Writing Prompt
Write a poem or short paragraph that contains a palindromic sentence.
A palindromic sentence can be read the same forwards or backwards. Only one of your lines needs to be a palindrome, so think carefully about how it will fit with the theme of your writing.
Water Fight.
Mr Simons rounded the corner of the corridor that led away from the class room he had been teaching in all day. The commotion from the group of year 9’s all shouting fight had dragged him away from the marking he had been doing at his desk. As he pushed open the double doors he was instantly greeted by a mass of students all with water balloons. Stepping back he narrowly missed one as it flew by him into the wall. A student came up from his right throwing a balloon in the direction the last one came from. The balloon hit the boy on the side of the head. “Now sir, a war is won.” Mr Simons smiled at that. The child reminded him of how he had been at that age. He stepped back, deciding for once not to be the teacher to stop the child having fun instead letting it go on just a little bit longer.
Time Is Money
Busy fingers clattering and populating trends. Money, money, money, wealth has no end. This particular day, many trades they had submit. All calculated and assessed to make a profit. However, one sneaky tycoon bore a hole in the ship. Their efforts undone and they would crack and tip. Are all trades set in completion? No, it is open on one position. 😮 Grab all the leverage and let us jump with a plan. Take that position and we will make it expand. This is not our end as we strive to survive. We must climb back up to keep this business alive.
Japanese Love 💗 Poetry By A Japanese Guy Named Akahito To His Secret Lover
“Suma no ama no
Shio yaki ginu no
Narenaba ka
Hito hi mo kimi wo
Wasurete omowamu
I wish I were close to you as the wet skirt of a salt girl to her body. I think of you always.”
To my love, Akihito
Akihito: “PS: A timeline of our romance for you: You and I against a rule, set for us by time. A marker drawn to show our end, etched into its line. The briefest moment shared with you- the longest on my mind.”
Author’s Note: Minasan ga watashinouta o kiniitte kuretara inoni
English Translation: Hope you guys liked my poem!
The Outdoors
"Maya, I want you to know three rules when going outside. Okay," I told the blue-eyed child. She was so eager to go outside, but I haven't been outside for years. I couldn't even recall what or how people acted. I'm kind of nervous myself.
"Yeah, but I wanna go outshide," she whined. I chuckled at her use of speech as I dressed her into a wool coat.
"Ok-ok. One, hold my hand. Two, stay next to me. And three, bad people, people bad."
"Bad people bad," she tried to repeat.
"Yes. Bad people bad. Now, we can go outside."
"Yay, I wanna go outshide!"
"Let's go outshide."
My Dream
My dream I find myself walking alone in the dense mist of a fog, I look over my shoulder trying to see behind me, looking around I can't see nothing but the mist of fog enclosing me in a blanket of silence. Then I hear the heavy breathing of something could it be a man or creature walking around me in the fog, I can sense the evil as fear grips me, what is out there I don't know, I do know it means me harm. The man/creature seems to surround me as I turn around and around trying to look into the fog. If I ran would I run into his arms to be killed, maim, tortured..the heavy breathing seems to be echoing through the fog, fear freezes me to where I stand, my heartbeat speeding up as I gasp for air.I can sense the man/creature circling me now getting closer I can almost feel his hot breath on my skin.. I wait for the hands/claws to snatch me and drag me into the evil where this man/creature lives...I hear a deep growl and I turn to look up to see a big form parting the fog and I'm lifted up into his strong arms, his voice soothes me ‘Kitten you're safe now’
I hear the gravelly voice of the man/creature in the fog “You'll not always be around to protect her.”
Palindrome Drive
I had been driving a while and the hours and the tiredness were creeping up on me. The road stretched in front of me; flat, endless, white striped and boring. I yawned and suddenly something moved in my peripheral vision!
Was it a car or a cat I saw?
Too quickly, my car sped ahead and I will never know.
No Title
I should have looked for a job I should have cleaned my home I should gone to buy food.
I didn’t need to hit the beach I didn’t need to take all those pictures I didn’t need to talk to gulls
I did, did I?
I did need the sea I did need the sand I did need the peace
A stressful last few weeks
A cleansing break of waves
A new beginning
Only You
You’re the apple of my eye. The cherry in my pie. My umbrella in the rain. You take away my pain.
You’re my light when I can’t see. You bring out the best in me. You’re the sun who warms my heart. I knew right from the start.
While I’m sleep you’re in my dreams. Everything is as it seems. In your arms I feel so safe. No, you can not be replaced.
You are you And I am me. We are us; it’s plain to see. It’s always you that I adore. Just me and you forevermore.