely and boring:
describes me too a tee.
Friendless and lifeless as can be.
Just lunch,
some presents,
Maybe a song,
But I knew all along.
I planned it this way,
So why should I be sad?
Family is better than a party.
So I guess I should be glad.
Turning 14,
much older than before!
Seems so small,
which hurts all the more.
13 is gone,
a new year is born,
This year will be better,
I have sworn.
Crying over birthday cake,
This year we will see,
Will it be better?
Happy birthday to me.
**[Belivers Monster]**
Their imagination runnin wild,
Their Heart beats like a drum,
Thinkin answers,
no one else could.
Thinking bout’ adventure,
Something extraordinary ,
and new.
Dreamin wishin thinkin,
of something, someone,
Rainbows and animals,
flowers of glory.
But cries of the needy,
and helpless.
End never comes,
Peace never comes,
Always suffering.
Its a believers monster.
Funny how their happy
when they fight war in their brains.
Reading of kings and queens,
their splendid escapades ,
but their deaths,
and crimes,
one in the same.
Funny how they laugh
when they feel so trapped.
See the world behind their eyes,
and youll never go back.
Funny how they smile,
with tears in their eyes.
Dreaming of love at first sight,
kissing at midnight,
while seeing heartache,
‘n pain ‘n sorrow.
Funny how they love,
when they feel suffocated,
by their own lungs.
Playing out a story,
of success and achievement,
feelin the failure,
and disappointment,
Funny how they seem ok,
when they are stuck,
in their heads.
nothing to call it but one,
_Its a belivers monster_.
**[Poison Desire]**
Poison desire,
A brilliant broken flower.
Breathing wants.
Bledding needs.
An angel sighs at your greed.
A hug,
an eternal embrace.
Whispering words of wisdom,
like liquid fire on my lips.
An ocean of tears,
as you beg for forgiveness.
Your pleads a rythmic prayer.
You have been stripped of your identity,
Your are nothing but a naked soul,
in a broken body.
Day by day,
you crumble to dust,
devoured by life,
and your mistakes.
Surronded by reminders,
of your past.
You cant smile,
you cant cry,
you can only be.
Still and fragile,
as a porcelain doll.
Sat in a glass doored cupboard,
Looking down upon others,
with a look of shame.
Decaying away,
enveloped in regret,
you kiss your life goodbye,
as you fade into the clouds,
The sky your sister.
I still feel you in the breeze,
or in a gentle brush,
I still linger near your place,
longer than i should.
But i know you were a prisoner,
here on earth.
Though my heart throbs for you,
I will let you be,
A star in the universe.
Good luck,
my always and forever.
**[Monster in the mirror]**
You made me hate myself ,
Told me I was ugly,
Said I was annoying.
Your uttered words,
Leaving holes in my heart.
You spit daggers.
Shoved hate down my throat.
You tied me up in fear.
Made me question my will to live.
You made me hate my acne,
You made me hate my scars,
You made me hate my body,
You made me hate my heart,
You made me hate everything i had ever known.
So now I look in the mirror and I see a monster..
I see pictures and belive I am utterly repulsive
I see you and I shake,
I see you and I want to scream,
I see you and I want to cry.
Do you feel that?
Feel the walls closing in?
Do you feel that?
Feel my world falling apart?
Now when I hear my own voice I want to gag.
Now when I read my writing I am disappointed.
Now when I look at myself I feel ashamed .
You pushed me down a never ending hole,
And now I cant get out.
Do you hear that?
Hear my voice start to crack?
Do you hear that?
Hear my pained screams?
Now when I look deep inside to inspect my soul,
I see a peice of trash,
Kicked to the curb.
Now when I look at my face,
I wish for it to change.
I used to think I was pretty,
What the fuck is wrong with you?
You wanted me to die,
And I agreed for a time.
Was it just a thought?
Was it painful and awful to think?
Do you see that?
See the girl who hates herself?
Do you see that?
See the girl who cries?
You pushed me to the ground,
And I havent gotten up.
You are the monster in my life,
You are the demon in my path,
I hate you,
And I am not afraid to say it.
You created the monster in the mirror
Not me.
You hurt me. Caused deep scars.
Just leave me alone.
You can run and you can hide,
Because I have no will to find you,
Because you are the dirt on my shoes,
You are a paper straw,
Useless and flismy.
So leave,
and never return,
Dont hurt anyone else,
Nonone deserves this,
Not me,
Not you,
Not anyone,
Not anymore.
Do you hear me?
Go the fuck away.